So I go out for a friends birthday last night. This is a girl that I grew up with and has been like a little sister to me. While sitting there at dinner, one of her friends shows up. I keep looking at her and thinking to myself, "I know her from somewhere." I ask my friend why does she look so familiar? Well her response was, "been to any strip clubs lately?" I said yeah. And then it hit me. At Ross' bachelor party, she was the hottest girl in there and all of us had multiple lap dances from her. I have to admit she was hot even with her clothes on, but I couldn't help looking at her and thinking, damn I've seen you naked! Is that funny a$$ hell or what? I leaned over and told the wife, "you know how you said I spent too much money at Ross' bachelor party?" She was like "yeah." I said, "well, there's what I spent it on!" She laughed and said, "She's hot!" I love my wife! :mc_smiley:
Steveo, maybe we should go back there now!! :mc_smiley: