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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. Well I started this post and now I found out I can't go that weekend, as it is Father's day weekend! I am going to have to put it off til the following weekend. Sorry! However if anyone wants to come out that weekend instead let me know.
  2. Another vote for Mike. He did my wifes Banshee. He does good work and a pretty quick turn-around.
  3. Through Kanab is the only other way I go if I don't take the Cane Beds road. It is a dirt road shortcut. Saves you about 30 miles. Look up Colorado City, AZ on http://maps.google.com/ then zoom out and you will see Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park.
  4. Good turnout last night. I'm glad I made it!
  5. That explains why a henderson tahoe police vehicle was flyin past me when I was getting over to get off at Autoshow drive this morning.
  6. We are thinking of going up to Coral the weekend of the June 16th(scratch that! 23-24th). I will probably take off Fri morning and stay til sun early afternoon. Anyone interested. I have a few of us itchin to go already. :ahhhhh: 17th is Father's day so I was told to reschedule. :ahhhhh:
  7. Beastie Boys- Brass Monkey are Fight for your right!
  8. And leaving the bottle of Jack at home right?!?!
  9. I will put this one up. It reminds me of good times every time I see it!
  10. Sounds like you are flooding it out. It might be set too fat in the low end. I would try dropping the needles down one setting and see how that does. (Down one setting is up on the needle) Other issue could be too lean in the bottom cuasing it to run out of gas at idle. If that is the case, maybe pull the needle up one setting. Let me know if this helps. PM me if you need any help.
  11. Could you provide a little more info? Make, model & year maybe? We are not mind readers here!
  12. Pete, let me know. I don't think we will make Memorial either. Maybe a lake trip instead??? But let me know when you and Bert are going to Coral and I will see about going then.
  13. Ken, PM me with a price for my superduty. I am very interested. Could be a father's day gift if someone will hint it to my wife.
  14. These kids are high school age. The neighbor that saw them says she usually sees them at the same time. Around 2-ish like they just got dropped off at the bustop from school or something. If someone finds anything out at all, let Julie or myself know. As it is my wife's friend and it is our house that she is renting, it really pisses me off that this has happened. Also note, I removed the address as many read this site, and not everyone is a saint. The kid lives there with his grandma or something like that. Thanks DDR for keeping an eye out! Let try and get Julie's quad back!
  15. Hahahaha very funny Dodge boy. We wont talk about the red lemon you bought and traded in on the new one! :tapdance: :disco-dance:
  16. Hey I was on the 95 yesterday too! At that time somewhwere around Flamingo.
  17. Yeah Yoshi builds a nice rail. He gets a lot of respect from duners for his technical info that he provides, and his wife is hot too! Thats her in the pics.
  18. You didn't ask that question. That is why I have a bumper pull. I just have a long shank for the weight distribution. If I had a fifth wheel, I wouldn't have my obnoxiously high truck.
  19. I might be missing something but weren't you asking Craig to price out a lift for you recently? That's right, you want to be as cool as me!
  20. Yeah, doing wheelies all night and our 2am scavanger hunt was a blast! Thats where we made this DDR logo! 110 octane works good!
  21. Coll video Cole! Keep up the good work!
  22. Yeah my fuel mileage is a little less, but I never have to worry about burying my truck and getting stuck when pulling my trailer past vendors row at dumont. I can pull through still in 2wd. And yeah it is mostly for looks! Besides my trailer would make a stock height truck look like an S-10.
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