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Everything posted by lvnalolife

  1. Damn Pete, you almost started a riot!! :DDR_rocks!:
  2. For messing with us you are :DDR_rocks!: !! See ya there!
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :headbang: Don't let TACOMAMA run into you. She has a tendency to crash into others!
  4. Hell no! Its part of whats fun and also hanging with DDR! :DDR_rocks!: :headbang:
  5. I will have my little brother-in-law out there. He is only 10, but tears it up on a quad. He has been racing since he was 4. So bring him out. There will be someone to hang with for him. :DDR_rocks!:
  6. I like the 1:00-3:00 range. Gives the morning people time to get there and set up. Also lets everyone else enjoy lunch first. Just my $.02.
  7. Go ahead fawker. At least I got a truck to get my stuff out there!! That was funny looking how my truck makes a flatbed tow truck look small. If you have it send it to me! Can't wait til tomorrow, thirsty thurs is closing in! :smiley:
  8. I'll be there buggy and all. Maybe I can keep it on all four this time! :smiley: I re-worked the suspension and it only has 19" of clearance where it used to have 24". Previous owner had the thing topped out. So it should ride a whole lot better and handle good. No more newbie mistakes allowed for me!
  9. Yeah lets not tell too many people where it is so it wont get destroyed too. :smiley:
  10. Got this from GlamisDunes.com Hope it helps "the bank that the builders are using is Arrowhead federal credit union 800-743-7228. 7.5 int 10% down for 15 years" Later, J.J.
  11. Ouch, I'll remember that next time you are low on beer and I offer to help. Do you know how much I played in the dunes that weekend? Anyway, I'll pull it thru. Where was it? The only reason you got stuck is cuz you sank "like a rock"! That was the last one, I swear. :eatdrink021:
  12. What if your truck gets stuck?? :eatdrink021: Is it Thursday yet? Damn I am thirsty already.
  13. I guess if he snores that bad, he can always sleep in the 1/4 ton tow truck! :eatdrink021:
  14. Maybe if we take yours, budsponge would actually come out to Dumont again. Do you think he forgot how to get there yet? :eatdrink021:
  15. Nothing a pair of vice grips wont fix! ISBB just get him really drunk to where he passes out in a chair and then you can snore all you want.
  16. OOPS, I meant room for the bike! Sorry dude! You can still cuddle with your boy Pete, cuz you know Taco is ice cold!
  17. I will ask the father-in-law if I can bring the Dumont grill out. if not Dave will have to bring the "run-b-q" a lillte 24"x24" charcoal grill! :eatdrink021:
  18. Let me ask this. If he tows his buggy out with the motorhome, how is he going to get your quad out there? Is he going to put in on top of the MH? Like I said, I should have room.
  19. Iceman all the way! He is getting tougher and tougher every fight. He uses more techique now where as before his style was wild. I'll have to watch the replay on sunday night. And maybe after that I will fast forward through the Stooperbowl to see the new commercials.
  20. That's right! Bobby Bushea! derrrr I got a wooden spoon.....derrrrr!
  21. Yep got it back yesterday! I cant believe you didn't hear me start it up this morning. Oh yeah you can't hear shiat over your own snorring! Craig is towing out the buggy for me, so I have to squeeze his in. I should be able to fit it. I am going to try and take the kids qaud too. That can go in the back of my truck, unless the neighbor says I can take some of that huge tree he cut down last weekend for fire wood. No worries Dave! It will get out there one way or another!
  22. Yeah, and if you're in town for the weekend I am having a DDR party at my house on the 10th. You are more than welcome to come out. We can celebrate my belated (6th) and yours!
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