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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. That would probably be nice especially with the holidays here. Let me know.
  2. Another vote for no dumpsters. I agree that we should all pack out more than we bring in.
  3. That looks like it would be bad a$$!
  4. What do these nice bugs have to do with Kenny and a rail?
  5. Hope you get better soon Jeff! I will reserve that buggy ride for you when you are up to it again. DDR will be waiting to hear from you once you can get back to a computer again! Here's to a speedy recovery!
  6. I am glad to see you gals were ok after that. To be able to walk away from that kind of tumble says a lot. So to everyone else just be thankful and lets not get into another week long heated debate on chassis safety again! Fact is, they took a hard tumble and the car DID hold together enough to keep them here with us. Just my $.02. :yeah_whatever:
  7. I would be pissed off! Did they even ask or just hopped in and took off? That for sure would be worth a beat down! It comes down to respect. Its like messing with another mans beer, its just a cardinal rule! You just don't do that! Hope they didn't damage it. Cuz that could ruin friendships.
  8. Sounds like I missed another DDR food fight?? :surrender:
  9. I agree. Question was asked and anwered and then taken way off topic.
  10. Had a great weekend. Dunes were awsome Thurs morning. My observations... 1. Some people spend way too much time worring about other people's bussiness. You know who you are. 2. My truck can pull out anyone even with 50psi in the tires. That was until I snapped my front gear set. 3. Pulling out my heavy a$$ trailer in 2wd sucks in soft sand, but still made it! :surrender: 4. Camping close to the entrance to comp gives us plenty of scenery and laughs watching everyone get stuck. 5. My truck doubles as a bar at comp. 6. My father-in-law cut himself off and passed out in my truck at comp. 7. Missed fridays ride, but saturdays ride was eventful. 8. A built Chevy couldn't move my truck when I broke the 4wd and got buried by the entrance to comp. It took a built jeep with what looked like 44x18 tires, and it pulled me out like it was nothin. Just glad it wasn't a Chevy or Dodge! Well it looks like I have some work ahead of me. The top end on my banshee needs to be redone. The yellow LT80 needs a crank and primary drive. And my buggy has a bearing or something going out. I am thinking it is the throwout (sp?) bearing. At least that would be the easisest to fix.
  11. Saturday potluck steveo--------------------2 sides of your a$$ hurts w/ a side of cake in the eye crawlinxj----------------- Spaghetti salad and BBQ, Vegie dip trayand Green beans dunefreak--------------- Hawaiian rolls and corn on the cob, grill Don29palms------------ Cake and -------------------- you know! Sincity_blondie--------- Utensils, plates, napkins sand snake------------- mashed potatoes and gravy, macaroni salad sand queen------------- Nacho cheese and chili dip cdavego----------------- Dinner rolls and Relish tray,Green beans JAGERMAN&FRIENDS-- 3 Sidedishes DunePilot-----------------Hot dogs, buns, & bbq beans lvnalolife & family--------Lasagna and Brownies Thanksgiving Dinner Steveo------------2 sides of pehaps your a$$ hurts Dunefreak ------- Turkey and a fryer, 2 medium size cans of sweet potatoes (yams) Sincity_Blondie - Turkey, oil, 4 boxes stuffing, gravy Sand~Snake ---- Mashed taters & gravy OGP --------------- Green Bean Casserole , Pie & whipped cream Crawlinxj -------- Turkey (in oven), Fryer, veggie tray, 3 pies Bert --------------- Dinner rolls, Pie & whipped cream dune smurf------- Relish tray Don29palms------ Fryer oil and Cranberry sauce
  12. I only have one thing to add: Remember the speed limit on the entry road is 25mph. Don't go flyin around someone and throw dust and rocks all over their rigs. Lets be safe and have a great weekend. Watch out for the idiots and inexperienced ones out there. Can't Wait!
  13. It will also need a collapsable steering shaft for front end collision safety.
  14. Saturday potluck crawlinxj----------------- Spaghetti salad and BBQ, Vegie dip trayand Green beans dunefreak--------------- Hawaiian rolls and corn on the cob, grill Don29palms------------ Cake and -------------------- you know! Sincity_blondie--------- Utensils, plates, napkins sand snake------------- ? sand queen------------- Nacho cheese and chili dip cdavego----------------- Dinner rolls and Relish tray,Green beans JAGERMAN&FRIENDS-- 3 Sidedishes DunePilot-----------------Hot dogs, buns, & bbq beans lvnalolife & family--------Lasagna and Brownies Thanksgiving Dinner Dunefreak ------- Turkey and a fryer Sincity_Blondie - Turkey, oil, 4 boxes stuffing, gravy Sand~Snake ---- Mashed taters & gravy OGP --------------- Green Bean Casserole , Pie & whipped cream Crawlinxj -------- Turkey (in oven), Fryer, veggie tray, 3 pies Bert --------------- Dinner rolls, Pie & whipped cream dune smurf------- Relish tray Don29palms------ Fryer oil and Cranberry sauce
  15. What's your tongue got to do with your trailer Gene Simmons? Yeah and I still got almost 10 more feet than you! Sure you dont wanna trade for the weekend? :chev_bowtie:
  16. Hahaha I kinda figured that! I thought it was funny as hell! :mc_smiley:
  17. And who better to do that then El Presidente! :mc_smiley:
  18. I'm guessin they hit reply on your post instead of the add reply down below!
  19. Maybe you two should swap trailers for the weekend to make it look more proportional. Or better yet switch with me!! :chev_bowtie:
  20. I sure hope that was a bit of sarcasm on his part!!
  21. Now this is a Man's RV check it out! :shocked2:
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