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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. Yeah I'm glad I put the father-in-laws truck in 4wd when we hit that soft spot. Of course my trailer is an anchor in it! It only saves you about 30 min on your trip. Going thru Kanab is a lot smoother and less stress on your trailer.
  2. I'll be there Sat am. Wife has a halloween party at her work on Friday night. :DDR_rocks!: Gotta keep the wifey and the kids happy! So save me a spot for my big a$$ trailer! Oh yeah, my father-in-law is going too! Not sure when he is rolling out.
  3. Yeah I hit the one on top of comp. Luckily I was going slow enough that it soaked it up. Did get stuck in it and had to pull the front of the rail around. Good thing it doesn't weigh a lot!
  4. My observations from the weekend... 1. My tranny likes me again! 2. Eddie can sleep through anything. 3. Steveo has problems with stuff getting stuck in his eye. 4. DDR as always rocks! 5. Midnight runs to the South Pole are great! 6. Pauly talks a lot when he is druuuuunnnnkkkkk! 7. DDR potluck was delish! Good times! Can't wait til Halloween! :DDR_rocks!:
  5. Good luck Dan! Hope it works out for you! No more working for the Man!
  6. I'll be out tomorrow in the am, hopefully before you all wake up!
  7. Glad to see you are doing more than your part to help keep Dumont clean and open!
  8. Dude I want it now just to play that game!
  9. Kenny that's just wrong man! :angry2:
  10. My buddy Ross has Nextel. He gets speratic service around camp. It works like a champ at the North Pole (Not a joke, there is a place called the North Pole out there!) DDR hanging at the north pole!
  11. You guys suck! I am sooo jealous!
  12. I should be able to grab another grill from my father-in-law. I will grab something to bring out for the potluck also. Let me talk to the wife!
  13. Yeah, 9digit is coming. He was putting a brake controller in his new truck last night. He said he might come up Friday after work. I might come up late fri night or early sat morning. Talked to Ross and he said they are gonna try to be there for the Pot Luck at least. I told them to roll out with me in the am if they want and hang all day. I am making the maiden voyage on the new trans so wish me luck. Actually it has been working perfect. The temps are always 150 degrees or less, even in traffic. It used to get up to 180 just cruisin before. Crossing my fingers! :shocked2:
  14. I stand corrected. It must have been the Fury I was looking at with the heavier tongue weight. No wonder my truck barely sags then! 975lb tongue weight is cool. Oh Yeah, I'll bring you a twelve pack of Bud Select to say thanks for letting me grind down the distribution bar!
  15. I second that! Darryl is a cool guy and he knows what they are talking about.
  16. There goes my fun of watching the TARDS that aren't paying attention drop off the side!
  17. Pete, might be a dumb question, but why go with a 1200lb when the hitches on our trailers are supposed to be 1400lb tongue weight? By the way, let me know what you want me to throw your way to help since I did grind down the old bar a little!
  18. Let me know if you need my help!
  19. looks sweet Pete. Maybe you wont eat so much sand now!
  20. One question. Is there no front driveshaft? Or was it not done when the pics were taken? Otherwise, looks like a lot of time and work went into building it. Looks good!
  21. I seem to remember having to tighten them for you on the night drag weekend right before the tire was about to fall off! I will have to agree with wingnut on that one! Maybe one of us should always check your lugnuts before you ride! :freakin_nuts: On a serious not, just get 8 new studs and the correct flat lug nuts and you should be OK! They are easy to change.
  22. He knows a guy named Ken Allen. He is the service manager. Nice guy. He races the white blazer out at dumont against the Yellow Blazer and that hummer. Cool guy and will take care of you.
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