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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. That thing needs to sell for a lot more than $217 to cover the damge she has already done to his car and house, but isn't revenge sweet! Cheatin a$$ ho deserves it.
  2. Yeah it was a good weekend for sure. The rain really effed up our camp site but we still had fun. (Well the kids really had fun in it!) Bottomed out and ripped the rear slip joint off my rail off again coming down a hill into a woop section a little too fast. Wing is bent up from the rear swinging back and tearing the zeus fasteners out. All is good. Got it back together and went out and got some good jump shots. I will post the pics when they get emailed to me. Had a great time. Sucks we had to come back already. Missed all the rest of you guys.
  3. I guess I need to get it then too as I weighed my trailer loaded before the last night ride and it came in at 13,320lbs. At least I am still under the GVWR of the trailer! Sometimes I miss the old trailer. 4000lbs lighter was sure a lot eisier to pull! But the buggy wouldn't fit so I had to upgrade.
  4. I agree 100% Impeach Bush and vote for Joe!
  5. Yeah, back in Feb when he went I am sure he had fun! :Danielle:
  6. We will be there on Sunday with SikkBanshee (Dave). We are taking the kids to Disney/California Adventure Sat and will hit the show up on Sun. Hope to see some of you there.
  7. I take my 34' trailer thru there. It is fine. Some soft spots so just dont stop.
  8. Yeah for a second I thought Tiff was being the smartass! DER!
  9. Yeah sure sat morning I can walk over to your trailer and stupervise! I need to clean the airfilter and change the plug also in ours.
  10. Did you say lt80 races up the hill out of the meadows??
  11. Johnson Family with the Father-in-law and lil Charlie should be there unless something comes up.
  12. Good job Tim. I wish more people would have enough guts to do that too when they see something like that going down. My hats off to you!
  13. Imma throw up! Don needs another sand fix already!
  14. Just imagine how many more hours I would have had to work the last 2 years if I didn't have DDR to eff around on! See you all online tonight.
  15. Kaleb, that thing is going to look bad a$$! Good luck. If you stay with decent wheels and the Toyos, you will be fine. Don't expect to get good mileage after you lift it 4 sho. Probably wanna re-gear too.
  16. I have a whole bunch of those little bottles of Yamalube I got from ynot. It will take me a while to go thru all of them. You can buy a couple off me if you want.
  17. Sweet! I am taking my hauler out sat. Like wingnut said, I would like to keep it all together! Last trip out I flat-bedded it and it was awful. Hope it is as good as the Contractor states.
  18. I will have mine, and Ross is taking his.
  19. Damn that suck to hear Jay. Just be thankful they didn't get pissed and wreck the whole trailer inside when they found it had no quads in it. Sometimes I wish we had middle eastern punishment for crimes committed. Steal and get your hand cut off!! Effin thieves suck! :icon_twisted:
  20. Congrats Bert and Ashley! She's a cutie.
  21. It is the Bugatti Veyron. It looks bad a$$! Bugatti Web Site
  22. That sucks! Let me know if you change your mind. I was looking forward to going on some good rides. I missed all summer and have to squeeze one in! If it is cuz you don't want to haul your trailer up, I think between 9digit and myself we can put you up. Heck, you could prob just ride up with him to.
  23. It said on msnbc.com that the bridge got a poor rating on a safety inspection 2 years ago. Why was it still in use? Granted they said it was being worked on. I wonder if that is what led to its fatal destruction.
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