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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Very Nice. Can you say SPOILED? Clean ride...... Have fun
  2. Hey Roger, Is there alot of horses there in Road Apple Valley?
  3. Right on Heather. And Happy (early) B-day She got a Bansheeeeeeeeeeee
  4. I've had BFG A/T , TSL swampers, PJ Dirt Grips. Hands down my Toyo open country's are the bomb. (not Sobe style) MMMMMM K? B)
  5. Thanks Don. He's right peeps. I actually did that this last trip with my incorrect dated pass from the machine. The guy did give me the blue mirror pass. and its correct. I'm in-like-flinn
  6. His name is Stu. First trip on his car. He had a car years ago, but has been riding quads like a MoFo for a few years. I don't think he's a DDR member. Maybe he's too old? JK Stu. Yeah, We need to keep our fingers crossed FoSho :shocked2:
  7. Yeah, No doubt. I usually catch all the SHEIOT in the mornings. But, Pete drew the attention off me with the sleep-in thing. This last trip I just said "look, Pete's still out cold". Maybe a morning SOBE :redhat: BOMB will wake him.
  8. Right on Al, I'll find you, Fo Schizzzzzzzzzzzo :fro: The video is way cool. Makes me want to buy a camera BIG time. Or maybe we can film one on yours. Thanks for getting me in on it. C-ya at Ghost-run weekend. We're camping where we did the weekend of the video. R-
  9. I don't see a reason for them to be flying so close to the highrises anyways? They don't see us duning near them. So WTF
  10. Yeah, I put two 6volt Trojan batterys in my trailer a couple years ago. They're AWESOME I never worry about the charge anymore. I think it's the best way to go. It'll be interesting to hear others opinions. R-
  11. That car looks FUN. Cool you build your own.
  12. I dig on that. But I missed em' this time I make parts for the A-10 and others like F14 - F18, C130, F111 and more for the DOD. It's cool for me to see them in action. R-
  13. Looks crazy. Great FX. We'll have to wait.
  14. Randog and buddys are going to try "NOT TO ROLL" out there for Halloween. However we are planning to be there in our regular spot by the big hill on the first finger. We'll hook-up :DDR_rocks!:
  15. I'll talk to him (Stu) about his frig and see. Thank for the heads up. Yeah poor guy. Rough weekend. The rest of us had a total BLAST though. DDR entertainment Rocks :DDR_rocks!: R-
  16. Hey Rich, I think that was me. I remember following a guy on a quad and had a close call. Though, I saw the chain of events differently then you did, I don't want anyone getting hurt either. I apologize and hope it's all cool. R-
  17. I'll to that. Sounds like you got a sweet car there Rod. So, is your offer good for anyone???
  18. YEAH, What Pete said! ^^^^^^^^ Is that one of SU's Superlite Chassis??? I've always liked their cars. R-
  19. Hey Gerald, (not to be confused with Hey Arnold) Are you going to the dunes? My bro is going with his ( my old ) car. You could see the chassis mods. Or, did you do yours already? Just lettin' ya know. R- BTW 10th row center stage Oct 21 Irvine. IRON MAIDEN
  20. Grocery shopping at the liquor store. Get er Dun
  21. Funny you say that. Just receiently a friend started callin' me that. After partyin' at my pad. I think I've been called that by a few chicks in high school too. (not so receient) Sup Biz? R-
  22. Damn Yamakiller Nice AIR there. This guy is
  23. I hear you John, I had a $1300 mountain bike stolen from my parents house. This was like 12 years ago or so. I found out who it was, Bought the bike back from a gang. (I wouldn't be here today if I brought the cops there.) Four years after the fact, I ran into him in a bar and layed him out. So he threatened my truck. Mentally it was WAR. Bring it on PAL Nothing happened. I've actually ran into him a few times and he has done some growing up. He seems cool now, but not welcome around anything I or my friends own. No Mas!
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