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Everything posted by ash

  1. ash

    In New York

    Arrived in New York this morning at 4:30am (plane was 40 minutes early). So the wife and I checked the bags in and hit the streets because our room wasn't ready. Headed down to Central Park, 5th Avenue and St. Patrick's Cathedral. By the time the sun came up, we made our way down to the Empire State building and wow, what a sight that was in the morning. There was no line and we waited about 10 minutes in the 'Disney' style line. By the time we were done and back on the street, the line was wrapped all the way around the BLOCK! We started heading back to the hotel at that time, which was about 11:00. Finally got here and we were able to do an early check-in (Thank GOD) cause we were beat tired. Laid down for a nap and now we're back at it again. Headed out to get myself an I-phone Will post up some pics later on from the top of the building.
  2. Glad I could be your excuse Cole
  3. Nice driving...now this is a Comp Hill..Check this out
  4. I usually check weather.com and check the weather in Tecopa, even though it's reported from Baker.
  5. One of the most infamous cases in the United States took place in California's justice system. Charles Ng and Leonard Lake. Charles Ng was convicted of murdering 6 men, 3 women and 2 baby boys. He was sentenced to death in 1999. This is the biggest travesty of justice in the US that I can think of. This MFer should have been executed the same day. This is where our legal system failed us all. "At the time of writing, Ng and his attorneys are presenting appeals against the "harshness" of the sentence. This process alone could take another six years and perhaps another six million dollars, a grand total of almost twenty million dollars to convict one man, even though the evidence against him included videotape footage of two of the crimes in progress." If you would like to read the full story Click Here I agree that some other countries have it right when it comes to their legal system. If you are caught on tape, raping, hunting and murdering a human being and then plead guilty to doing it, you should have your sentence carried out immediately. Chester Stiles is on tape, raping a 3 year old, innocent little girl. This guy needs to be tried, convicted and sentenced in the same day, sentenced to death and carried out right now. I volunteer to be the executioner. I have seen someone get their head lopped off with a 6 foot sword after he was convicted of raping a 13 year old girl and I'm here to tell ya, that will get your attention real quick. I could go on, but I won't. I love living in a free country, but damn we need to take a serious look at the way we deal with the criminal element.
  6. People like this are the disease of the world. The problem is, we as taxes payers, law abiding citizens will end up paying for the public defender, then pay for his stay in isolation AWAY from general population, playing PS3, Xbox 360, 3 hots and a cot. He will have some ACLU a-hole come to his aid, will live off of appeals for 20 years before they make a decision, and then he will not get the death penalty. This is the unfortunate reality we live in. I think Ragdollmx will agree and has also seen how 3rd world countries deal with these types of people. This guy is on video, no mistaking it is him. Take him to the town square/circle, hang him high in the streets and let all the people watch on. Open the gallows and let him go. Now, the upside is, when he does get to prison, no matter where is placed, he will get what's coming to him from someone in that prison. This guy will have to have a cell under the prison to stay away from Bubba. You can't kill a person like this, enough!
  7. Congrats on you new rig!!! As far as the ramps go, I just bought a set at Sam's Club yesterday for $59.00. They are reated at 750 pounds per ramp. I used it to loade the Rhino right up in the bed of my truck. For that price, I almost bought 2. They are a 'seasonal' item, so get em while you can. Sam's on Serene and Spencer is where I got mine.
  8. And let us not forget..... bring your own WOOD
  9. Well it is getting better. I'm up to 11mpg. But as someone wise said, you don't buy it for the gas mileage.
  10. Yeah we were just talking about that last night. And as far as the curtain climbers, hell yeah they need to start mowing some yards and pony up some greenbacks for the fuel! I like it...Super Duty Taxi
  11. Funny how things work out. Last night I was in bed and told my wife that I wished I didn't have to go out of country and just hang out here and help take care of things. My wish came true today. This morning I received a call telling me that my trips to China and Japan had been cancelled until after the first of the year. That was great to hear. So now I just have to go to New York for 8 days, starting next Friday. I can do that standing on my head. Whoo hoo...I won't miss Veteran's Day.
  12. Niceeee! Hey Cole, give me a call when you get a chance.
  13. If you think we are crack-ups on here, wait till ya meet us in person :boyyy:
  14. Now you are speaking my language wingnut!
  15. When that winds starts a blown' and your inside and out of it, it won't matter one bit what you are camping in. Too Redneck?? Hell no!! I say bring it and enjoy the dunes. I'm from the South so that's right up my alley. If it's good enough for the multi thousand dollar horses, it's gotta be good enough for you. Clean it up, clean it out..spray some Fabreeze in it
  16. That's for guys like Ynot to grab hold of when you are stepping up in the bed. But I like the mini stripper pole idea...hmmmm, can we say midget strippers in the bed of my truck at Comp
  17. Thanks to everyone for your warm and kind words. I was able to, not easily I might add, to talk with my kids tonight. It was absolutely heartbreaking when I explained it to them. My wife is with his oldest daughter now. Time will heal. Thank you to everyone. On a side note, I need a dune fix!!!
  18. Here are some better, cleaner pictures of the new truck...
  19. I would like to ask for any thoughts and prayers for my family. Last night, my Brother-in-Law was on his way home from Oregon. He was driving along I-108 in Sanora, CA and from what witnesses are telling us, a deer jumped in front of his truck. He swurved and went off the road, smashing into a tree. The people who were with him to the end said he was talking and just closed his eyes and died. The coroner that called my wife this morning said he had major internal injuries. The airbags deployed, but he was not wearing his seatbelt. Luckily he left this life without pain. His daughter (my oldest niece) lives in Oklahoma and does not know as of right now. Her Mother is in North Dakota for something and she is staying with friends. I put my wife, Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law on a plane to OK so they can tell her what happened and bring her home tomorrow. He will be missed. He leaves behind 3 beautiful daughters, a mother, 2 sisters, 5 nieces and 3 nephews and a friend (ME). He had another brother, which died a few years ago, followed shortly by his Father. He never got over the death of his brother, and now they are together once again. Thank you for any prayers during this tough period. Now, I have to explain this to my children tonight. Man this is gonna be a tough one for my kids.
  20. Boy ain't that the truth. I'm looking at an aftermarket 50 gallon switch over tank that fits in the bed of the truck for those trips to St. Anthony...oh yeah boys and girls, with this rig, I'm making that trip. That'll give me about 90 gallons of fuel. I'm getting the hitch installed on the 23rd at JW. I can't wait for Halloween to get here!!
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