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Everything posted by 1320
I actually tried to do some ruff estimates awhile back. I used numbers from a ranger on thanksgiving day nd compared to the las vegas metro area. It appeared to be about 180 more times to be killed at dumont then las vegas......That was not counting natural deaths, just deaths over the same week end. I think I used 1.7 million people for the lv population but I cant remeber forsure. BUT DAM 180 more times mor elikely to DIE......
Dont get me wrong, Im not really complaining about the fees, but the ethics surrounding the fees. I do appreciate everything they have done, but misuse of funds is rampant in any goverment. Like who will decide how long each of there sand cars will be in service? Then who will buy brand new cars? and who will get the "old" cars that are no longer fit for service because some hr counter tripped 1000 hrs? Same goes for everything else? quads, bikes, water truck etc...who will determine what new equipment to buy and at what price? A fair price? What about the idea that they are so worried about missing revenue that they will check for missed revenue when you leave also? But nt spend that man power in the dunes helping make it safer? If safety was any concern at all, they would inspect peoples rides, and have standards to abide buy in construction and use of safety equipment, like every other form of motorsports. ethics in question: 1. safety of cars / quads/ bikes, and safety equipment use 2. why NOT a day pass? Because of MONEY. 3. why the OHV permit at all? Did the vehicle get inspected? no.., what did the permit accomplish? nothing but money. Its not a lot but I paid 120 for my yearly pass, 150 in ohv permits, and I can only take my tow vehicle in ? What is there a lack of room? Why can t my pass cover my family? the answer...money. thats only 270$, but thats 270 bucks , and if I ever need the helicopter Im paying for it seperately, if I need medical attention, chances are greater that a by stander will provide then one of the medical professionls there. Ofcourse I would take either in the time of need.
which way , wouldnt they fit? the wheel bases are very very close. I had an issue with height due to the cage, so I have to put it in the back were the roof is higher. Packing issues, probably dictate more choices then almost anythng else.
You see thats the misconception. The state of california is there to collect revenue, that dont care if they save any lives, or make anyones day better. Sure it might happen, purely by accident, but the reason they are there is to collect money. The health care system in the us, is the same way, the fact that people do get better is not a result of the system, its a side benefit of it, the health care system is there to make money not lives better. Just like the CHPand NHP. They are there to make money first, not solve problems or make live better. They do, but that wasnt the objective. btw, when was the last time you paid taxes in canada? I have friends that live there and pay in the order of 50% of there income to taxes. That imo is more then alittle more.
I love these threads. Everyones opinion is based on cost, preformance and use....and SUZUKI wins hands down eveytime. Samurais and trackers....virtually the same size as a rhino, but wider(so less chance of turning it over), twice the power in the lowest hp stock form, can be made close to the same weight too! You get a real transfer case, no belts, and seating for 4. Even if you have everything done, a done up samurai is less then 5000 $.......out pulls, out climbs, out top speeds all the "marketed" SxS's. heaters and stereos are standard, too, and in some cases you can drive them to the store for milk if desire.
Dan this is for you. He falls asleep all the time like this and in the rail!
I think the stte of california is so unethical, that to say they do anything for the best interest of anyone else has to be a lie. My dad pays over 500$ a month o property tax on a very average house. On presidents day I had the opurtunity to see the mining and house remains, and frankly everyone in the BLM that oversees the area should be FIRED. THEY HAVE OPEN MINES, with trails leading right to them. Not only are the metal covers inadiquate, they are damaged and MISSING pieces that are suppose to keep people out. So much so that a 400lb man could easily fall in and die let alone a child. This is a state historical site, with state plaques at each site, and open mine shafts on the friggin trail. If safety was truely a concern then there would be standards for safety like every other type of motorsports. Safety is not having medical staff there to pick up the mess, its to keep it from happening in the first place, and judging by the camp speeders, drunks, metal stakes in the ground etc etc etc, its deffinately last on there list of things to be concerned with. Plenty of staff checking passes in and OUT to make sure they get there revenue, but leo's in the dunes....far and few, or in camp for that matter. I did see three out parked by themselves on the way to the little dunes though, and only a minor present in the big dune camp area, were everyone complains of safety infractions? HHHMMMM The state of california is so corrupt its not possible for anything they do to be for a legit good reason.
I went to the site, but I have a few quetions... 1. its a 660cc engine? how much power? how much torque? 2. what does one weight? 3. whos engine? 4. straight axles? 5. Transfer case ? 2hi, 4hi, 4lo? 6. fuel injected? 7. location of engine? It looks like tractiuon might suffer if all the weight is in the front? 8. How do they climb/ get around the dunes?
no but it did look like that hood and THAT COLOR. Maybe swapped to a different utv? Or was metal flake gold common?
I just saw the news, it sure looked like the same paint and bodywork. It looked like gold to me, and maybe the doors too. The two are still in the hospital, one, critical, and they said they came out of nowhere, (decatur and south of the 215) so it was probably from right near there. I d be wondering if someone stole a rhino, they probably stole more then one and mix and match parts, and would probably do dumb things, cause they didnt pay for it anyways, and try to race cars......
ironman training you start your day at about 6 00 am with a 2.4 mile swim....
I know someone that reportedly paid 14k and change here in vegas. I dont know, I like the samuria for 1/7th the cost, it makes more power and holds more people. I was upset, though I couldnt climb comp with 4 people and the cooler though. On the second try I got about 3/4 s the way up. TWo people and no cooler, no problem, I might need to up grade to the 120hp fuel injection motor, its a bolt in and only double the power I have now.
yep, went swimming today in the lake..... call me crazy.....ok, I deserve it. Did about an hour total, 40 minutes against the current, then rested on theboat , then 20 more . About the worst conditions.....windy, against the currrent. And yes its even cold wearing wetsuit.
LOL pete, yea, to many solid gold 3$ washers..... I scaled at the truck stop on windmill/blue diamond and industrial. It cost 8.50. My trailer is 10000 dead empty and its a cargo trailer, ie race car trailer.
I just hate when two camps rope off and block stuff, end to end. It was so bad you had to go an extra 1/4 mile just to find a path through. I dont have a problem if they want a cautioned area for kids, but do it right and leave some room
I weighed my truck and trailer, and was surprized with 26160 lbs. 12100 about on the truck 7k+ on the rear 5+ on the front 13+k on the trailer. I checked my tries, all under weight. Im licenced for a non cdl class A, and I took my test with my current truck and trailer. I know some will say Im over the gvw of the truck, but Im out of warranty long long ago. On the way back, I was a bit lighter missing fuel and water. I was again surprised that I pulled potesi easy even though I was slowed down behind a car hauler semi, and then accelerated up the hill. I also used 24.46 gallons round trip. In the trailer was, 1. 50 cc quad 2. 110 cc quad (big one) 3. blaster 4. banshee 5. polaris 500 4x4 6. suzuki samuria on four paddles and not much body. 7. 144 inch wb four passesnger subie 6 rail two ac's, air compressor, nitrogen tank, toilet, sink, small water tank, two generators, etc.. Im guessing the beds, and tools weigh a lot.
As I was going to dumont, a friend just happened to be behind me, and the chp was going the other way, stopped, turned around and pulled over my friend. I would bet, because his trailer is lettered up with his business name. I certainly garnered mored attention at 64'10 inches, but he promptly pulled over his 26 foot tag. I havnt tallked to him, but I d guess it was related to comercial use, cdl, etc....I think if the chp wanted to he could have sideline his rig till a cdl driver was there to move it? I dont know, but we were not speeding.
I dont see people like that being armed legally. They tend to not have the pathience or forethought to take education on arms training. Im pretty calm, but Im also a ccw holding member of society. No reason to go back....ever. I d suspect periodically people will search the name and come across discussions like this one, and see other peoples opinions, and then form there own. Time will solve this little problem for everyone.
Dont worry, I wouldnt, I was joking on the odds....I have no want or need to even see the guy again. I may very well go and try to talk to the owner, just to see his position. I also wouldnt be all that surprised if he already knows, or one of his friends inform him of this discussion even. The internet makes the world a small place. Lets see, the adult thing to do..... better business bureua. Fire marshall property owner city traffic to see if revising there entry exit is in order. business licensing oh and the irs esspecially since its well documented that the receved cash on the calif of hyway stickers that they probably didnt claim..... Ofcourse thats just for starters.
I cant believe how people act. I returned the 3 $3 dollar washers. Ihad both my kids with me, 5 yr girl and 2 yr old boy. My boy was having "issues" so I was holding him(thi is relavent later). The older gentlmen was helping someone, a younger women just finished helping someone so I stepped up, and said, I d like to return these......she politely complide with my request, took maybe 30 seconds. The guy that I had problems with yesterday was next to her at the counter. He had just walked up as I was finishing. I said, excuse me, he said "dont start with me" I said, "you know I thought about what you said and I have an answer to your question" He said "dont start wwith me" I said "no, my is, how much do I HAVE TO PUT WITH?" He said "take your sheilds and go" (by now I m close to the door, he can see I m going , so I dont know why the static, he was already getting what he wanted) but, as Im exiting the door, I realize how he meant the "shields " comment, and I poke my head back in and say...." no really, think about it, people like me pay your rent, for your car, your food" I turn to leave, in the door way still holding my 2 yr old boy. HE SAYS, something about DENTAL COVERAGE AS IM LEAVING!" And is saying something about that I need it (i thnk) and that he is ready anytime) This is not exact, as I was exiting the building, with in 1 or 2 feet of the door. I go back to my truck, I put my kids inside, and I m FLOORED at what the guy said, he wants to fight..... So now Im pretty upset, I realize the guy is talking baout fighting, and I cant believe it, I cant BELIEVE he did this with the older gentlmen and the women virtually right next to him. I shouldnt assume, but I have thought in the past that the older gentlemen was the owner...maybe he is not, I have no real reason to think that. I would fire someone on the spot and kick them out for such and action, physically threaten a customer........? What is the world comming to. Anyways, I put my kids in my truck, and being fired up, I go back to the door, and say" Ill be back next week" HThe says...."anytime, anytime".......and in a way this confirms might disbelief about him actually wanting to fight. So what are the odds?? He was about my age..30's, about 5 10 maybe and pretty chubby, probably 225-245. Im 6'5 and only 200 lbs. I used to be bigger, when I wrestled and played football long ago. But now Im an amature triathlete, that does the summer utah games, and silvermann and a few other tris around the southwest. So needless to say, at least I have endurance....LOL
Im all for supporting small business and not opposed to knowng they make a profit even. The second place sold them tome for about 81 cents each, so likely the cost around 40 cents wholesale, maybe more, but probably even less. So the 750% mark up I think is out of line. Heck, if they would have charged 1.50 each they would be making near 100% if they buy them retail at the same place I did.....I wouldnt even have questioned it, and certainly would have left a happy customer. 750% though......
I stopped by neveda offroad buggy to pick up 3 trailing arm washers. I was gonna get 5 but then they said they were 3$ each! I exclaimed how ridiculous that was and responded to the effect that its sad that a business will lose a customer over 10$. Last year I spent in the area of $3000+ dollars there, and I try to support local businesses but really, $3 for a washer? Isnt it pretty standard in retail to charge 50-100% of the wholesale price? I had my kids with me, I was already there, so I bought the washers. Then with in ear distance of another man, I said Im glad I dont need an axle anymore, because I wouldnt buy now from there anyway. He probably didnt hear all of what I said, but I went there for the past two days, because I was told they would have them, then yesterday was informed they were back ordered, so he took my number and said he would call me by the end of the day (yesterday). no call Anyways, after my comment about not buying them even if they had them, the first guy (my salesman) says, "YOUR A D$%K how much do I have to put up with...." Im floored, really I dont think there is a cause that should cause an owner or employee to call a customer a name and be billigerant. I responded.....regarding the complete unprossional act of calling me a name, when I never said anything about him, and my last responce was obviously to the other man because he was still saying something about the axles, (he was still thinking I was gonna buy some) This apparently pushed the first guy to far, so he mouthed off, called me a D$%K and asked how much he has to put up with...... WELL.....I spent several thousand dollars there last year, I took maybe 1 hr of time total, and if the mark up is anywhere near what they mark up a washer then they made well over 1000 $ for that hour of inconviencing them to sell me something. I ask, WHAT DO WE HAVE TO PUT WITH! $3 dollar washers? I left, stopped at another place about 3 miles away and paid $4.40 cents for 5 and that was with tax. Less then a dollar each retail. I cant wait toreturn my purchase. I think its incredibily ignorant for a businees to attempt the sale of a $3 washer. They could easily sell the washer at a fair price, enjoy my revenue and my loyalty to go to them first, but NO they charge $3 for washer , which in the very least causes me to price shop the bigger items, and take as much of my business somewhere else. How much does he have to put with, well, I pay for your housing, your food, your car. You can are the only one that can answer that. As for there bottom line.....well my 3000 a year is gone, unless I really really need something, and I suspect they do the same thing to everyone by charging $3 for a washer. So if only 10 people a year come to the same conclusion that I have then they are losing $30000 + dollars which does effect there bottom line. Ill be returning tomarrow with receipt in hand to return my $3 washers, since I found then at my first stop for approxiamately 0.81 cents elsewhere. 81 cents retail.......yea, and they buy them for about half that, and thats fine with me.
Ill take one or two.....pm the info.
I think I have two in the shop. Im not sure what year, but both from 4.3 trucks I think.
Dan helped me dyno my busa today. It was great. My reason for dynoing was to see if there was a problem. There is not. I bought petes back up/ spare motor for his rail and put t in my hayabusa. Before I put it in, Powerhouse (Dan) did some work to it. Mainly so I can put the turbo on, so we lowered the compression, I wanted an intake cam used on the exhuast side, and a ported head that I had. Everything worked out, when it was stock it made 152/99 on another dyno. Today it started at 160/84 I think and ended at 173 (170 repeated) and about 97 lft lbs @8500. Tommarow wel see if I cant get it down the track. Thanks Pete for selling it to me, (now I need to go through my original engine) and thanks very much to Dan at Powerhouse for all the help.