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Everything posted by 1320

  1. 3 gallons of fuel, thats worth more then the cap if its the good stuff.....
  2. I have to get to work, a walking I will go, glad my shop is 50 ft from my house. Holy......4.99 a gallon!......
  3. Saturday I did the havasu triathlon. Head winds really slowed me down, but I finished. Tonight, I just got back from the dyno.....I had two turbo camaros down there, only ran one on the dyno. It ran out of fuel pump at 4500 rpm and 8.2 psi of boost. We ll change the fuel pump and take it back for some 12-14 psi tuning in a week or so. The other, I just put a st80 turbo on, good for around 1300 hp, it wont make that, but it might get close to 1000, and after some street tuning I think it will have a decent shot at some high 9 sec passes at the track. Not bad for true street car. Tomarrow I get to finish up a twin turbo vette, its a fun week.
  4. I was wondering what the real name of the water crossing was..... If we attend ourselves can we inquire about anything we want to? Like spending, budgets? fees etc?
  5. The how fees were spent and what fees were collected make zero sence. 398K collected? If they average only 20$ per visit on average (including yearly pass holders) thats only 19917.57 visitors..... Do you really think they only had 20k rigs pull in there in the year? Or are you guys averaging way more visits then I am? I figured I spent 120$ for the year, and those people average 6 trips, so 20$ a trip, plus all the day trippers...... How many day passes were sold? How many yearly passes were sold? Why wouldnt they offer that in that break down? "fees collected" = 398......that good book keeping. What about fines? Are fines collected at dumont for dumont enfractions, dumont money? Or is it shuffled off somewhere else? It seems like they would fall under the term "fee collected" and how do volunteers get money? The odd parts is, this is the easy argument, then we can get into how they spent the money.
  6. I was talking to friend last night.....why everything is getting heavier. A 1965 big block corvette weighed 3250, with an iron block, iron heads, iron exhuast manifolds, steel wheels, etc. etc, but now the carbon fiber zr1 with an all aluminum 6.2 liter is suppose to 3350? Probably not a peice of iron in the whole car. Gas is 3.50 a gallon, diesel in 4.00 so lets drive 4000 lb cars and 6600-8800 lb trucks.......
  7. I have a stock sammi wheel with a tire on it (spare)...... Im at the 215 and warmsprings...
  8. College has been good to me and my wife. We both have degrees. Mine was in medicine. I worked for almost ten years in my field before getting serious about real estate. I was in real estate in las vegas for about 13 years (over lapping my medical background). Now in my mid 30's I fortunate to be doing pretty well and partially retired. Now I a mechanic....LOL. I really enjoy it, I build turbo cars. No I wouldnt be a dealer mechanic, but I do see why, and respect those guys and guys like Dan for what they do more then they know. I ve known very powerful people, and I do no have very high regard for most of them. My wife has a degree technically in management but with a medical background. She still works in the field and the paper has served her very well. She is the highest paid person in her company in her area. Now she enjoys a lot of time off. So the paper does do some good. Besides, she was my student at thats how we met, so even though I dont work in the field anymore it was still worth it. Technicians, the good ones.....are very good. Now about 1/2 of what I do is programming efi......the other half, is building engines, building turbo systems and everything else. I ve never been busier, and I dont know why, with the economy sucking. I try everything to get rid of work, defer work to other people etc....
  9. no I dont, that was my point, dumont is basically no services, get it...kinda the point of several threads lately, were help was needed and no real help was available? The gist of most people is, treat it like you have no help, ride like you will get no help, because its likely not there. No equipment, unable to get to people, unable to repair existing blm sites (like mines)...... sheesh..... LOL.....the only services they provide is the ability to collect fees....they still need help to get the dead people out, how the heck could they help the living?
  10. actually I think your misinformed. Its my understanding that there are NO new services, and the fees are to make up for lost funding last year.
  11. Im getting deisel tonight for 3.50 a gallon....delivered. oh well....I was gonna wait but the seller is leaving town for awhile, so I ll grab what I can. Now that the weather is nicer I m looking forward to getting my (suz)bandit back from Dan, and using it a bit more and my bicycle.
  12. technical......LOL if safety was the issue, they would inspect when you pay there "be there" fee. At some pont they will realize the monkey that checks for your "be there" permit can multitask and check for OHV stickers.......then someday maybe even check for things like helmets, snell numbers, eye protection etc...... NAh, cause actual safety isnt the object, just the collection of fees, thats why they check on the way out too, to see if you paid to get in, its like costco or sams club.....
  13. I go to dumont and back for about 80-100$, about 11-12 mpg pulling a 50 ft trailer. My friends say theyhave to go thru baker because they have to fill up their d maxs? I dont get it? I use 20-25 gallons round trip, how much does a d max hold? Pm me on the used oil. I was offered a bunch alittle while back, and now I know someone else with another restraunt that I may be able to get some from also. I know a guy with a gas motorhome, he says between his rail and motor home he spends 500 for a fri/sat/sun trip...... I spent 150 this last week end, but my truck is good for another 200 miles still, and I have enought gas for the toys for another trip out. During the week we use.... it gets 600 miles on a tank, at about 9.5-10.0 gallons. It holds 10.5.
  14. I was camped pretty much walking distance frm the camp host. When I saw the helicopter, our group started looking around, and saw the crew going off in the rhino. Another duner, said, the driver was already back in a camp, (theirs I thnk) with a gash to his head. A women reportedly in the back of a rail, (pregnant) was still out in the dunes with what was supposedly a back problem, most likely a compression break. The ideas od a cheap 4x4 are great but in real life there is liability. And in real life no goverment agency buys used because of the possibility of improper use of money. (like buying an older 4x4 frm a brother in law for 4 times its real value) I think its odd, that I was easily with in seeing distance of the camp host though, with plenty of equipment to get anywhere, and remove anythng, yet no one came over to me to let me know. My rail has a 144 inch wheel base, seats 4, and could carry as much equipment as they brought at the same time. My sami could easily get them to the scene. If the women was still in the rail, I could remove the rail with her in it, then remove her in a better location if need be. Obviously immobilization is paramount in any dune accident. But then there is LIABILITY, everyone has that little voice in there head, will I get sued? Maybe the should inform everyone of good simaritan laws when entering? No body even asked or told me till much later, but it seems that having the knowledge could developed into a much faster solution. I d bet money the reason for her spine problem is improper belt mounting TOO.
  15. it probably as only marked up to 160k or so by the time they got the utility box, the lift, wheels, tires, bumber, and winch..... I wonder what they use it for? Wouldnt a recovery vehicle be an armored transport ? You wouldn't send 4 guys with tools out in that to fix a tank in battle would you?
  16. 1320


    I went way out north with Brian, (indasand) and liked it, we might be out thereor close to a finger if its not busy.
  17. yea, with all turbos you run both the exhuast and air to the engine through it. Not together, but exhuast goes through one side to spin the turbo (turbine) and air to the engine enters the other side (compressor) to get compressed and go to the engine. air in pathway = air cleaner, big turbo, small turbo, intercooler, engine exhuast path = exhuast manifold, small turbo, big turbo, exhuastpipe
  18. I think my truck benefited more then most for a few reasons. The exhuast goes through two housings, the first absorbing heat and taking away energy, the second being huge and needing energy very badly. The exhuast manifold on cummins leaves alot to be desired period. Port mis match, heat shrinkage etc, was the reason for the manifold swap. The coating was done in part because with twins, space gets close, and I wanted to keep the heat from melting things under the hood while towing. I did catch my hood insulator on fire, once pulling potesi, cause the insulator fell and the turbo housing was real close. On compound twins, we use one small turbo and one large. The exhuast goes through the small turbo first then the larger turbo then exits . The incomming air starts at the air cleaner, then through the large turbo then through the small turbo, then to the intercooling system (in my case three intercoolers) then to the intake. Ive also noticed more boost at cruise speeds on the freeway, and lower egts ofcourse.
  19. 1320


    I think were going sat morning, weather dependent. Feel free to look for us if you like. 50 ft black trailer and red truck is easy to spot. Small kids, my boy is 2 and my daughter is 5. She rides circle in camp on a pink 110.
  20. I ve been runnng my cummins for several years now with compound twins. They work great, but in the back of you head, you always wonder, I wonder if I did this, if it would be better. So, I recently added a ported and coated ats manifold. Good results, I bought it used, then cleaned it up and had it ceramic coated. Barely noticeable change I would say, but I did tow with it twice, and compared egt's to previous and hill climbing and speed. Seemed to picked up alittle, egts a tad lower, so speed was a tad higher at the same weight on the same hills. Now, I took, my adapter / waistgate pipe off, both turbo exhuast housings and the intermediate (between turbo) pipe off and had them coated in piston coat. The results are amazing. Atleast 10 psi more boost. Boost comes in sooner and faster. My 60 psi gauge needs to be an 80 psi gauge now. I use to have to work it pretty hard to see 55, and would only see it in 4th or higher gears. It would go through 2 or 3rd so fast that it would go past about 45 before the shift. Now I see 55 easy. 55 in 4th 5th or 6th is a blink and still part throttle. Given my test drive, I d guess it would trap in the 110-113 area in the quarter. It seems to have brought the whole power curve down in rpm and extended and raised the top end. Someday Ill have to swap the head and do head studs and stuff. It only has 220k miles on it so Il keep it safe and keep my limit at 60 psi until then. A much bigger change then the manifld only and looks cool too. The piston coat is gold/bronze.
  21. 1320

    pres day pics

    lenght limit is 65 ft, Im 64 9". Yes I go through the switch backs. I hated that blanket, he chewed it all the time, so we had a cerimony and burned it, right in front of him. He has another blanky now but isnt so attached to it.
  22. who pays for the chp? the rangers? the medical? the filght for life ? the water truck? the bathrooms? Why the ohv permit? What does it accomplish? were does that money go? Were does the entry fees collected go? Who paid for the sheriffs equipment? sandrails? quads etc? And, were do you think California learned how to be unethical and filled with buercratic red tape? am/pm or the federal level? LOL I think its funny that everyone says....they do it for our safety but then its obvious that our safety is way down the line in there things to care about, but you still defend them. BTW, the open mines are on the walking path, that you can not walk into, they go straight down, 100+ feet who knows. The path that is the historial marker path for mining from the 1800's....that hundred of people use every big weekend. Dont tell me you go to dumont and have never ventured outside the sand? They are south - eeast to the dunes, on your way to the small dunes. Yes, I stopped and told a sheriff that was sittng in the flats, in the middle of no where, with nary a soul around (good use of his time) and told him, he already new, they have been like that for years. There ar about 5 of them....10 ft by 10 ft, with a metal gate, with about 12 inch spacing, and some of those are missing, so you can easily walk right in an fall 100+ feet and die ofcourse.....but I need someone to stop me on the way out to see if I paid to get in?
  23. If I remeber correctly, I used the numbers from the same weekend. Comparing the same three days in both locations. The dunes had either 3 or 6 fatailities I think, so maybe it was a essepecially bad weekend. Obviously doing the yearly numbers would be much better, but I ve never seen dumont numbers for the year. The estimates are probably fairly crude too, since no one counts the people actualy going in. Its dangerous, so is going to work, becareful.
  24. But many never asked for it to be PERFECT, we liked it the way IT WAS. Be proactive? in california state government? You are kidding right? How can all this money be collected, and still be a loss? Or rather how was it not ruin in the previous 30-40 50 years of use , with no fees, and virtually no state support? If it was truely a loss, wouldnt it make fiscal sence to pull out and make it just like it was for so many years? How do they determine a loss? Do the count the cost of vehicles? or depreciate them for 5 years or 10 or what? They can pay people to check you on your way out, to see if you paid on your way in, but they cant come up with a few 8 ft steel bars and maybe some wire mesh to cver the open mines in the area? That are state historical sites? Shouldnt the blm area manager be fired? They will pay someone to collect fees but not protect them from death if they fall in a hole? That obviously in any state would result in a multi million dollar settlement from a day one attourney. Thats typical california state government at work, complete and udder failure. Its so messed up , that with out question the only proactive thing to do is over throw the gorvernment and start over. I think a similar thing happened around 225 years ago. that worked for awhile.
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