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Everything posted by iweb

  1. What paddles did you get and pics would be nice.
  2. Who is the ole timer, maybe I know him since I am one too! How many vendors are out there? Love the updates!
  3. Yep hot and cold and I don't think the tubs/showers have a cartridge? This is more of a trivia question, I will figure it out when I dig into it but I still don't see how this could happen and one faucet blew out air for a couple of seconds and then the back bathroom sink shot out water in both hot and cold for about 10 seconds and then both quit?
  4. And it wouldn't affect the other sinks and tubs. BUT I am going to hit it this weekend and do as I know I have to and start at the source and work my way thru the house. Kinda like I know how to do electric. Now, someone fix my chain saw and I will cut down a dead tree while I am there!
  5. FED EX sucks, they delivered a pkg to someone else in Pahrump that even signed for it which of course is not my address or name. So we check with shipper and they say it was delivered and check with FED EX and they say only the shipper can file a complaint to see what happened. We were lucky that the shipper shipped another pkg over night which we got ok, oh and a week later after the big rain we found the original pkg on our back step that we never use and the pkg was soaked and ruined.
  6. I will do that check but holy crap batman, 3 sinks and 2 bath tubs all going bad at the same time?
  7. New gas cap, I "think" I got it cleaned good and yep its been quite a week!
  8. My Stihl 038 AV would not start so I pulled the carb and cleaned it real good, still no go so I pulled off the fuel line and tried to blow air thru it, was plugged so I used carb cleaner and wire and got it free. It will kinda start if I shoot carb cleaner or staring fluid in the carb but then bogs out and dies. Musta pulled that sucker a bazillion times and still the same. Now what? Need to get her running so I can cut down some more trees at the mobile that has the freaking water faucet problems.
  9. Did not winterize it, did check under house for leaks and none, did even take off the screen on the faucets and still didn't work. Once I tried a bathroom sink and water came out the hot for about 10 seconds and quit so I turned on cold and water came out for about 10 seconds and quit and when I turn on the kitchen sink a little bit of water runs out of the base of the faucet but nothing out of the spout and no air, no nothing. I can understand the line freezing coming into the house and nothing working but I don't get 2 toilets having water and nothing else having water and then the sink working for 10 seconds??? People used toilets all day from 8 AM to 5 PM and nothing else worked except the outside faucet.
  10. I have an older dble wide mobile home and its been empty for a year so I just had the power turned on and I have a problem. Its been 21 degrees at night and high 40's during the day and no heat in the house as the furnace is propane and no tank is there. Sat. morning I go over and turn on all the breakers and check for fire, water leaks, etc. It has 2 bathrooms and both toilets flush and refill fine, did both 3 or 4 times. When I opened the faucets in one bathroom, it blew out air for a couple of seconds but no water. There is no water coming out of any sink or bath tub in the house. I checked all the valves under the sinks and they are open. Faucet outside works fine. Yesterday same thing, toilets have water and no sinks or bath tubs have water plus I was there all day and it warmed up to the 50's and still same problem. I can see under the trailer and no water is running from broken pipes. Any ideas? BTW everything was working in the house last year when it was rented out.
  11. Yea I'm with ISBB, buy the 87!
  12. After alot of research I got the Yamaha EF 2400 iS, its an inverter that was designed for RV's with a single a/c unit. Works great, I can run the a/c and the microwave at the same time and its light enough to pick up and move around. The guru's say to get an inverter if you are going to use computers and electronics, something about the sign wave and all. http://www.yamaha-motor.com/outdoor/produc...475/0/home.aspx
  13. Hey Pete, is that you in the red suit in the group pic? Why is santa flipping you off?
  14. We have been watching this thread and did not post but we have been praying since day one. Praying for Daniel to heal and for strength for the Murphy family. Great bunch of peeps on this site.
  15. I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2
  16. iweb

    TV Experts?

    Thanks for the responses, I will email and pm back soon. Saw this on dealcatcher: Sears.com - Hitachi 42-inch HD1080 Plasma HDTV $1,399.99 $776.99 with Free Pickup Get this 42-inch plasma HDTV for $776.99 after $623 savings. Shipping is about $65, or free if you pick it up in store. It sells for $1,399 at Circuit City. I've never seen a 42-inch Plasma HDTV for under $800 with these specs. # Features: 1280 x 1080 Resolution # 3 HDMI Inputs Expires: Unknown Tell a Friend 28 Comments Compare Prices Similar Deals
  17. iweb

    TV Experts?

    I know someone here knows the ins and outs of what TV to get. Santa may just bring us one this year but he is an old fart and doesn't know anything about the new TV's. Should he get a plasma,projection,LCD, or DLP in the 42" to 50" range and around a $1,000? He looked at Sears and Sams Club online and there are a bunch in this price range but holy crap which one? Santa
  18. Reduced to $225,000 and will look at part trades of ????
  19. I have done a lot of reading on this from many forums and I must agree with avduner, get the bighorns in stock size. They work good for dirt and sand, some even say are work as good as paddles in the dunes.
  20. Will the vendors be there this weekend?
  21. It was 42 degrees in Pahrump-a-dump when I came to work this morning and the sun was up. It was in the 90's this weekend when we were in Phoenix so I think I will take this weather!
  22. Wow sounds like a normal weekend for your family. What about the really nice rail, the green 2.3L FI turbo badboy? Didn't take it or took it and it didn't break????
  23. Thanks, now I just log in everytime.
  24. I have a desk top computer with no virus protection that I have to log into gd.com every time even tho I have the remember me checked. I cleaned out the cache and cookies on my laptop with CA virus yesterday and now it does the same for gd.com and DDR, I have to log in every time. Its done it 6 or 7 times now and starting to piss me off! Desktop is Win 2K and laptop is XP Pro. Sup computer experts?
  25. No, never heard of him and I am usually getting ready for work and watch news on tv until time to go. However tomorrow I have to go in early so I will check it out.
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