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r8r family

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Everything posted by r8r family

  1. Nice job my firend! Got a big old sand stiffy now.
  2. As an owner of a Teryx and someone who has put a few hours behind the wheel of the "S" I would absolutely recommend the rzr s. The only advantage the Teryx has is the ability to make a four seat set up for which it is convenient for my family. For duning capibility the rzr s far exceeds the Teryx.
  3. Upset we missed the poker run but was able to make a day trip on Sunday. Great weather and had sand like glass all too ourselves for most of the day. I noticed an excessive amount of trash yesterday specifically around #8. People need to pick up thier chit! Lots of blue tarps, broken pop ups, trash bags, boxes WTF! Some peoples kids. I doubt anybody here did this but damn pigs need to pick up after themsleves. There was to much crap to even fit on my trailer to remove it for the lazy effers. Anyway im done pissing and moaning but if you leave trash like that behind leave your trashy at home.
  4. I have an 06 Thor Vortex Viper They rate it as a 30' but the actual box is closer to 29. Might be too big? Always looking to go bigger.
  5. Thats our camp right next to you guys up against the fence. The loud people with all the midgets on quads all weekend. The weather was perfect for relaxing and a little riding. Took the kids on a ride to check out the dinosaur tracks here's some picks. The trail to see the tracks. Dead Cow Sweet? Great weekend.
  6. We're puttin 4 in the pink this weekend as well. Find the silver and black flyin swing in and say wuzzzup!
  7. Love my Teryx. I have an 09 Raptor 700 that sits in camp unless i feel the need to act 20 years old again. As everyone tells me act your age roll with a cage! The Teryx dunes nicely since i added the Scats. Has room for the family on those "togetherness" rides out to the North Pole etc.. I'm working over the old lady tryin to get her to agree to picking up a RZR S this off season cuz i love those things . They dune incredible (for a SXS). Until then i'm good. Hey freak does that thing have a dump bed like mine?
  8. Nice job bro. I got a big old sand stiffy now thanks.
  9. Some peoples kids. What a waste of time and money.
  10. Thats what it's all about bro. Not a better feelin in the world than seeing the little ones havin a good time.
  11. Thanks for the pub! Sorry bout your choice of teams though. JK!
  12. Nice pic of my ride whoever took it? Too bad there's a squatter riding shotgun!
  13. Just glad i could keep the camp entertained. Hi i'm Johnny Dumont welcome to jackass neer neer neer! Thanks for the help bro. As long as i can swing my golf clubs by Saturday and my wifes done being pissed by then its all good. Tall order I know.
  14. Here's some picks of the aftermath. Compare the difference between the tires and the top of the dunes in our camp showa you how much sand ended up in camp.
  15. F'n wicked wind . Stayed in the hauler and watched movies with the little ones. Had to reset the jacks on the trailer 3 times, each time i had about 4" of daylight under each pad. Woke up Sunday and spent a good two hours cleanin up and diggin the 6 to 8 inches of sand from on top of my carpet and anything else that was subject to the sandblasting, sand toys, dogs you name it. The hauler was full of sand my butt was full of sand (dont ask) the quads were buried it was nasty. But we're all still kickin.
  16. Great clean up activities. My little midgets learned a good lesson about cleaning up after yourself and keeping the dunes in good shape for all to enjoy. Want to thank FODD for the festivities and all the vendors for their donations. We took some pretty cool stuff home which really fired the kids up. Hit up the dunes pretty good after clean up but the wind started picking up a bit about 4 :ahhhhh: so we kicked it all night. I pretty much sat in the trailer and watched movies with the little ones while the drunk :cheesebong: portion of camp rocked another trailer all night. Woke up Sunday to the entire camp buried in anywhere form 8" to 18" in sand. The kids joked that we had comp in the middle of our camp. Got up and started doin a little jumping off the finger near camp. Just then i got big balls and tried some Pastrana type sh*t (just not as skilled ,over weight and semi retarded) flew over the bike, and lawn darted head first into the sand. But i was able to catch my Rappys fall with my upper back though so not much damage to the bike. Took me about 30 minutes to get my head straight and remember what happened. Other than some really bad scrapes and bruises and not being able to whipe with my right hand as of now i think all will be good in time. Oh! and my wifey being super pissed Stayed until Monday which really sucked cause the weather was pefect the sand was smooth and i was a big bowl of non riding crippled jello. Took some time to load up do to my "condition" but had some good help from camp mates to get everything loaded. Other than my special olympics Raptor riding all was great. Thanks again FODD, BLM and the numerous sponsors for the hospitality.
  17. Amen brother! I want these places to be there for my kids and their kids to enjoy later in life. Thats why people like this, especially someone who uses Dumont as an avenue to run a business should know better and be an example not just another a$$ monkey f'n it up for all involved wether it be driving home or duning. Can't say it enough what a jack a$$!
  18. The copy of the incident report got posted on the shroomed out poop dumpers site by some nameless barefoot guy with a green rail (nice job by the way). They deleted the thread within an hour or so. Fuggin shroomedoutcrapdroppers.com. Hah! Idiot. :poop:
  19. As usual a couple lazy disrespectful d*ck heads have to f up something that we all can enjoy with friends and family. Similar to Glamis everyone has to deal with getting F'd with for every chicken s thing due to pure loser, lazy, f*ck heads. I bet Mr. 50 Cal does some bad azz fab work all shroomed out. What a responsible business owner. Yep headin right down there to get some fab work done? What a piece of dog chit!
  20. http://www.kingofthehammers.com/ Peep the website. Nuts.
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