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Everything posted by Randog

  1. This car is gonna be badazzzzzzzz. :foshizz: It's how Bert rolls right there. I'm figuring 'No shortcuts'. BTW: You gonna drive it like you drive your R/C car mANg? Keep the pics rollin' for us. R-
  2. Looks to be in great shape. Bent frame is no biggie, Use a bottle jack and a 4x4 to straighten it. I learned that from Jeremy. I owe him some overalls. I got a plastic tank on one of mine. Won't dent or rust. Tonight I got the majority of my 84' Z50 together. :ahhhhh: Keep-oooooon-a-wrenchin' R- BTW....... Yer HOOKED! :atc: :atc: :atc:
  3. Well, If you've ever dealt with the DMV then you should know the answer. Last year I registered my ATC70 and had no title, I had to take it to the DMV for a visual inspection. Fill out several forms. turn in the bill of sale, etc. It actually wasn't too bad once I convinced the lady that it IS a motorcycle. That took about 10 minutes cuz she didn't think it was a CYCLE. I was like ummmm 'All Terrain Cycle' lady Most important thing is be sure it's not HOT (stolen). Do what you can to get the seller to write up a guaranteed refund if it gets confiscated during titling. Good luck, R- :atc:
  4. Looks sweet Frizzz! And a lot stronger foe schizzz. It'll look factory after Ken gets a hold of it. :foshizz: R-
  5. LOL, Ohhh Snap! ^^^ Happy Birthday B-Pizzzle Gizzzle! Enjoy ur day bro, Jiah! R-
  6. You guys nailed it. Good $ back then on film. BCBC. This thread was posta be bout the trailer. .........
  7. Hey Phil, Cant help you with anyone that can do the conversion, but here's an example and some ideas on how to get it done. Check out my build... R- my conversion link <<< click.
  8. I've wanted to share this build for some time now. Doghouse (Phil) reminded me with his desire to convert a cargo trailer to a toy hauler. Back in the day (92') I bought this used 16' Dico enclosed trailer for the dunes. Shortly after I purchased a cab-over camper just to rip the guts outta it. From the camper I got the Frig, sink, stove, hood, water tank and pump, lights, table, converter, etc. With a few hours of thought and a few hours of build I had a dune home that my 'little blue dune buggy' fit into. I actually thought I'd have this thing forever. Check out these progress pics. Sorry the quality of the pics are bad. It really was beautiful inside. Oh and YES, I used to have plenty of hair. :B R-
  9. This is very sad. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. :praying: RIP Eddie. R-
  10. I'm really lookin' forward to that. I'll just have Whitney do it while I go out for drinks at the bar.
  11. Hellzzz Jiah! That is the plan Bro. Your 'roll in' time sounds good to me. Really cool of the GD guys for welcoming us to their Regatta too. Lookin forward to it foe schizzz. :atc: R-
  12. :foshizz::foshizz::foshizz: mmmmmmmANg!
  13. Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is-- I have no bad news. The bad news is--- I have no news at all. On a serious note: I ordered 10 tubes. I'm keepin' 4. Krusty wanted 3. Mike wants 4. Terry wants 354. That's a total of 365 tubes. Just talked to Krusty and he said he'll just take 2 if you guys want more. That leaves 4 tubes for Mike. And if Mike wants to share with Terry then they might both be happy in the long run. :drunks: I'll leave that up to you guys. I think you need less than 2 tubes to do a complete CV service. I will send the 4 tubes to Dumont with KRUSTY this weekend. FYI To order a minimum 10 tubes: Here's the # to SteelCo. 219-462-0333, talk to Jim (cool peeps) $120.00 a case of 10 tubes. Shipping included. Steelco 488-1 red crown lubricant. R-
  14. I took Bert's advise and ordered the minimum quantity from the manufacture. I just got my case of 10 tubes today. I only want 4 tubes for myself. I'm selling the rest for $12 a tube (my cost). Are you interested in any tubes Mike? I could have Krusty bring them to D this weekend if you're interested???? Thanks Bert for the heads up. :porn: Good to know 'Sand Snake' and 'The Frizzz' stand by it too. R-
  15. Update on Grimdog, He's coming home today to stay. The insurance is cutting back and don't wanna pay for the hospital anymore. That's ok though cuz he's doing great. He's getting feeling back in many areas. He can now move his left foot left to right. He's been walking with ski poles for a week now. His walk is smooth too. His attitude is still awesome. Holy chit he's a fuggin' crack up still. Dr.s said his progress is outstanding. He has driven several time in the cars with hand controls. He will still be going to the hospital for therapy a few times a week. It's such a great feeling knowing that he is healing like this. Welcome home Bro! R-
  16. Hope this is a short turnaround for you Dallas. Come-on buddy, We're all still pullin' for you. R-
  17. Yep! Poule in da house! We all enjoyed having you GD guys with us for the Regatta too. That's way cool of you Dunefreak. as usual. <<< So, What the hay is he doin' and sayin'? Or do I ask? R-
  18. What an awesome Regatta. We had a total blast. And Yes, Pete and his staff did an killer job. :shout: Ragdoll on the mic again. PainterJoe's 50/50 drinks every night till 2am. :drunk2: Whoaaa It was great seein' everyone again and meeting more DDR members. AND GD.com guys too! Damn you guys got some sik-azz fast trikes. Big huge THANKS for all your hard work Dunefreak. We don't call you "The Frizzz" for nothin' mANg. Can't wait for the 3rd. :flatbiller: R-
  19. Awesome! He's gonna heal right up with that determination. Congrats on the progress. R-
  20. Sucks Aaron. No prob on giving the parts to Brian. Any specific Brian in mind? Hopefully something will change so you can make it out. Got two days ya know???? Thanks for the orders mANg, R-
  21. Alright Alright. Just run these flush jobbies where you need them then. They work great for me. You can get them at most RV or trailer parts supply. Or check EBAY. Here's a lead.... EBAY<<< click this one. Good luck Tank, R-
  22. Call Car Craft in Riverside, Ca. If someone knows, it's them. I would think. www.carcraftinc.com <<< click it yO. R-
  23. Awesome Eddy, Thanks for the orders. 1) The stock hardware will work fine. The bracket is only .125 thick. No need to buy longer bolts. 2) I'm not sure if the bracket will fit the TRX70. I will look into it. :foshizz: Thanks, R-
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