I read the title of the post and was like.... Here we go again!
For Halloween we parked with my family about 500 yards from the entrance to Comp. Wasn't too bad. Actually was quiet. Will be there on T-day too.
Yeah, like Joe says, don't need paddles out there, just helps you get around better. You will want to steer clear of the bowl and don't try to climb the steep hills without them though. You will have a great time with or without them.
Like I said, let me know if you need my help or want me to pull my board and bring it over. The sail switch is kinda hard to get to, but you can jump the wires to see if it ignites, then you will know if that is the issue.
WHEEEW! For a second there you had me scared. I thought you might have actually had a subscribtion to that magazine. That whole deal sounds kinda to me!
Hey, why you gotta bring up old sh*t? I still can't believe how good of a job Ken did matching the touch up paint to the powder coat. I need him to touch up some stuff on my truck now!
You can do a test to see if it is the sail switch by tracing the wires and putting a jumper in. It is a micro switch mounted in the same chamber as the fan. I can also pull the board out of mine this weekend to check if is the board. Ross should chime in on this. Let me know if you need help testing it as Ross and I went through his whole unit before we found out it was the sail switch. I can come by one night this week.
Ross had a very similar problem on his MH. The fan would kick on and no heat, turned out to be the micro-switch in the fan area that detects air flow. Call me if you need more info.