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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. Sorry for your loss. Our prayers and condolences to the family. :praying:
  2. Pete I talked to my friend that runs a Discount Tire about wear. He said the Chevy's due to having the IFS tend to wear the Toyo's more than those of us with the straight axels. I know I have more miles on mine than you and mine are still half half their life left. I know Criag had the Nitto Terra Graplers on his old chevy. He liked the tire but thought they seemed to wear quick. What tire pressure do you run in the Toyo's? Also rule of thumb to get the most tire life out of any tire is to rotate them every other oil change. If you buy your tires at Discount, I think they come with free rotations too. Let me know and I will get you in touch with my friend at Discount to get you the best deal when you are ready.
  3. Yeah I met them at the SSSS and ended up ordering all 4 new tires for my buggy from them. Nice guys! Good deal at the show too!
  4. Yeah much better than the night trip last month. Seems like the old road before they "paved" it. Not bad at 25mph like it was before.
  5. First year of a new motor. Too bad though. I thought the new 6.4 was supposed to be way better than the 6.0's.
  6. Hey, thats how I roll too. Didn't you see my trailer do a donut on friday night when I whipped it around to park?
  7. I pull the hill fully loaded feathering the go pedal trying to keep the egt's controllable. Its usually about 45-55.
  8. lvnalolife


    Steveo you sure you aren't telling the thiefs to do it to sell some alarms! Serious though it makes me sick hearing about all this sh*t going down. Everyone lock up your sh*t good!
  9. Damn Bob works fast when he needs to huh? Good job. See ya out there!
  10. Yeah about time huh? I told him last week he should come for the opener.
  11. That sucks Jim. Good thing they didn't get anything. I bet they wont try again knowing the alarm is there. Not many people think there are alarms on toyhaulers. Good thing it doesn't ruin you going this weekend. Sorry to hear about the lock. Might want to talk to Craig aka 9digit. He has a hockey puck style lock that covers the whole lock tab. Could ask him where he got them.
  12. His dog being part wolf would probably rather eat the thief than a damn biscut!
  13. Right I only had them pop the rear beads for me, not reinstall them. All my friend had me do was dismantle them at home and bring them in. I still had to reassemble them at home. Its actually easy to do at home. Only took me an hour for all four. Not bad for a tire rookie.
  14. I would much rather be at the dunes on a windy day than at work when it is a perfect one! :angry2:
  15. Got them handled this weekend. Took the beadlocks rings off and went and saw my friend over at Discount. He broke the rear beads for me and even slipped the new tires on the rims. Took them home and followed Randy and Tim's directions. By the way used 18ft/lbs of torque for the beadlocks as recommended by others. Looks bitchen, sorry no photos. You will just have to see them this weekend! Thanks again guys!
  16. There have been a couple of posts about that weekend. That is the official Halloween weekend for DDR. There will be a lot of people out there.
  17. You can count my father-in-law Chuck in!
  18. ^^^^^ Hahahaha Craig! You guys taking the lt80? I will bring my daughters so the wives can have races on Sat night! See you guys out there!
  19. About 4 years ago me and Dave (sikkbanshee) shot down to Houston to trade in my 96 Impalla SS for my F250. We left Thurs night at 10pm and were at the dealership the next night by 8pm. Drove straight through. Hit 125-130mph couple of times. Turned around on saturday afternnon and were back here in Vegas early afternoon on Sunday even after stopping at a buddies house in Kingman for a while. Now that was a fun weekend. He swears he will never do that again! Good times though! And he is banned from eating McGriddles while on a road trip with me.
  20. Don is right. Sometimes in the morning you can get white smoke if the glowplugs aren't up to operating temp yet. It is unburnt diesel fuel. Of course it could have been coolant, but usually white on a diesel is just fuel. Usually means a glow plug might be bad or not hot yet.
  21. Cool video. Your car looks bad a$$ in it!
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