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Everything posted by iweb

  1. My son moved to Phoenix and is having a hard time selling his house in Vegas, 2 or 3 rooms have dark walls so he wants to paint them white to help the sale. Anyone know of a reilable painter that can give him a deal?
  2. What kind of spray in bed liner and prices for red up over rails?
  3. We looked at some on a lot Sunday and the blind spot is the problem, wife says no way and she doesn't like the dash, says it looks like a tractor. Hmmm. I think a Chrysler Aspen is in order now, just have to work a fleet guy I know to get the payment down to my thinking. NO PROBLEM!
  4. iweb


    Had Apple Bee ribs today for lunch, screwed up and had the baby back instead of riblets so they were so so. Had beer can chicken at my son's place in Phoenix a couple of weeks ago and it was awsome, used a rub and injection and wow. Crap now I am hungry again.
  5. Good info here guys, thanks. Now all I need to do is find a suv that will have the same payment as the mini van!
  6. I am looking at the FJ for the wife, anyone have one or know of someone that does? Likes and dislikes? How about a Yota connection like a fleet dude?
  7. From Pahrump on Hwy 160 turn leftt on El Capitan and its the first houses on the left but no RV parking, unless they have it someplace else in the subdivision.
  8. I took my 700 Sportsman all over Dumont and now I have an 800 which is twice as fast as the 700 but I have not taken it to Dumont yet so should be good to go.
  9. Don't know if it can be subdivided or not but the back of the lot is pretty steep and access would have to be from the top but it would have an awesome view. Property is very hot up there, very little dirt and lots of buyers. I watch the RE agents websites and they have very few listings. If my rental property in Pahrump would sell then I could pay off the Utah property and use it for my retirement summer home as was the plan when I bought it. My son moved to Phoenix and has a house in Vegas by Hwy 160 and Durango for sale for way under value and can't sell it so he is making 2 house payments and is in a bind too.
  10. I don't know this guy or anything about it, saw it and thought someone here would be interested. Store your motorhome or rv on my property. you will have 24 hour access. safe area. I can keep up to 40 footer. 2.50 per foot. 702-510-5121
  11. The payment is killing me and some things didn't come together like I wanted so I could pay it off. It is a sweet lot as there are very few on the Mtn. that are over .5 ac and no one can build close to the cabin site. A builder told me to never sell it, it will keep going up in value faster that other lots just because of it being unique in size. I actually hope it doesn't sell!
  12. I have a stock 06 Camo 660 with digital dash for $10,000 since thats what I owe.
  13. One of (4) 2.597 ac lots in Unit 4 at Swains Creek Pines subdivision in Duck Creek, Utah. Has public water, power, water storage tank, small shed, 3 spots to park RV's, circular drive. Fish in the community pond and you don't need a fishing license. Most lots in Swains Creek are .5 ac and sell for $80,000 to $100,000. Public water assessment has been paid. Lot 2 Unit 4 with frontage on 2 roads, beautiful cabin site overlooking meadow, big trees, no septic system. Click on this link for pics: http://www.iweb2.com/utah.htm $350,500 cash no carry and not interested in listing.
  14. Wife and I got 10 bags turned in plus a burned out easy chair, not bad for 2 old people in that heat. Had a tire blow out on the way out on the camper and one blew on the way back to make it interesting. What amazed me was that we could go down a wash behind 4 people cleaning and pick up trash behind them, it just depends on what direction you are running so you can see trash that others didn't see from their angle. I also have to say that Budd Light won hands down on being the most popular empty cans at Dumont!
  15. My 5 ac has water/sewer/elec for the hauler and big turn around! I am in Phoenix this weekend visting and I really want to go see ahsumtoy and drool over his paved driveway and nice hauler. BTW you have some serious traffic in his town!
  16. I had the same problem taking my hauler to Utah and it sat there all summer while I talked to dealers and repairman that had outrageous prices and they all told me that campers do not have 16" centers on studs so its a hard repair. When it was time to take it home for the winter I was forced to do my thing. Studs were 16" on center so I used sheetrock screws to screw it down and then put on white caulk to hide the screws and holes where I missed a stud. Very easy to do. I have had it in some heavy winds and its holding fine. If you can't find the studs, go inside the camper and you should see staples on the paneling, simpy measure between them to get stud centers and distance from window, etc.
  17. Call Doug Norston at the dealership on Sahara at Decatur, he is fleet and you miss all the car salesman BS, I did my deal over the phone including my trade in price and went over and took about 30 minutes to do everything. He will do invoice less rebates and again no BS, no "I have to talk to the manager" he does it all. If he doesn't have what you want in stock he can dealer trade and get whatever. Tell him Jerry frsom Pahrump' Valley Electric sent you, our employees have been buying from him for years.
  18. If you want to race up comp get the Raptor 700, if you want to dune the best quad is the Kawasaki KFX 700! I just happen to have one for sale with sand tires and ready to go!
  19. Never heard of the factory doing a lift, I think the dealer is doing it and charging dble what you can get it done for elsewhere. I went to Victorville Friday and at 65 mph to Baker I was getting 21.9 mpg, at 80 or so on I-15 it went down to 19.8 mpg and towing my 32' toyhauler I get 13-14 mpg with an automatic in srw 3500 2005 4x4 so I think thats pretty darn good. BTW, don't get the hemi, bad gas mileage and gutless compared to a cummins.
  20. Mine used to barely fit then I installed a roof and it was too high so I just have the wife sit in the back of the Rhino when I load and unload! Her new name is ballast.
  21. I was really into a couple of years ago and got bored with the easy ones, just drive up get out of truck and there it was. A friend and I got to putting them out for just each other and we had to use quads, no trucks allowed. After he wrecked his quad and we both used up a buttload of fuel we gave up on that and put out a quad cache called Juevos on the web, only one guy found it in 2 years so we pulled that off the web. Its alot of fun and the wife and I found all of them at Dumont last year. I use my gps for geocaching, hunting, and I always carry it when in the Rhino or on quads here and in Utah. http://www.geocaching.com/
  22. What about gray haired grumpy old people in a farm camo stock Rhino? Would I be alone?
  23. A guy on BRP just posted that they are the same bolt pattern but I too wonder about the offset.
  24. Barneycar do you own a place down there? Is it true that everyone now need a passport to get back across the border?
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