Actually there where two. The one that is now Davey's Deals and then the one that was up by where Carson Trailer is. Never went there. Only went to the one that became Davey's Deals. And yeah they where fast. I liked the slick track.
It is more than likley Ross and Dawn. Their warehouse for the exhibit rentals is off of Steptoe about a 1/4 mile south of Trop. If it was last week, they were working late trying to empty one of their warehouses out. The blue teuck was Ross and his friend Dave has a white one, unless it was a night when Craig aka 9digit was helping out.
They say 12" but I think it might only be about 10.5" to 11". Clears the 38x15.5r20's well. It dunes well too. I raced some quads up banshee hill once and won. It was sweet.
Hahaha I think I started that one. Look at the bottom of my post. :bash:
By the way, its not stock! Not gonna list the performance crap, just know that I have no problems pulling anything. You can ask PaulyPaul about the power as he was a diesel mechanic. Can't go too fast on the freeway (gears) if you know what I mean. But you can try to pull me around. Not gonna happen. Its all good though. Just messing around with ya. Don't want either one of us to break something so we can just sit back and and laugh about it.
Yeah mine too! It has made two flawless tows to Dumont. And I am not easy on it by no means. I pull loaded up Potisi and still have yet to see the tranny temp got over 165. So far so good. I hope yours lasts too!
Glad to here he was ok. The wind and dumont makes for a scary time. Its hard enough in the day to ride with the wind pushing over the ridges, but at night, I can only imagine what that ride was like. Did a simalar thing when I broke my shoulder on my quad, it does feel like you are in the air forever!
Terry, get well soon. The dunes will still be there when you are ready. Don't worry, I can take your rail out for you a couple of times so she doesn't have to miss out like you! LOL Just Kidding! Hurry up and heal so we can go dunin again! Here's to a speedy recovery! :north_pole:
Thats great to hear. Hope he has a healthy recovery. I know it will be a while til he feels normal again. Good luck and hope to meet you guys out there somethime.