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Everything posted by ash

  1. I was up at the cabin this weekend and happened to see a couple DDR stickers. The first one I saw was coming down from the top of Duck Creek area towards the bottom. They were towing a trailer with I think quads on it. White Chevy/GMC? Second was coming down I-15 south in the Virgin River Gorge. The truck had the Alligator stickers on the tailgate. Anyhow, if that was you, I was towing a white open bed trailer with 2 Rhino's on it towed with F250.
  2. Sorry I won't be making that trip as I will be enroute from Vegas to F'en CHINA!!! Terry sorry I didn't get back to you, I was in Idaho, but not duning
  3. Down at Terrible's on Sunset and 95, they have some speakers with like hawk noises or some sh*t playing. Everytime I go there, I don't see any pigeons, but I do hear the noises of predator birds. Now my story of pigeons. We had a buttload of them in the backyard a few years ago. Finally, I bought a single shot pellet gun, mounted a scope on it and waited. On the weekends I'd get the paper, go to my kitchen table, open the sliding glass door a few feet and just wait. As soon as I saw one land in the yard, poof...it was feather central. After a dozen or so, they just didn't come back. I like to think "the word got out" to their friends that I did not offer a pigeon friendly environment. I was pigeon free for 2 years, right up until the other day. It seems I will have to get the word out again. There are pigeon control people out there if you don't like the death method. Good luck anyways on your quest to rid yourself of flying Rhinos and Hippos
  4. The unfortunate side of things is that there are people out there that need help. Now to my point of view. I blame a lot of it on our government. They will go out of their way to give billions upon billions of dollars to help another country that doesn't even want us there, but God forbid anyone helps out the people right here in the good ole' US. Have I helped people out before, yep you bet. I get a cup of coffee every morning on the way to work, the change I get, I throw in the ashtray. Usually every month I will see a person asking for money on the road and I'll just grab all the change and hand it to him/her. I have been known to grab some grub or a few bottles of water for the unfortunate people on the streets. I have yet to be insulted by these people. Now for the "Need gas please help" I see this guy all the time with the same friggn' gas can with the same friggn' sign on Blue Diamond and 215. So the other day I was stopped at the light and I really wasn't in a good mood, so I ask him WTF dude, you are out of gas every day, don't ya think it's time to give it a rest. He says to me, word for word, "Go fk yourself." Okay, well since I have recently installed Hadley Air Horns...that's right hornS, I decide to give this guy a little wake up call. I laid on them horns and I think the guy pissed himself right there cause he was about 1 foot away from the receiving end of them. In my line of work, I have to be a good judge of character and I can usually pick the cons out so I feel pretty confident that whoever I help out really needs it. Hell, I bought 3 things of TIDE from a guy and girl at the truck stop on the way to Dumont last season that "needed gas" but hell $10.00 for all 3 buckets, sh*t I can always use laundry detergent with my kids....gas or no gas, I like deals. If you're sportn' dune stickers, off road stickers, Harley stickers or NRA sticker and need my help oh you betcha I will be there for ya! Man I could go on and on, but I won't...
  5. All the 3rd world music you would like...just pick an artist http://www.iraqmusic.net/category.php?show=1 Don't ask me why I searched for it, I'm just trying to get my dune pro status tonight and I'm really bored!
  6. Maybe they will start a demonstration, burn some flags, say that the infadels are responsible and then we get stuck with a huge bill for the roller and cars, and oh yeah the mental distress caused to the crane operator as he sh*t his pants when the crane went a$$ over tea kettle. But hey, it was funny to watch...but then again, they really don't have concept of weight, as seen in this video
  7. I agree with you Pete. As long as you are in the mindset while dealing with azzhats like that, that they may decide to turn the tables and start swinging first, which then I wouldn't blame anyone for boxn' a little. For the most part, the guy with the loudest mouth and biggest rig is usually the one who will fold like a $3 suitcase once confronted by a rational adult with good sense and his witts about him. :freakin_nuts:
  8. ash

    New addition

    Haha Terry, I had to sell a *cough* few things in order to get this one. Bobbie wasn't too happy about it, but once she got on the back and we took a ride...I was out of the dog house. You still have those full face HD helmets? If you're gonna be home next weekend, I'll pop by. I'll give you a call tomorrow.
  9. ash

    New addition

    I finally got the bike I've always wanted. It's a 2007 Harley Davidson FLHR Road King. I've been waiting for a week to get everything done to it and yesterday at 8:00am sharp, I was at the dealer in Kingman, AZ waiting to ride it. I had Rinehart dual exhausts put on, chrome HD skull insterts, Stage 1 kit and some other goodies. They loaded it up on the trailer and met me at stateline where I promptly got on and rode home. What a blast this thing is to ride! Here's some pics I took today after a 100 mile ride.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esl2NNOtHQE That movie is just wrong on so many levels. Watch at your own risk and if you start squeeling like a pig, then you have issues
  11. Good thoughts bring good things....she's in my family's thoughts and prayers. :praying:
  12. Well hell I'm in...Just let me know where and when I will volunteer the *cough* wife's new BBQ that is huge and perrrty
  13. As long as I can do it in my Rhino, I'm in for sure!
  14. I for one will have my handy dandy Nikon with telephoto lense ready when I get to Dumont. It takes realll good pictures so sh*tters beware, you are on notice, if I see you dumping what I KNOW to be human waste anywhere other than a dump station, I promise you...your face, sh*t and rig will be posted on every site I can find that deal with our sport. :angry2: and just for good measure
  15. Not to add insult to injury, but damn I'd find a pair of boots that fit me before I step on a quad/bike. Cyclegear has a good assortment. On the upside though, it could have been a lot worse. Get better.
  16. Season is done for me, summer is here which means weekends in Rhinos at the cabin...ahhhh never above 75 degrees in the summer.
  17. ash

    Kicked out

    Okay so the wife's best friend is in from Chicago and they are doing the "girl talk" thing which is my cue to hit the road. So off to the garage I go. Cleaned a few guns, fixed a drawer on my work bench (duct tape). So basically I'm just bumming it out here until she leaves. Wow, this is how I can get time alone in the garage without anyone saying anything
  18. Okay, I am looking for someone who can work on my YFZ450. I wanna tear it down over the summer and do some work on it. My usual mechanic isn't available anymore. PM me if you know someone who knows how to get around a motor.
  19. Last night was a bunch of nothin'. Today was pretty much some spring cleaning around the house, got the oil changed in the truck, put new wind shield blades on mine and the wife's truck. Went out to dinner tonight with the wife and girls at Carrabas. Tomorrow morning at the gun range for some relaxation and then off to Angel's Touch for some serious relaxation tomorrow afternoon. After that, the couch is calling my name!
  20. Hope you heal quickly. I did this one time and went right to DG nerfs w/nets and heel guards.
  21. I hear ya and here's why. Here is a quote from their website: "Wikipedia cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here." Now I'm not one to :smoker:
  22. I for one neither like nor dislike the increase in fees. My crew usually comes with a minimum of 2 and sometimes 3 vehicles. With any recreation sport worth a sh*t, there will be sacrifice. I will gladly pay the $360.00 up front without complaining. If there will be more medical staff, law enforcement staff and the roads and so on get fixed, then it's money well spent. Hell I pay more than that for just one weekend out there when it's all said and done. I applaud the people who get involved and try and make a difference in our sport. If some of the duners feel that the fee is too much or unfair and feel that they need to go elsewhere for a good time, I will not judge nor fault them for that. I hope to see everyone in the dunes next season. Keep up the good work
  23. In this order.... Gwen Stefani Yummmy Eva Mendes And last but not least Jennifer Love Hewitt
  24. Great job Pete! I would like to say that it was nice meeting everyone that I didn't already know. There is no doubt that dune people are as good as they get! I can't wait for next season to roll around.
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