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Everything posted by 1320

  1. small subies go to 7000. Those are basically the same , the onlt difference could be down low, but thats just as much effected by turbo, exhuast, and tune. From 5000 to 6000 they are with 10 hp and 15 ft lbs of each other.
  2. If the first one makes 300 / 260 then at 5250 the torque is lower...lets say 250, and since hp and torque equal each other at 5250 then it must make about 250 hp at 5250. 260 @ 5500....sounds like it is the second engine. The second couldnt be a suby, no suby will only go to 5500? Just spin it higher and make more power. I like the second one, but nothing was said if these were peak numbers? If they are, the second must be making 234 ft lbs at 5250.....if it makes 260 hp at 5500. Basically they are the same, just the low end torque of the first is unknown. At the same rpm they are nearly identical.
  3. pm me if your still looking. I use a mustang dyno (loaded) for tunng the turbo cars I do.
  4. I can do it. pm me if your interested.
  5. well it was getting quiet. I love all the new trucks. I do wonder about the bath the oem s take on warranty stuff though. I ve seen a lot of car guys do it, with camaros, ta's and vettes and mustangs. Just so you "other " guys feel better, I know a guy that drives a cummins for work, a commercial truck driver. He spent 10k on transmission work in the last 8 months. I did explode my nv4500 5 speed awhile back. It was 3000$ to swap it to a 6 speed nv5600. It better last 10 years.
  6. wow....all this ford and gm banter, and nothng about the dodges / cummins, I guess we were all out driving somewhere. LOL FYI, I can change my fuel filter on a fill up if I wanted too, takes just a couple minutes. I dont have any pesky electronics myself, no efi, no boxes, nothing. Infact as long as my starter gets juice it runs just fine no matter what. Man I love the cummins. Maybe I should replace the belt, its been atleast 75k miles , probably 100k.
  7. 1320


    here it is.....its a aluminum 598 (755 hp pump gas) http://www.glamisdunes.com/invision/index....howtopic=100261 105 k.....
  8. 1320


    Uh, that was on glamis.com a week or two ago. It was stated on there that the builder of the first car wast mad at all? I think the car pictured is new and slightly unfinished also in the pic. I think it was somethng like an aluminum 540 or something....it was real nice, and I think they were asking in the 150k range.
  9. Just the rhino killer....it will do about 80 on flat ground too, if you want a real thrill ride.
  10. I have a 1300 thats used, that Ill sell for half a new one.....5150 and it climbs comp at dumont right to the top. prp seats, 15 inch wheels and paddles.
  11. ha, and my 98 dodge has had compound turbos for a few years now. The second turbo was 416$ brand new to the door. It only makes around 55 psi. I think I put the second turbo on at around 170k miles, now its inching up on 220k....
  12. Im trying but all you tell me, is get informed (in an insulting manner), but not much else even though I ask for specifics? Ill just stay in my bubble I guess, Ill have to suffer with my 200+K mile truck. All I said was they are all good, sorry I offened anyone. The worse part about my truck, Ive replaced a lot of tires.
  13. homework......why dont you qoute some numbers then? How many private operators that watch there bottom line use each? I think youll find that private commercial operators largely use cummins (ie dodges) because it saves them money that they get to spend on there lives, not there trucks. Not that a goverment agency cares about the bottom line, hell they have tax dollars to fix them. You do know that the cummins is available in the larger trucks right? Besides that when was the last time you saw a firetruck with a lot of miles? Or tow something? Or an ambulance tow anything? I see railroad service trucks towing all the time too. Despite that you should now that goverment vehicles are chosen based 99% on the deal, not what they get , cause no one knows a dam thing about them. On the other responce, about tow trucks......ah yea, did you notice that them big fords tend to rattle like a cummins? The repo guys use fords mostly caus ethey are quieter. Although its funny, I know some repo companies that have lots of trucks, (fords and chevies) and they call me for the big items. I go out about twice a month for big things. Its funny that the cummins is available in the medium duty trucks but the light duty owners argu against it.
  14. 80 mph stock on flat ground, and climbs well. Think about it, this is what suzuki built 20 yrs ago, now they would come out with a lighter 1397 busa power to compete. Mine came with the big rims ,15 inch dubs at no extra cost and the base engine is the 63hp 1300, with the option of 117 hp 1600.
  15. I bought the 15's, I thought he had two 15 fronts and two 17 rears, but I may be wrong.
  16. lol, that was great! yes you see a lot of fords, they sell a lot of them. You dont see many being used for business, for hauling, or with really big trailers. Some but not a lot. Mostly, older retirees that were probably ford people there whole life pulling the 30-40 ft 5th wheel, probably 10k miles a year, maybe 60-100k miles total on the rig before they stop and sell.
  17. As far as I know he did break them up? I bought two fronts, but he put two seperate ads up. It looks like the rail probably wont be going this weekend, do you have a wide 5 pattern?
  18. I cant believe this is still going. They are all great trucks. Most will work just fine for 96% of all people. When you see a big trailer though , you more eften then not see a dodge in front of it. The real question...do you think your truck can pull that? BTW, Vegas to dumont, and back home, then back to the same station to fill up, 20 gallons going easy it. Last trip was 25 gallons but it only took an hour and 20 minutes each way.
  19. I was after the offset. I actually tried to buy some steel wheels from petro works that give a big offset but they were unavailable. They sell them for about 50 a wheel. Mine ended up being even more then there special wheel. I have about 6 inches out and 1 to the inside. Its pretty wide, and I even turned around on comp hill to go back up. It side hills pretty stabile.
  20. The 1 acre lot next to me went for 440k....so I m thinking it wouldnt be that reasonable. Ad on the fact that you need commercial, your looking at 2-4 million to buy and develope, pave / cover/ secure etc... Mine goes between the house and garage, next to the garage, and hides the project cars I have next to the garage so I dont have to see em looking at me all the time. It makes the shop look smaller too. Here it is in the driveway in front of the garage.
  21. I must have taken 10 minutes of dvd, and 20 pictures, the whole time thinking, man I wish I could have done this when I was a kid. I wanted to fire up the banshee even.....but the neighbors probably wouldn t like that. This baja 50, is gonna get thrown away when the kids are done with it, it gets the wheels ridden off it daily, 2 -3 hrs a day....
  22. Not exactly the order I was thinking but....the rail I just picked up, the thursday before pres day. The wheel picture, if you look close , you can tell it was cut apart, those wheel came with the sammy, but I cut the centers out, flipped the rim to gain a bunch of positive offset, the welded up the to original valve stem hole then redrilled a new one on the correct side. Man that was hard. The sammy is a 1.3 5 speed . It climbs well. This one is very low cost....around 2k total, thats with the tires, prp seats , belts from some generous board members, and the steel for the cage. The cage is not done, but its getting close. Its welded right to the frame. I m gonna do a trunk rack to hold a ice chest and supplies etc...up kind high, so it doesnt drag a dune when coming off a hill.
  23. pictures...... this one still has the stock puny 1.3 carbed motor, but if I get a chance to do the 1.6 16 swap , yes it will happen. aslo are some other oictures since I was outside with the camera.
  24. ran it once or twice and has been sitting for a year? Probably saving cash for the broken part or its on order...Even some porche owners swap in ls1's now.
  25. I ve got an ez up, but a guy I camp with ook it home two trips ago. I can get it back this week, and I think I could get a few more. If I can make it, my trailer has a 20 or 30 ft awning....and two roof airs, but I dont know if I can make it, my wife has a community swap meet thing and the small trailer is going there, I guess she would have to tow it with the impala.
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