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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. Did you mean Sunset Station bowling alley or Sunset Lanes? I thought you said Sunset Station at lunch. 2 different places so just trying not to get anyone confused. :mc_smiley:
  2. Is the lug pattern on the 64 the same as a 88-95 2wd fullsize? Reason I ask is I know where you can get a set of 20" Budniks for it. They were the ones off my 96 Impalla SS. Craig aka 9digit has them and is thinking of selling them. 20x8 fronts and 20x9.5 rears. Would look sweet on your truck if they fit. Here is a pic of them on my old car..
  3. I know. I was just doing a little of this...
  4. What you trying to say? I tow with 38's! I wouldn't do it with an SUV though.
  5. was it this one? If so it is Craig's aka 9digits old truck. The guy must not have taken the sticker off. Did it have a spare tire mounted in the back? I know the guy that bought it works at discount.
  6. Congrats Bert & Ashley! So when is the due date again?
  7. Same here! My 98 is finally getting ready to need the top end re-done. It still has the stock top end in it! Don't be afraid to re-build. I rebuilt the top end in my wife's banshee and it now hauls a$$!
  8. lvnalolife


    What club? You gonna quit duning or just stop hanging out on DDR?
  9. Count me in! I'll bring the family over. Maybe I can talk my father-in-law into driving his buggy over since it is right down the street from him! I'll just bring the truck down. Maybe you can give me a quote on the touch-up I need. :ahhhhh:
  10. 9digit says the blind spots are horrific!
  11. Congrats Tim. The car looks sweet!
  12. I run ACAD all day at work and everything I type in has to be in Caps, but I still manage to turn them off when I post. Lets try a little harder shall we?
  13. There is one on the way back. One in Tecopa and another in Baker.
  14. My observations... 1. It was HOT! Thank God for Dual A/C's and a tv to watch! 2. Pete's rail looks even better in person. 3. On the way out we almost lost a wheel on the flatbed. Bearing had dissapeared! Had to leave the jeep and 2 quads back home. 4. My buggy ran great! New ring and pinion doing well! 5. My lil bro-in-law can slice a tire in the dunes. He managed to pop the front sand tire on my wifes quad. 6. DDR rocked the cleanup! 7. I won a $50 Bass pro shop certificate. Thanks to whoever it was that had to leave and gave me all his tickets. 8. I am tired today! As always I still would rather be hot as hell in the dunes than at home doing nothing! It was a great trip. See ya next time.
  15. From the nice run we took after the meet-n-greet sat, it looks like it handles great. We must have been going too fast cuz we lost everyone else. :chev_bowtie: Congrats on the new car! Lets keep this one together shall we!
  16. Sorry to say, no incriminating pics were taken. :ahhhhh:
  17. Nope! I was paying her to "put em on the glass!"
  18. So I go out for a friends birthday last night. This is a girl that I grew up with and has been like a little sister to me. While sitting there at dinner, one of her friends shows up. I keep looking at her and thinking to myself, "I know her from somewhere." I ask my friend why does she look so familiar? Well her response was, "been to any strip clubs lately?" I said yeah. And then it hit me. At Ross' bachelor party, she was the hottest girl in there and all of us had multiple lap dances from her. I have to admit she was hot even with her clothes on, but I couldn't help looking at her and thinking, damn I've seen you naked! Is that funny a$$ hell or what? I leaned over and told the wife, "you know how you said I spent too much money at Ross' bachelor party?" She was like "yeah." I said, "well, there's what I spent it on!" She laughed and said, "She's hot!" I love my wife! :mc_smiley: Steveo, maybe we should go back there now!! :mc_smiley:
  19. I agree! Keep it clean or take it elsewhere. We are here for a common purpose cuz we like dumont, not to come on and do nothing but bash others. Take that sh*t to the other site where it has gotten out of hand already. :mc_smiley:
  20. Great another white ford on DDR! HAHAHA just kdding. It looks good. Congrats!
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