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About Creepynewguy

  • Birthday 03/01/1985

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  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    03 superfly 3.5l Honda
    38' sand piper
  • Location
    Las Vegas, NV
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  1. I hate to say it but i'm still ready from my broken leg escapade while I was on my way to the last roundup!
  2. Thanks guys I was really looking forward to meeting everyone instead I'm still here and got 2 screws a plate and rod in my right leg last night
  3. Well I was almost all loaded up and ready, on my way down the stairs I fell and I'm now at st rose with a broken leg........ so I won't be making it this year
  4. I'll be out Friday night around 8ish, me and my brother.
  5. I was out there all day Saturday, I wish I paid more attention it would have been nice to hook up with you guys!
  6. Me and a few guys are headed out Thursday - Sunday.
  7. Well it looks like I'm not going to be able to make it out for the weekend but planning on coming out for the day tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I wish I would have know you were out there, Nick brought the bouncy house out and I'm pretty sure he'll bring it for buggy round up. Do you guys have the room for a couple more trailers that weekend?
  9. Yep count me in on that too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I just had to do a radiator and cv boot from the last weekends trip!
  11. No we didn't get any pics this trip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. There were a few people out there maybe 10-12 trailers. Dunes were awesome, smooth, sharp and no shortage of witches eyes! If I had to sum it up with one word....HOTTT, I wasn't too bad in the morning or evenings but after about 12 it was getting warm.
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