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Everything posted by ash

  1. I'll be out there Friday night through Monday morning. Dunno if the family is going to make it, but I'll be there, hot or not I wanna do some Rhino riding.
  2. They say there is a twin for every person, well I think I just found my twin family except on the other side of town
  3. Funny you posted this, I am getting 2 trumphets on my truck now that are as loud or louder than the ones in the video. I'll have them at the clean up...I cannot wait
  4. ash

    In DC

    Yep I will be back next Monday. We should be leaving Friday night late, getting there around 12:30-1:00am or so, but we will be there.
  5. ash

    In DC

    Okay let me recap: First there was China, China and China and it was HOT and HUMID! After China came Ohio which was COLD! Then came Kansas City which was COLD and Snowing! Now I'm in Washington, DC and lemme tell you, it's colder here than I have felt in a long time! Feels like I'm in the I woke up this morning, walked outside the hotel and it was 15 degrees with 25mph winds, which made it at least in the single digits. Maybe they will send me to Hawaii or something, or maybe they will send me to Siberia...who knows...all I know is I miss Vegas and the 70 degree weather. Oh well, I'll make the best of it. Just wanted to pop on and say hi. One good about being here...hmmm, lemme get back to you on that.
  6. Hell I'll do it if ya don't mind some bald guy, 6'0...185...34w...42reg suit.
  7. I'm at a loss for words. All I can say is :freakin_nuts: to all the rangers out there enforcing the rules and then break them.
  8. I may be able to get them out there, depending on if I have to work or not. If I don't have to work, we'll come out for the day and get in the ride.
  9. ash

    In Kansas City

    Walt, I haven't heard anything on the truck yet, but I will call him tomorrow to find out where it sits. I have to take it to get the new monitors put in and 2 more DVD players. Thanks again
  10. ash

    In Kansas City

    Yup, got my sticker THANKS and I will be putting it on tomorrow. Finally rolled back in to town and boy was it nice to feel some warmer air.
  11. Well, I'm away from the awesome climate of Vegas to enter the frigid climate of Kansas City. It's 25 degrees and snowing outside...I wanna come home Oh well, I'll be home tomorrow night...Just wanted to say hi cause there really isn't much more to do here cept for maybe some cow tipping or hang out until "Last Call" in the bar next door, oh yeah, Last Call was 9 minutes ago.
  12. It was an eventful weekend. Here goes: We left Vegas on Friday at 1:00pm headed for the truck stop. So after getting fueled up, we were on the road by 1:30pm. Everything is going smooth right? So we take the turn at Tecopa Road and as we are approaching Front Sight Road, I ask the wife, "Honeyyyy, did you grab the Rhino keys?" and she replies, "Uh, NO." My Dad was driving the wife's truck with the Rhino's. So I pull over and go back to ask him and his reply was, "You've got to be shittn' me!" So he turned around and headed back to Vegas to get the keys. So the wife and my 2 girls head on down the road. We got about 10 miles away and I hear a KABOOM, followed by a sudden jerk to the right as both truck and trailer make a detour to the dirt. I get out and I find that the passenger side front tire on the trailer blew up. I get everything ready to take the tire off and change it, but the truck wouldn't disconnect from the trailer, so I used a bottle jack along with the landing gear and stabalizer jacks to get the trailer high enough to change the tire. After about an hour, I finally got the tire changed and as I'm airing it up, I see a BIG bus coming at us from about 2 miles away. I say to my wife, "There's Terry." So here it comes truckn' along about 60mph and there he goes. If you have never seen a bus towing and big trailer go from 60mph to a dead stop real quick, well it's pretty impressive. So out pops Walt running back to me and here comes Terry backing this rig up about 1/4 of a mile. So with their help, everything gets put away and it's time to get back on the road. We pull onto Dumont Road at 4:55pm and thank God, we are finally there. So we make the flats and as I round the bend, I see a BIG bus towing a real big trailer buried in the sand. Yep, it's Terry. Seems he had found a real soft area to take a break and shoot the sh*t. So we decide to start yanking him from the trailer backwards. First we start with my winch, which at it's peak, I hear and see a very loud SNAP. The winch cable came out of the barrel that holds the cable to the motor. My fault, we took the line out too far. So Walt, using his ingenious actions fixes the cable and we are back in business, but to no avail..he was really STUCK. So I take my trailer and drop it and come back to start yanking with my truck from the front. This went on for a little while, but nothing. So we decide to call it a night and go back to our camp. Next morning we wake up and head over to start digging. As I pull up, I see the trailer had been disconnected and the bus was moving backwards on its own. It was over, he was out and we were on our way to the real camp. Everyone gets setup and we are enjoying one of the nicest days at Dumont I can remember. The weather was as good as it gets. Took the kids out in the Rhinos, let them ride all over the place. We took a trip to the North Pole to see Santa being hanged. So all in all, it was a very eventful, awesome weather, great riding weekend. As always, there are no other people like Dune people. Thanks to Terry and Walt for stopping for me in my distress . Here are some pics from the weekend. Really Stuck Ready to Pull Power Rhino maiden voyage My setup New flag With kids at North Pole Awesome sunset POS Tire
  13. Holy crap that was too funny! My sides are hurting from laughing so hard. I had my head phones on when I was listening to it and my wife just kept looking at me like I was on crack, then I forwarded to her and had the same reaction
  14. The only thing left is the top, lights and front seats with harnesses. After that is done, I'm done, at least that is what the wife has said
  15. I have to get a top for each of them and lights are on the list. It will be a while for any kind of travel is added though, but sh*t, I was happy when they were bone stock... That's a sweet lookn' ride you got there maxdout
  16. Got them back this morning from the shop and now I'm really ready for some Rhino rides! I had a new cage put on both, new back seat (42" bench) in both, side panels, rims and tires. Also got a whip holder with a buggy whip and handles for the rear of the cage. I'm hoping to get the front seats with harnesses and Nascar nets for the rear area in the near future. Here's some pics from this morning. Mine Hers Side by Side Side Panels Top Support ITP Rims/Tires Cooler Rack
  17. ash

    $500 REWARD

    Since the bastards who decide to do this slide the locking mechanism to the unlock position, the factory alarm does not register this as a break-in since the door is being unlocked. It's no different from using the key or keyless remote to unlock the vehicle.
  18. ash

    $500 REWARD

    As the topic title states, I am offering a $500 reward to anyone who can tell me who did this. Basically my wife was at a doctor appointment on Wigwam and Pecos this afternoon from 1:00pm until around 1:45pm. Some bastards decided to break into her Yukon and steal a 15 inch LCD drop down monitor for her video system, 3 envelopes containing checks written for utilities and some other odds and ends stuff. Here's the way it works, the thief will walk up to your vehicle, stick and screwdriver right under the lip of your door handle. After prying it down, they will then slide the lock to the unlock position and they have entry into your vehicle. The police said it is common and takes less than a second to get in a vehicle this way. The Chevy and GMC models are particularly vulnerable because of the way the door hand is shaped. Below are pictures of the door and damage that was caused. If someone hears about some azzholes running around breaking into vehicles this way and can give me information leading to my stuff, I will let that person remain nameless, no questions asked, the money is theirs...no questions asked, you have my word. I am not looking to take the law into my own hands, I am just looking to see if I can get a person that did this and let the police do their jobs. Okay, here are the pictures of the door. Remember it was at Wigwam and Pecos in Henderson, today between 1:00pm and 1:45pm. Her truck is a 2000 GMC Yukon XL.
  19. ash

    Santa Finally

    I don't think I'm really gonna go overboard on the aftermarket stuff. I'm doing a full cage, 42" rear bench w/5 point harnesses, side panels and rims/tires. Should have the cage, bench seat and side panels on before next weekend. I'll wait for the rims/tires until next trip. Haven't decided what I'm gonna do on the front seats, only that I will have harnesses up there. So now I have to clean up the rail tomorrow and post it up for sale.
  20. ash

    Santa Finally

    After being stuck in snow in Denver, tipped over trailer outside SLC....Santa finally arrived with his cargo in tow By the time next season arrives, they should be just right Enough talking about them..here they are, the newest editions to the family Mine Hers Together at last Ready for some off-road
  21. It actually has a Cummins under it. He uses that thing for a daily driver. Since that race, that truck is faster, it was on a diesel forum a few months back. Sick fast!
  22. I have never had any service there and don't plan on it. I have bought oil and stuff in a pinch, and yeah I paid out the arse for it, but when you need it....you need it. Sorry to hear about that Pete. They say good word of mouth spreads like fire, bad word of mouth spreads like wildfire!
  23. That was some funny shiat right there!!!
  24. No biggie. Sad thing to happen nonetheless.
  25. I will be there, leaving Vegas Friday night
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