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  1. We Will. Problem is I keep my hauler at Glamis. With the Regatta it was a turn around day trip.Im sure between Poule, Robert, Matt and myself we can get a trip together.
  2. This just sucks!!! I look forward to this trip every year and am totally bummed. Thanks for the great times Pete.
  3. Im with ya Randog, My leggs are killing me!! THANK YOU!!! DDR CREW!! The girls and I had a great time. I was able to crisson the new suspention bike in Dumont,got my shirts , had Big Al's, got to see some great builds and hungout with some great people, Thank you all again for putting on such a great event. see you next year.
  4. Marias Bike is getting a 88 kit with a stroker crank. my Carbon 125 is dield in and I should be finishing up a little suppin I have been working on. Here is a sample pic of a part . Should have the whole weekend to wrench
  5. Pete I would not miss it. With all the time and $$$ we put into these rides its awesome that you put this together to get us all together.
  6. Just checken in with my Dumont peeps, Cant wait for this!! see ya all out there!!
  7. Great Job on that Vid Chris That just brought me back to Saturday.
  8. I have about 8 cones and some caution tape.
  9. FE135 your pictures are going to be AWESOME!!. I cant wait to see them all.
  10. This was a a great day!! Thanks to all the sponsors and Organizers. Well worth the drive. Looking forward to the next one and hope to see the Dumont crew out at the Gd Regatta,,
  11. This was a a great day!! Thanks to all the sponsors and Organizers. Well worth the drive. Looking forward to the next one and hope to see the Dumont crew out at the Gd Regatta,,
  12. Bummer dude. We will hopefully see you at the GD Regatta.
  13. Get a a ASV knock off for the pit bikes, you need to use the clutch lever. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Pit-Dirt-Bi...sQ5fAccessories
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