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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. Go for it Kenny! I love my Subi! It has been very reliable and doesn't eat as much gas as a V8. By the way, the white looks sweet.
  2. I cant wait to see this monster!
  3. Sounds like I missed a good trip! See you all out there for Turkey day!
  4. Congrats Don! Nice trailer! See you out there for Turkey day!
  5. I'll race you on my daughter's 80! Its stock!
  6. :no_no: He said knee pads!
  7. I know the Shortstar is a motor but what is a Shortstart? Hahaha I had to!
  8. You suck! But I think you are right! By the way, what is a Shortstart? :no_no: Had to!
  9. Dan you must have too much free time! Funna as hell though!
  10. Yeah you should have seen how many I collected by comp on the Clean-Up weekend. Pathetic! Smokers don't think that is littering I guess. I once asked my friend why he threw his butts out the window and he said he didn't want to stink up his car by having them in his ash tray. Now that was an ignorant answer!
  11. Looks good! I might have to get you to do a helmet for my wife. I think a pink "flamed" helmet would looks sweet for her. She is a pink freak!
  12. I tell you what, Pete's rail is sick. Thing is fast and agile. If I didn't need the 5seater for my kids I definately would have looked into a mini like his.
  13. I hear that. I stopped worrying about getting there fast, I now worry about just getting there! J/K I just do the speed limit and get there when I get there now.
  14. Hey, my 3/4 ton bucks on the Tecopa road dips a little! Oh wait I forgot, the trailer is huge! :redhat: Hey Pete! if you can tow your old Baja with the 1/2 ton, I think he will be OK with a superlight 21' or smaller. You do have a good point, once you tow with a 3/4 ton or 1 ton, you will never go back to the 1/2 ton. Braking and handling are far superior. Nick, just be careful when you do finally get your trailer and just don't try to set any speed records or try to keep up with Pete as he likes to do mach 3 down the Tecopa road.
  15. Hell ya, those are grubin! I'm fat!
  16. Good call Gerald! Thank a soldier as we would not have anything we have now without them! God bless the USA and the soldiers that fight to keep our way of life possible!
  17. I could see how it could hurt bars businees around here, but what good does it do to complain now. You guys that don't agree should have been at the polls voting against it on Tuesday. Sorry it passed but it did, so lets move on. All the smokers have to do is go outside to get their smoke in and come back in. Hell they have to do that at work so what really is the big deal here? I know this will affect all the convenience stores and grocery stores that have the old ladies chain smoking while gambling away their social security checks. Well that is just my $0.02! Is it duning time yet!?!?
  18. Was goofin off on Dunebuggy.com and ran acroos this buggy for sale. Was like holy chit that looks like mine! Same builder 2 years newer. Looks a little longer than mine and has a shortstar V8. I should get it to have twins! Same color and almost same graphic stamped into the side panels and wing. All I can say is mine was built first. I guess they liked the way mine looked when they built it. From Dunebuggy.com... Mine....
  19. I agree too! I hate coming home after going out and smelling like cigarettes. It may not bother the smokers, but that crap stinks. I have talked to many people that have quit and said, "man I never knew it smelled that bad."
  20. Yeah, I just saw it on there too. Looks sweet. Seems like a good deal to me.
  21. Don't forget to add a bunch of the new DDR stickers. I heard they add 5 h.p. each! :freakin_nuts:
  22. Was it gold plated? Those prices are insane! Makes it almost impossible for normal blue collar people to rent them.
  23. Robby Gordan and the dunes = Badass! I have seen some of his videos jumping his truck at Glamis. That guy can drive!
  24. Not an idiot, just having a moment.... right?
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