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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. I'll let you hop on mine if you promise to give it back after you see the wicked powerband even a tired 2 stroke has. I think we saw you at Amargosa last weekend when we were out messing around. I was on my banshee and Ross (justntime) was on his girls KFX700 and we were sitting outside what looked like your camp for a minute on Sat. We were waiting for my 10 year old little bro-in-law that was driving his dad around in his rasberry (pink) colored chevy half ton. Did you see us or was that even your camp? Didn't know for sure, so we didn't come into camp. Later!
  2. That was bad a$$! Did you see him telling his kid "we're going to Disney Land!"??? That had to have a slight a$$ pucker moment! Did you see the look on his mom's face when he landed? He recovered the over-ratation nice and still came in smooth. All Hail the Godfather!
  3. What channel is it on? I want to see it too.
  4. First off, no comparison between the banshee and the kfx400. For the dunes the banshee will walk all over that 400. If you want an all around bike that you can trail ride too, then go for the kawi. One drawback that I hate sometimes with my shee is having to mix gas. With a 4 stroke you can just gas-n-go.
  5. Should be there. Monday is the holiday so that is when I am coming home that afternoon. If you come out sat it might be hard to get a spot next to us.
  6. I am sure some are going out still. We are going to Amargosa to goof around and see some of the BITD offroad race.
  7. That's funny. I have a family friend that swares he will never go back to Coral Pink because of the time he almost got a DUI on his quad. By the time the ended up testing him in the jail he was right under the limit. He also got a ticket for cutting a corner and having his back tire hit a shrub. Since then he will not go back.
  8. Hey, just doing what I can! :huh: By the way, I signed up for the FoDD membership too!
  9. Damn Pete, before you know it you are spilling out the secret again!
  10. Let me know if you are coming out so that I can keep an eye out for ya. We are leaving early Sat and coming back Sun afternoon.
  11. They added the link and also asked if you could link to them. Later!
  12. Why not just come out to Amargosa then with us?
  13. Why? A strong turboed 4 cylinder or a turboed V6 can dune just as good. Unless he just wants to have to bring out a barrel of race gas every trip out. But I guess once you get your heart set on a V8 then thats all you want. I like my fuel economical 4 cylinder.
  14. Steveo did you see this one yet? 2005 4 seater honda 3.2 turbo
  15. Paully Paul does at full volume. Its funny watching everyone try to talk to him when we stop and then see him take his helmet off and remove the earphones and say "WHAT?".
  16. Hey, We are going out. You have the girls number right? Give her a call. As far as it looks, it will be my family and my father-in-law and my little bro-in-law Charlie. I might be bring 1 or two other friends too.
  17. So that explains why I saw the Grizzly in the back of your Z71 yesterday!
  18. You know we will be there. Probably come up Friday afternoon. Save us a spot!
  19. Here is the site I use.. Unleaded... Unleaded gas in Vegas Diesel.. Diesel in Vegas The parent site that lets you pick your city/state.. http://www.gasbuddy.com/ Hope this helps.
  20. Testing the structural integrity of the helmet???
  21. Give a drunk a computer and this is what you get!
  22. Good job man! I am sure that woman you helped is grateful to say the least.
  23. They should have dropped that thing off at the scrap yard not your body shop!
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