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Everything posted by A-A-Ron

  1. Kraut_n_Rice from the Glamis site is helping me with that. They say he's the best!
  2. KEP recommended the 228 with a 3 pad disc and a stage 2 pressure plate. I have had others recommend the 228mm (9 inch) 6-pad disc with "stage 3" pressure plate.
  3. Im building that 2 seat buggy with the Honda 3.5 and a 091 trans. What size clutch do i want to use a 200mm or the 228mm?
  4. Today I made some progress on the engine up-grade for my buggy. I picked this engine up in Phoenix, it's from a 2003 Honda Odyssey with 60,000 miles on it. I was able to get the engine as shown with a power steering pump and an alternator for $900.00. The engine weighs in at 380lbs with the pallet.
  5. OK, well we have decided to have Don (dons bus box) build the trans to the max and go for a Honda 3.5. The engine, wiring harness and ECU acquisition have been put in capable hands, so I can focus on the fabrication work and gathering the rest of the parts to complete the job. We are planning to start the up-grade in February and are currently doing our research on cooling systems. Wish us luck.......
  6. We are in the planning process of installing a Honda 3.5 on our VW powered car. We have a budget of 3K, and will be starting sometime in February.
  7. Thanks for the feedback guys! So who can I talk to about building a trans for me in Arizona?
  8. Here's a picture of our 2 seat car that currently has a 2000cc VW engine and a 091 stock trans. Eventually we want to put an A-arm front end on it, build up the trans, and get a Honda 3.5 engine. I'm looking for some advice, can the 091 Trans hold up under the power and torque of the Honda 3.5? Thanks
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