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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Randog


    Nice! :smoker: We were out there that weekend. J-lo drove by the "DDR camp" :mischevious:
  2. :ahhhhh: Have you seen a clutch that came out of my car? ALL our clutches are screamin' "Mutha Bitchezzzz.." :dance: Oh well :ahhhhh: :no_no:
  3. Wow Levi, That sucks. :jester: I'm glad you are doing better. Thanks to God, Dr.s and everyone who helped. I've broken my femur on a dirtbike and know that pain. I realize more than just the femur is hurt. outch. Hope DDR hasn't upset you in this post, I think everyone was just trying to figure out what happened. Hope you have a speedy recovery and we can see you out there again soon. R-
  4. I just Got: "Sorry, at this time, there is no match in our online database." I'm not even a person. Oh Well, at least I didn't owe anyone else. :jester:
  5. Yeah, That does look fun, Cars look awesome. anyone for a DDR race in those cars???? I'm just not so sure if I want to go to Mexico anymore. :rainbow1:
  6. Well I hope you make it out Nick. One question though: "How many bikes are you building?" Waiting for parts alot. I'm just wondering. --------------Mutha Bitchezzz--------------- Mutha Bitchezzz Mutha Bitchezzz --------------Mutha Bitchezzz--------------- Bored
  7. Wheelies are an Effin BLAST! That guy is just enjoying every $ he spent on his car. "Do what you enjoy and Enjoy what you do." Still can't wait for Prez Day! R-
  8. I'm in :fart: I'll be campin' with the regular homies, like usual. B) I'll definatly be :dance: and with DDR peeps. Maybe DDR will have a camp that trip. We'll have to ask Dunefreak. Thinkin' Thursday night. Can't wait either. R-
  9. Dude, That is effin trippin' me out. I was just tellin' my buddy Lou that same thing. We went this trip. came home Sunday and by Tuesday I was like WTF It seemed like two weeks. And it had only been two days. :monkeedance2: Mutha Bitchezzzz I wanna dune NOW!!
  10. Hey now, Shhh, That ain't public info Bro. :no_no: Well, we thought they were cool. :monkeedance2: Times change, so I guess now we think bald cul-d-sacs are cool.
  11. What's the problem? :smoker: She's HOT and she knows it. :argue:
  12. Now mike156739284 has an excellent point there
  13. Rick, I've owned a sandcar for about 17years. so here's my $.03 My first car was a VW beam front end and swing axle trans. I used to wash it with soap and the hose. then I'd blow it off with compressed air. I don't think this is the best way. water WILL get into areas and rust. . . So now, with the new car that I got a couple years ago, I got a new way of cleaning. 1. vac out the seats. 2. (outside) blow the car off with compressed air. 3. wipe it down with a damp towel. This will leave streaks for now its ok. 4. use a product by Turtle Wax called ICE. This stuff is awesome. Squirt it on a small terrycloth rag. Wipe it allover the car in sections. let it dry, and use a micro-fiber towel to polish it off. Wallllla, Should look good. sound like a lot of work? Well it is when you'd rather be BLOGGIN' on DDR. Good luck, R- Interested to hear others ideas.
  14. WTF--WTF I figured the camp with the most DDR peeps was the DDR camp. Plus the Prez was there. I seen him. I did I did. So there. :mc_smiley: aaaaFuggit ....Your right.....WTF
  15. Great weekend. Good to see everyone again and meet some new peeps too. Saturday was Awesome: Great weather. Awesomely fast dune run. ( although I didn't get to the DDR ride, I know, Pete already chewed me out for that ) THEN the sun went down: Pulled up at the hill to help with the pony keg :mc_smiley: Thanks someone for the beer. Had a blast there. Dan and I were last stragglers chillin', talkin' to some old dudes on those big wheel bikes. I thought we were hammered till those guys showed up. :mc_smiley: Then it was over to DDR camp. Thanks Craig and Tiff for the Jager Blasters cool peeps. The night flew-bye so fast. I wanted to chill at your campfire too with everyone. Sundays wind was a little hectic. We skipped our ride and just got out of there. I think Prez weekend will be our next, I'm lookin' forward to chillin' then. R-
  16. We're headin' out tomorrow (fri) 2:30 or so. Campin' with our regular group in our regular spot. By the tall hill on the finger nearest the dunes. Still lookin' forward to chillin' with DDR peeps even though we ain't campin' witch ya's. Gots to get back to wrenchin' :ahhhhh: Out R-
  17. AAAAAAA Biiiilllllll, WTF? Beat me up??? He ( Grimmace ) scored on that car. And he put 2.5 seasons on the new trans. He HAS got some tough love from it lately though. You may want to :ahhhhh: yourself a bit there bud. BTW, you guys going out this weekend? You know :ahhhhh:
  18. Awesome News Pete. God does Wonders, and helps us do them too. Hope she feels better soon. R-
  19. Pete, Hope your mom gets better soon. Totally understand, if you don't make it out. Keep us posted how she's doing. K Bud? Thanks R-
  20. Right-on Rick Sounds like you got a sweet set-up. Sounds fast too. I agree with the whole HOW YOU USE IT thing, that you were yellin'. Nothin' better than feelin' at ONE with your car. I was just curious about the HP, I know it doesn't totally matter. Hope we hook-up out there soon. R-
  21. Thanks Dave! It looks like it won't effect us at all. We'll see. I wish they'd just fix it already. I know.... Lets just send them more $ and see if that helps. On a better note: Dumont Rules And
  22. Anyone know what the deal with the 15fwy closure is about? :chev_bowtie: I heard it will be closed Jan 19th-22nd. :chev_bowtie: It is my path to Dumont. I need to look into it, but it don't look good for us in SoCal for this weekend. R-
  23. Imma check with the boys. If we have a super big group, you think we should just camp in our spot? We all had a blast camped with DDR the other time. :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever:
  24. Anyone notice ALL the Mutha Bitchezzzz coming out of the woodwork for the Prez? Lots of them. :dance: :dance: I want a shirt that reads: " I see Mutha Bitchezzzzzzzz :dance: " :yeah_whatever: That would rule :yeah_whatever:
  25. Hey Joe, What's 'crazy dave' doing that would make his VW 'NOT' stay together?
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