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Everything posted by iweb

  1. I am using my old computer with Win 98 and its slower than crap so pls help. My other computer was working fine until the other day and it would not dial up, said it could not find a dial tone. I plugged a phone into the line and it works, hook up the old computer and it goes right online, I tried another used modem and it does the same, moved the modem to another slot and the same. When I try to go online the modem makes a quick click and then no more noise. When I go to device manager two windows come up that say something like Microsoft console, not device manager so I can't try that. I have Win XP pro, so any ideas on how to turn on the modem and how to get the device manager to work?
  2. Ok, got the new camo Rhino this weekend and since its the first time that I have been in one I have lots of questions. Book says gear box oil takes 80W GL4 and the local dealer said they don't even make that after looking in his book so he sold me Yamaha 80W-90 GL-4,GL-5 shaft drive gear oil, is that what you guys use? This thing has alot of noises and one is a bad vibration at 5-8 mph, is this normal? It acts like the rear end is binding up in a sharp turn taking off, ok? The rear end is so hot after a ride it burns my fingers, ok? The vent thing behind the shifter shoots out air, normal? Twice out of a bazillion times it bogged out and wouldn't hardley pull up a steep hill in the subdivision, what would cause this? If I feathered the gas pedal it would run better but not good until I got to the top. Where do you all get your bling like roof, mirrors, wheels, etc? Know of any used take off stuff for sale? Thanks and I will have more questions as I can remember them.
  3. Thanks, I am having computer issues anyways.
  4. Just me or has Race dezert.com ads been offline for a couple of days?
  5. But it will fit with the taigate down?
  6. BLM, USFS, or gps topo maps will show wheeler spring and 2 roads going up into the mtns from Pahrump and they are both called wheeler rd or wheeler pass road and they y into each other up the hill. If you find wheeler pass the road from there to Pahrump will go by wheeler spring or as the locals call it, the horse trough.
  7. Good camp spot is by Wheeler Spring on the map, we have taken 32' toyhaulers up there many times. It is way cooler and has nice trees and lots of road/trail riding. If you go past the spring there is a 3-4 mile long jeep trail that pops out above Indian Springs. Some spots are washed out but that makes it fun. If you are a geocache freak we put out a cache there called Juevos well over a year ago and so far only one guy on a dirtbike found it, wrecked twice and burnt his leg on his exhaust.
  8. iweb


    I put the thread: Ever Ride The River Trail At Dumont? to the top to answer your question.
  9. Got the folder to change and it still won't work.
  10. Ok guru dudes, I went into My Network Places and clicked on my website. I noticed the folder of the problem webpage that I was trying to publish was different looking than the other webpages so I did a properties and the problem webpage is a HTML document and the other webpages are MS FP HTML documents. I did a test and uploaded a pic on a MS FP HTML document webpage and it published just fine. How do I change the problem webpage to the right kind??
  11. Windows firewall is off, I turned off Panda too and have the same problems. I went to file, publish, and don't see any place to check passive FTP, where is it? I also looked in all the tools, options, etc. When I tried to upload with the publish instead of clicking on the save button I got a message that the destination cannot be the same as the open page. Whats that?
  12. I can open my website just fine, just can't upload/publish pics, it will upload text fine but "server timed out" with even just one pic added to upload.
  13. Holy crap you owe me $20 or a sammy! Really I don't know what sharepoint is, I have been doing the same publish since 1998. I open the website in IE, click on the FP button and it opens, I put in user name and password and the web downloads and then I make any changes and click the save button on the tool bar and it would upload or publish live or whatever term is correct. I even tried the publish thing yesterday and it did the same. Now, when I had to load XP, I also had to reload FP which came in Office so both are new and I think this is the first time I have worked on my website since.
  14. My log in to open my website says connecting to : virtualweb3.ttlvhost.net. I don't remember that saying that website before, I thought it just said log in without saying the connecting part. How do I check settings in FP? I just looked at everything I could find and don't see that????
  15. Now I don't get the server timed out but I get this from MS FrontPage: An error occured accessing your FrontPage web files. Authors - if authoring against a web server, please contact the webmaster for this server's site. Webmasters - please see the servers system log for more details. Is the server my website host or FrontPage or what? This is an email from my web host: Just as a test, we reinstalled your FP extensions and adjusted your permissions to the maximum allowed to see if that would have any affect with the new settings on your end.
  16. I have used FrontPage since 98 and now have the newest version which was working fine. I "upgraded" Win 2K to EP Pro and now I can't publish to my website. It says server timed out. I was loading pics like always so I deleted all but one and the text uploaded but not the one pic. I publish live, do the changes and then hit my save button and it used to upload fine, now won't. Emailed my host and they said they have not changed anything on their end. After trying to upload 3 times and getting the timed out thing, I get something that says if you are uploading to a web server you need to contact the administrator. I assume I loaded a web server or something with XP that is causing this? Any ideas and how do I "turn off" a web server? Thanks.
  17. Barneycar were you camped by the guy with the new orange LT that you took pics of? I was in that camp with the red dodge pulling a 32' toyhauler and had 2 KFX 700 quads. You the bongo player?
  18. I have 2 KFX 700 bikes and I get all my info there, they know what works and what does not! I did a Bartlett modd on my stock muffler and it sounds like a Muzzy.
  19. Go here and get all the info you need. http://www.kawieriders.com/
  20. Cool pics and thanks for the info. We are thinking of taking the Sportsman 700 with a trailer and the KFX 700 with knobbies to the clean up and then trying out this trail. Looks like fun.
  21. We are thinking of riding the Amargosa River quad trail at Dumont. Anyone been there, is it well marked, and any online maps showing the trail?
  22. Sweeeet ride! Are you the group camped next to us that had the big stacker trailer and the Dad has the "old" rail like yours with less hp? We walked over and drooled while you were unloading?????
  23. Yea I just don't know where to find them. I need to put up some good fence and have a buttload of gravel hauled first then its off to find insurance.
  24. It can go both ways, last year a friends son wrecked out at Dumont and broke his back, had a nice chopper ride into Vegas. They did not have insurance so I got on all the atv and dune sites I could find asking for donations and there was even a bank account set up for them. 90% of the replys were negative remarks saying it was a scam or the kid was too young or the family was stupid for not having insurance. The 10% that said they would help never did, not a single person donated. Thank God the boy healed and just had to wear a body cast and is now ok and the family is making payments on over $80K in bills. Back when it happened it looked like the boy would never walk. So, if this story is legit I say help out whatever you can but like others suggest, check it out first. I offered to have people visit my friends in the hopital but no one would take me up.
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