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Everything posted by 1320
Actually if you check some numbers, your about 180 more times more likely to die at dumont then in las vegas on any given day. Its probably more then that, because of the number of people in dumont are estimated only. Most people in medicine use the "do what you normally do" as advice. Meaning that if your physically fit and able to go riding (as safe as you can) then you (your body) is likely not putting any more stress on the unborn baby. If you stress your body , then you stress the baby. So if you get hurt, your pain and stress translates to the baby.
Ill sell the black ones off mine. Ive been meaning to make some new ones for awhile. Should go right one.
If you put in a boxing ring , make it an mma ring. When your not using it, use it as somethng else. Then 2-3-4 nights a week have amature fighting. Ill sign up.
IMO , the X brace behind the seats was done wrong. It appears in the burnout picture that the occupants heads are slightly above the top of the seat, this is exactly where the new X brace goes through, so now you have reduced head clearance and made it more dangerous. The right thing to do would be remove it, put a cross bar in at shoulder level, or highr and remount the belts over the seats not through it. Then work on x barcing in an area that can not hit you in the head. The roof extension should have been drilled and sleeved, then weld the drill holes on the sleeve, then the extension?
Looks like california is aware dumont exists. Fees went up 50% in one year? Armagossa is gonna start to be a busier place. It may not be all that much still (30$) and 120$ plus a sur charge for holiday week ends, but I bet its just the start. In few years it will be 100 for a 7 day. Kinda sucks, cause if you invite someone out for the day, they are paying 3.30 a gallon plus 30$ just for quick visit. They should do a 3 day pass for 10 or 15$. I figure the fees I pay this year will be double what last year was if I go the same amount (holidays). If they keep going, this will be costly in a few more years. Well pay 500 for a seasonl, 4.25 a gallon, a clean air permit, smogs for every ohv you bring, plus sur charge for how big your trailer is........yep they are gonna turn the middle of no where into "the peoples republic of california"
You have seen a rhino havn't you?
Yea, so if your a thief, all you have to do , is find someone that bought used. They will have no proof of ownership. The thief cant even be arrested, or charged with a crime. All the police will do , is advise you to sue them civily, which you will still need evidence of ownership. Its hard for me to believe this happened, seems like something california would do. On the upside, if soemone steeals your ohv, just steal it back.
I was told at the dmv that they no longer title ohv's. So the AZ title I have from the previous owner is all the proof Ill ever have of ownership. Anyone title something recently? In another thread"stolen" the police said it was a civil matter, and that she needed proof of ownership. She had no title, but that is what the dmv told me. If you buy used, all there is , is a bill of sale, no more titles. I argued with the person, and she checked with a super. So, in the event that you buy used, anyone can take it and you have no proof that you bought it, or ever owned it.
yea, its safer then your rhino, goes more places, and costs 1/10th as much, thats not a personal attack, I would never stoop so low to call you names like the big boy your are, dam you guys, if your going to take things out of context and call names, Ill just say rip when the time is right, ok.
yea, and if you would have read something I only posted the picture becuase someone asked to see it, and I m pretty sure it was stated, unfinished. Yes, there is a cross bar in the back, the seat belts remounted, and more bracing. Its also been painted, and some other alterations. Whats even funnier is that I didnt say anything directly bad anout anyones car, but you guys are obviously offended that I might have a point, a point I might ad that may save your life as you know it, or your walking ability, or your loved ones. I appreciate you guys pointing out that stuff, I already took care of it. Now go look at your cars and see if its safer then a sammy that averages between 1 mph and maybe 30 at its highest dune speed. Lets compare it to your rhinos...... BTW, I like funcos, personally they are probably in my top 5 too, they put safty and convience in front of the trend, that says a lot for a company. So if someone in the club after all this goes out , gets hurt, then some lawyer tells them they have a case cause there car was unsafe......would that cause an issue? Maybe win a few million from a company like funco, put them out of business so the others no longer have support? That would suck too. opinions, remeber everyone has one, why is you guys care about mine so much? Its just an opinion, it must hit a nerve I guess.
they look good.
coooool truck, rod lites would look good, but salt flat wheels with the dark centers would be killer.
Pete, thats just it, the big name builders still make huge mistakes in building because there are no rules or regulations. We want a sand car to accelerate like a drag car, to handle like a nascar, and to do it all it the most dangerous enviroment on the planet. If you look at the numbers, the death rate from offroad incidences is probably many many times higher then any other for of motorsports? Why?, when the rest have rules? They build sand cars to sell, period. Why in the F would anyone use transaxle? A vw, 091, mendola, fortin, or albins? Why use somethng that costs 1000 to 20000$ that you know will break? Why use something that sucks up 30-35% of the power? They sell the trend. I dont want to argue, but 99% of the sandrails that go out, are extremely unsafe. There own safty equipment will hurt you, thats bad.
Hmm....like an old alum mazone? Or more updated like the 08 kaw quad that uses a aum frame to be stiff and handle better? I guess its sorta like a superbike, which almost all use aluminum frames. Probably depends alittle on what kind of aluminum dont you think? Its funny as hell that anytime something safty related comes up , its like a no no topic. No body asks questions, no no we dont want to do that. Since that other thread, which delt slightly with belts, did anyone look at there belts? Did anyone that has a 40+k $ car fix them? Or was getting the wheels repolished a bigger priorty? And Im the bad guy.
and nhra cars and nascars hit concrete walls at more then 70....I ve never seen that? What is the tube size and wall thickness on a car like that? mild or chromoly? ofcourse all those idiots pad the cages and wear helmets, what could they know about building safe cars? two obersvations.... wouldnt flex be a good thing , to absorb energy from an impact? I d rather have a bar bend then break off. Id rather have a smooth object hit me then a sharp pointy one. Doesnt every incident in hind sight result from atleast one stupid thing?
Its one thing if there is an adult in the front seat ready to turn it off, but let a 7 yr old drive? Even if the kid was the only one to be hurt in an incident, child warefell would remove the kid from the home. No different then letting your 7 yr old take the car to the corner store for some milk. Its neglect, no two ways about it, a 7 yr old does not have the ability to make reasonable dicisions, they have very little knowledge of there own mortality. Thats why we dont let them drive cars.
I would be more concerned about the belt restraint then the helmet. Helmets go both ways. Wear a helmet if they can contact anything hard. Ie roll bar, unpadded seat, grab bar, back of front seat, ground if it goes over on the roof. If there head is in a very nuetral place, ussually dictated by roll bar design then a helmet (esspecially ful face mx helmet probably is not a great idea. A plastic bicycle helmet would be a good compromise if there is a head danger but may not be very realistic or feasable for it to actally happen. Take some pics with him belted in. Booster may work, but a car seat is probably best. 4-5 yrs old are getting big enough for no extras, 2 and under , probably car seat, 2-3 is hard and really is hard size to fit correctly depending on the kid. My kids are very big (tall) but I use a car seat for my boy (16 months) and nothing for my 4.5 yr old girl. I did consider her size when doing the belts and such.
if you want to go in the sand.....get a samurai. less then half the cost, twice the power of a rhino , more tire, more gear choices, wider, same weight, and uh.....oh yea way way way cheaper.
Looks like me and my brother in law willbe coming out. I hate camping by my self, and everyone else backed out. We will be bringing the sammy (rhino killer) and some quads. My rail is down for a few months. We tend to ride fast, on the quads, slow but steady with the sammy. I pull a big trailer so Im ussually around bathroom 10 but Im open. anyone? anyone? anyone?
if that is how he actually sits in the seat you need to make some changes. It looks like he is almost laying down? The lap belt appears at about his nipples? he shoulder belt should go over his shoulder at 90 degrees to more then 45 degrees above. Never below the shoulder. I d guess that when your seated in the front seat that the shoulder belts wrap around your shoulder and go down? (unless your very short) It looks like the easy way to secure him is probably a car seat, or change some things about the belts and seat.
I ve had mine for 5/6 yrs and ridden the heck out of it. I use to worry about breaking it, now I almost hope it breaks, but it never does. I ve only changed plugs in it maybe once a year. It runs like a top. Im almost afraid that when it does break I t wont be as good after the rebuild.
I can.....
How much do these cost? Ever consider a turbo 3.8 buick? 400 hp is super easy and 450 ft lbs. 550 is even pretty easy. ps, I ve got about 10 of them, so yes Im biased.
Brice, thats what I m saying, with out the whole graph its impossible to tell if #1 has less power down low. They are for all comparisons the same. The power curves could be the same engine on different days they are so close. It could easily be the same engine with a retune between pulls even.
Making the car fit you and be safe is deffinately the place to start. I ve never raced dwarfs, but its my understanding (a couple years ago) that you have to pretty much buy all your parts from one supplier. The bodies and some engine stuff. The rules as I understand are very very very strict. Since the rules specify a certain dealer, they can hike the prices cause if you want to race , you have to buy from them. I also gather that lots and lots of body damage takes place pretty much everytime you run it. I looked into it alittle, and got turned off at the time. I can alter the chassis, pedals /seat etc for you, my shop is up at warmsprings and eastern.