Two questions friends, please advise:
Im ready to buy a sand car if i can get financing:
Who offers sand car financing and what are the rates? looking to get a loan for 35-45 and pick up one of the great deals on cars as of late.
Question 2, i have a Sandpiper 5er with garage and haul three quads and two dirtbikes crammed in... i was thinking of switching to an open (non-garage) model so i could fit in a sand car, I have a trailer for sale local in mind, but then with the sand car in there i guess i couldnt fit all the other bikes? So either way im stuck towing doubles i guess(i have done in past). So should i just keep the garage model I have and tow the sand car double on an open trailer, or get the open model toyhauler and a small trailer to tow quads in behind, or is it the same thing? I guess towing the quads behind would be a smaller, lighter second trailer, which is a good thing from the experience i have had towing doubles previous. Thanks for any advice!
Vegas Rob.