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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. Yeah nice and quiet. Not too many wrecks either from what I could tell.
  2. Sucks to hear man! And I thought it was a quiet weekend out there too. Hope you get it back and teach those a$$hats a lesson. I hate effin thieves.
  3. Haha if it wins is it actually gonna make the page?
  4. Good job Pete! Lets all keep this in mind. Don't want any of my friends/fellow duners getting hurt. See ya out there!
  5. Caleb is no small guy and it doesn't tip. It is on hydrolics and lowers down.
  6. Yeah my 98 has always had Yamalube. Still on stock top end. Does need to be redone though. Been sitting for the past few trips. Buggy is more fun!
  7. I think I would have lied and said I was wasted! Sucks though, hope it gets better soon!
  8. I second that! Yamalube in both Banshees.
  9. Looks like you two had a great time! Way better than my weekend. I spent the whole weekend removing the left cylinder head and repalcing it on my wifes Navigator. Pete I have a whole different understanding for what you have to do every day at work! I wish I had your weekend instead of mine! By the way I love the shirt!
  10. Sure! As long as you don't eff it up like this one I saw at SEMA. Now thats doopick!
  11. That is sad to hear Tim. Our thoughts our with your friends family. It has to be hard to loose a son. Parents should never have to bury thier kids.
  12. Actually the Hino 8 liter produces 256 horses at 2500 rpms and 745 ft/lbs of torque at only 1500 rpms. It is built to handle 35,000 lbs. It would out pull most of our tow rigs. And actually it has an Eaton 5 speed manual. It even has the Hino heavy duty rear end in it. Click here for specs I got to look at it up close on Friday. Thing looks pretty sick.
  13. That thing is definately not gonna get called farm equipment haulin a$$ like that!
  14. I am sure my kids will be happy with whichever one you decide to buy them. LOL. Actually I heard the wii is really cool.
  15. Hey I'm loving it. Still shorts and t-shirt weather. Wait thats all year for me! LOL Insulated by fatness!
  16. What a moron. Looks like the bike or whatever is in the back almost went thru the back window. Idiot!
  17. Thats good to hear. I hope he gets well soon. It turns out I had the kids out trick or treating with a family that is good friends of his Dan and Terry with their two kids. I told him about the post and he was going to log on to see the pics of the quad. He had talked to Charlies wife earlier that night. Small world. Good luck Charlie our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  18. Don't you mean I'd rather be stroked than rammed? HAHAHA Just had to say it. By the way nice truck man! Dodge has a good power plant.
  19. So you broke a spindle on the new car? How'd that happen?
  20. Yeah but most of your friends will be at Dumont. NEENER NEEENER NEEEEEEEENER
  21. Usually works best on the flats between the finger dune and the entrance to comp or by the ranger station or on top of the dunes. I can usually get service in my trailer in my normal camp spot in the area I mentioned first. Make sure you do the *228 and pick the #2 update.
  22. In the post it said they both hit the windshield but that could just be the guy posting making a mistake then.
  23. Cole you aint right. One to many crashes on the dirtbike huh?
  24. Ouch. That suck abou them stealing all that crap though. Glad they walked away. How loose were the belts to let them hit the windshield?
  25. That thing is badass! Well worth the wait! Good luck and hope to see you out there soon.
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