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Everything posted by Randog
This sort of thing happened to me reciently. I purchased a pinball machine on Ebay. The listing said "LIKE NEW CONDITION". His pics were blurry. Now for a $3250.00 game that was built in 1995, I expect it to be pretty close to new condition. I spoke to the seller several times before the auction ended. He assured me condition would not be a problem. COOL right? I was at the river the next weekend, so I hauled the boat to Phoenix,Az. on my way back to SoCal ( 8 extra hour trip ) to pick up this clean machine. Well, Not so clean and I was PIST. The machine had broken parts in it and electrical problems too. Not to mention he could have at least wiped the outside grime off. The machine did have potential. Thank God I didn't have it shipped. I was kinda feeling obligated to myself to take the thing home after that drive. So,I offered a discount for myself and off I went with his headache. After hours, hours and parts the machine is very nice, and a keeper for my collection. I guess to sum up my story and my future purchases. I aint trustin' people like I used to. Get good pics or they can keep it. However, I'm sure I'll continue to learn this same lesson over and over. R-
DAMN, That sucker is going to ROAR. Front view pic looks bad a$$ already. mean lookin' chassis. 1300+HP :shocked2:
Ain't workin' for me either, and my hair is brown as CaCa. (what's left of it)
Hey Gerald, How did your motor and trans crack? Was it the way your chassis holds them? I had that problem with my blue VW car, remember? If it's the same situation, I got a great design. Let me know, I've been through it. R-
I'm definatly pullin' my trans to replace my clutch and pressure plate. I'm sure I'll have to turn my flywheel too. Like last year. Going to machine a new rack and pinion top plate with nylon plugs and set screws to take out play that drives me f*in nuts. Grafix....Well I'm thinkin' something would be nice. Especially because ALL the chumps I've been camping with are powdering their cars RED. I've got a front wheel that looks like I bout it from Fred Flinstone. I run tubes in my front tires so it does still hold air just fine. May, at least buy a spare to take. I might treat the car to a water wash. I've never washed it with water. I always just blow it off with compressed air then a wipe down with Quick detailer. Don't want rust. Hope that's it. R-
It's always feels good when you fab up something that works killer. Good job bud ! The only thing we need a guard on in the sand is our BEER Coolers. R-
There ain't no pill to help those withdrawals either. Just gotta wait it out. On the paddle thing: Dude that always gets me. It freaks me out. Loosing a tire is the last thing you want when the dunes are that sweet. Looking forward to another AWESOME sand season. R-
Try this Bud. www.eyeballeng.com R-
Really? Looks like it would be a blast Steveo. :freakin_nuts:
Hey DDR Peeps, Here are pics of my old car. I sold it to my Bro a couple years ago. He will be out with us this season. As you should be able to tell, I have pleanty of hours in this car ( in the machine shop ). I used to keep it at the shop and think of new billet parts daily. All the machining took place about 10 years ago. Please consider Inspirnetics for YOUR machining needs. Enjoy, R-
I get Excellent recept with my Verizon here in So Cal. I totally want one of those thin razr phones. I have to wait another year or shell out $300. F that, I'll wait. That's a half drum of 111 octane. Ya know what I'm sayin'
Only when I'm PIMPIN' :redhat: Note the custom graffix. Pete hooked me up with this sweet ride. Hauls the toys too.
Nice car there DUNEDEMON :mc_smiley: You're going to LOVE that motor/turbo combo. What are you setting the boost at? Have you done anything to the motor? Sorry, I can't make it out there for a while. I need to pull my trans for a clutch job, Etc. Have fun and be safe. R-
Nice car Scott. I know the scare story oh so well. Mine's only two seats so she doesn't even want to go unless I PROMISE not to get nuts. Tough one to keep. I really do try. Enjoy the ride! R-
WTF? Maybe the Sillouette guy lives where there is an abundance of fine chicks and he's friggin' :shocked2: . Because we know that for sure....IDDIOT R-
True dat JJ. I know about the lifted front leaf spring trucks. I had a 93' F250 10"lift with 38" swampers. The front spring shackles were in the front. And the springs had a positive arch. That was really rough. That's the reason I bout the 05'. The coils in the front. I'm just going for the softest ride for a truck without linkin' it with coils in the rear. I know that would do the trick. R-
Dude, I'm rollin' like 16 of you mo-foes Right NOW. :fro: :huh: Now THAT's the $hizzzzzzznik. Think anyone could find my camp ????? Thanks Bro. That's cool stuff right there. R-
Yah, we should probably think safety here. before Check out the photo if you think I'm too worried about safety. Aluminum blocks on TOP and bottom of leafs. Just temp till the right size u-bolts come in. Oh, the rust.... I just put the ladder bars on reciently. However I think JJ WAS talking about the rear of his truck. Didn't your Chevy have coils in the front? So said you did get a smooth ride on just the bags. What air pressure did you have in them? What if I set the truck up with the rear saggin' about an inch (remove all blocks) and use the bags to lift it back up the inch, Do you think that would be like you were talking about JJ? Note I replaced the bottom three leafs with straight ones for a smoother ride already. The ladder bars definately help control the axle movement very well. R-
Thank you all for the feedback. Hey Nick, I did get rid of the overload spring when I put the Deaver set on it. Do you think the bags will stiffen the ride when not towing? Even at 10lbs. Since My thought is to get the truck up off the leafs, I think a reasonable question is: What is the progressive resistance rate of the bags compared to the leafs? I think if the bags don't get as stiff as fast it would leave me a softer ride. If the bags get stiffer sooner than the ride will also get stiffer. Am I thinking too much again. ..........Typical!! I guess I could just Get-er-Done and find out. R-
I'm looking for some technical help here. I have an 05' super duty Ford. Coil front springs (nice ride). Leaf rear springs (not so nice). I've lifted the truck 7 inches. Put Deaver springs on the rear (no blocks), to limit axle wrap. The springs stiffened the ride, so I replaced the bottom three leafs with flat ones. This softened the ride but gave me axle wrap again. So, I put ladder bars on it. No more wrap. However I still want a smother ride. I was told if I put airbags on it, that will help the ride by getting the truck up off the springs, if I use the bags to lift the truck about an inch in the rear. Does anyone think this is true? What do you think? Thanks, R-
That is a cool shot. Great work Dave. R-
I can't think of anything to use flowers for. My paddles just slip on flowers. Jk, Not into them myself. Five gallons of race fuel would be the hook up. R-
True Dat ... Nick ... True Dat I just wanna be a 'Dune Shreader :smiley: 'someday, But for now I'm just a duner . Hey Jon, Would you have gotten that if your dad wasn't a hard rocker? If YES then ' That a Boy!' If No then ' Props to Pops!' R- By the way Gerold, You down for Maiden when they come out? We got a group wanting to go.
I Wanna ROCK The only Twisted answer I came up with. Or.. it was my Sister's answer. Oh, I don't have a sister. Actually it was 'Uncle Dee'. R-
I got a little story, About 2.5 years ago I thought I was a bad a$$ too. At El Mirage dry lake bed, about 100deg, 70mph, I nailed a whoop that sent me over the bars of an 82' Honda XR200R with a blown rear shock. Idiot! About two hours later I was air lifted to Arrowhead hospital where I got some titanium, right through the femur. Fun stuff. Thank God I didn’t need a cast. never had one and I'm terrified of em. Check out the pic of the x-ray. R-