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  1. Thank you Gentleman! Im getting a late start on loading up. Waiting for a break in the weather.
  2. Any groups with some kids have room for another trailer in their circle? Our whole group flaked, but we're still looking to go play in the sand and stretch the legs on the sandrail. We're a small family with a 2 year old boy and 8 year old girl.
  3. Thanks ngoodey! We decided to just do a local trip this time. Thank you for the offer. I appreciate it.
  4. Our normal group is not making it this weekend and I'm trying to see if we can move into your group that is family friendly. We are in our mid 30's with a 4 year old daughter. We have a long travel sandrail and a bunch of firewood! We are looking to pull in Thursday evening and leave Sunday morning. We always pick up our own trash, so don't worry about having to clean up after us.
  5. Fixxed it for you!!! Don't say th "W" word. Very cool of you to do this. I love the off road community.
  6. You guys rock!!! Duner('s) of the year Fo Sho!!!
  7. I'm thinking about a day trip on Saturday. Any sandrails going?
  8. That was me on the ground laughing!!! I think I still hurt from laughing so hard. That was the best pack of cigarettes and $5 I ever spent. But seriuosly, I had an absolute blast. I've seen the group in Glamis and always thought it would be fun to get a 70 to play with but never did. I picked up my 70 a week or 2 before the event and now I'm hooked. I already picked up a new motor and I'll be picking up some new parts next week. Good people, good fun, good friends, and a great time. You DDR guys sure know how to put on a CLASS A EVENT!!! Thanks for everything!!!
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