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Wow, Im surprised its that heavy. Im guessing just like newer cars all the newer trucks have probably gained weight too. Im only guessing but I bet the truck is 9000 +-....a small amount. My 98 dodge extended cab (cummins , 6 speed) with a tool box/fuel tank in the bed is 7500. With my trailer I sticker over 26000 so I have a class A. That trailer must be heavvvvvvvy. I put a suby 4 pass rail , a 4 pass samuria, and 7 quads in my trailer...with water, beds, tv, all the toy hauler stuff, and scaled 26 100 with two adults and three kids. Dead empty my trailer was 10k before the toy hauler build out. my last trip was one vw rail, and 9 quads and one motorcycle...(50cc) and it was noticablly lighter. back on topic, its deffinately my preferance to tow a trailer with a capable truck.
I dont think stopping should be an issue in either case really. I have 4 brakes and 6 tires on the truck and 6 brakes on the trailer to stop 26k lbs. A MH and trailer far outweighs even me if its a biggun with similar tire to road and brakes. I know I drive far differently sure, and I come down hills slower then I go up. But Id drive the same way in a mh too. Ive had two MH's that I pulled trailers with. It was just costly and inconvient to not have another vehicle (like you do when you simply unhitch). If you do pull a big 5th, a good working exhuast brake is needed (1000$ in some cases). I liked one MH I had and didnt like the other. In retrospect I love my truck and all it can do....in other ways. Its funny cause I anticipate that in my later years....Ill go to a diesel pusher and some sort of small car for traveling.
about 1 second..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5MvtdGpTg4
Thanks, I thought about that. I figure it ll take atleast two sets(maybe three) for almost all quads. The bombardier hub is so big most wheels dont even fit over the hub. Plus I would want people to be able to swap wheels while waiting....instead of waiting for wheels off another quad. Saves time for everyone. So the popular patterns would need to be in two sets anyway. Room isnt really a problem (big trailer). So bu the time I do rzr wheels and rhinos....Ill probably have 4 or 5 sets total and some will have the same patterns in them. Have to color code the holes or something too... Prob take rap up on working too....
all the dynos seem to work in very similar ways. The biggest differences I ve seen are the options. I ve been on many dynojets. Ive been on a mustang dyno more than anything else. The reason for that is, I build boosted cars. And to load a boosted car (turbo) , its been my experience you need a loaded dyno, and I know the mustang can do it. If you run a boost vehicle on a ineria dyno you can lean it out and make more power...because all your doing is accelerating the drum. The load is light so you can pull fuel. When you leave, you detonate the crap out of it because now its pulling the load of the car. In the end you end up putting the fuel back in and pulling the timing back and wondering why you dynoed it at all. With a loaded dyno you can make the motor see the same load (even more) then real life. On NA stuff its not really needed, the window isnt that small, and the ineria dyno works great. I should ad that getting a number on a boosted vehicle is fine with a ineria dyno, but tuning should be done off the dyno. Land and sea has probably been doing dynos longer then dyno jet (guessing but I d bet) and they produce a lot of dynos. Dynojet is popular for several reasons, mostly Id say bang for the buck and ease of purchase. They make it easy to get one. Id own one, sure, because for the most part they are all the same unless you get into the good stuff......like a 4 wd mustang....with a brake. Obviously it has its benefits but costs a lot. I was remebering the front honda pattern I think. I have a bomb wheels, banshee wheels and blaster wheels (cause I have those quads). So getting a few more seems pretty easy at this point. Ill need honda and kawasaki(dont know it). So it looks pretty good. Looks like Im gonna start camping down at vendors.....the kids will like that probably..
I know , now matter what is said that you wouldnt believe me anyways, but this made the news THIS morning. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50142271n Maybe they would not have to cut pay if they didnt have to pay all the officers that get caught doing bad things, then have to give them their jobs back with back pay that they didnt work for. If you dont want to watch the clip, its about the fact that its almost impossible to fire a cop. They get fired, but they almost always get their job back with back pay if they try. Apparently their are many avenues for them to use to pressure the agencies to put them back on the force. Just like writing bullshit tickets, its simply costs to much to fight them, so they get their jobs back even AFTER huge ethical violations. By the time they get back, its not news worthy so all is good.
Its a dyno-mite made by land and sea for motorcycles and atv's. I think I can cover most atv's with probably 3 or 4 sets of wheels. Or the other possibility is maybe hubs, and or adapters for the smaller stuff. i know honda have a big 156 mm pattern? Anybody have some extra wheel? Ive got banshees, blasters, and bombardier covered. I have a couple more extra wheels, so I see what I can make them fit.
Well, I probably wont do it this season. Ill probably gather wheels.....for the next 6 months and do it next season. I guess if I do it, I d have to find a couple guys to do tuning for people....cause I dont want to, its time thing. Still have to have fun. Last time I checked the dumont fees, it wouldnt be to bad, as I own my dyno. Maybe me a couple tuners can go in and all help our dumont travel funds alittle and help some people out and have a good time. My rates are pretty low. So far......only me and close friends have used it....so its all good. I wonder if I do donations.....if I get in trouble with blm?
Ive been thinking about taking my dyno (bikes, quads and sxs) to dumont. Mostly cause I notice my own stuff runs a little different. But now that I take two trailers, I think I could take the dyno. I d bring the wide band too..... Just wondering if its something anyone would take the time to do while there?
This is ironic. Timmey, you attacked Turbo Bruce for grammer, grammer, grammer, but didnt mention or state the problems with rockets post? Hmmmm, favoritism? Just the idea that your passing a judgement based on what someone wrote in an internet avatar is ridiculous. Talk about a hasty generalization. Besides the fact that last time I checked its perfectly legal to kill for fun. I d bet every human on the planet is guilty of killing for fun to some extent. Now rockets post..... .We never said we were "Gods" and not subject to having bad cops in our ranks. It does happen and the process to ferret out these rogues is quite fair and through. I really doubt any explanation of the process would satisfy you, or others with your belief that LE is overpaid and corrupt. No matter what evidence is presented to you, you will not believe it. Those with this mindset believe there is a conspiracy to conceal the truth in all high profile situations. With the posts you have put up, it wouldn't surprise me if you thought the moon landing was a hoax. No matter what evidence? You admit it in the first sentence. Btw, "through"? (pst....grammer) By implication, the first sentence admits there are bad cops. But then you say he believes LE are overpaid and corrupt. Why wouldn't he? You admit there are bad cops, and that the powers that be(that decide how much you get paid are lowering the pay). What are the credentials of those making the decisions on pay? Does Bruces opinion matter at all? Of course not, so why would you be concerned about it at all? Although, for the future, if your going to debate, perhaps proposing that evidence would support your case better then "you wont believe me anyways" . It sounds strangely similar to the arguments you receive from most of the citizens and non citizens you come in contact with I bet. How do I feel about LE. I think its unfortunate that good people get mixed up in it, when its not very different then most illegal activity that they themselves are defending us from.
I hope its a load capable dyno.
What he does is a great job. Your not really arguing that border patrol in this country is successful are you? I think theres roughly 12 millions examples of that not being the case. Im sure he does everything he can do, its unfortunate that people way above him have no intent on actually making a change. Its numbers man, and we lose. In vegas 87 was 3.65 yesterday for me....and yes i have a car that averages 72 mpg in town. Your driving a deisel truck round trip to work or a bmw? For a 150 mile commute? Why would you drive something else? Ah....money. Youre commuting to work and back and back. Lets say 160 miles...and you average 20 mpg depending on what you drive. The truck being slightly less and the car more. Thats 8 gallons a day at 4.50$? So about 36$ a day. x 5 x 48 weeks? about 8650 $ a year just going to a from work. My honda would safely average 72 mpg so about 2.2 gallons a day on 87. So Im guessing about 4.35$ in so cal? 9.6 $ a day. or 2319 $ a year...... So theres $6331 reasons a year to drive something else. For most people its not worth it, obviously because they dont drive a car that gets 70 plus to the gallon.
Statistically Id bet the number of serious injuryies in the banshee hill area due to racing is astonishingly low. For several reasons.....its almost a closed course, By its very reputation, most people know its a racing area predominately used by quads. Its not a steep hill, it has decent vision in all directions, and its in pretty good shape most of the time. It doesnt get tore up much and change like comp. So WHY WOULD ANY RESONABLE PERSON go there to enforce rules? Revenue. No blm guy makes anything safer. Did they change the course? Move the racing lanes for safety? Did they do anything to make it safer? I personally have never seen them actually do anything of value. Anyone can make a call for an emt. Ive seen many more duners come to help then all the leos. They will stand around and wait very nicely though. So in the end, all they wanted to do, was make money and disperse a gathering of people that apparently has no reason to disperse? Good job. If they were at all concerned about actual safety they would inform people coming in as to the rules, learn about statistics and safety issues and talk to people about that. They have all the numbers, all the injury information, yet they dont do anything with it? They write tickets for registration? Check going in and out that you paid for a pass. Never have they even tried to give anyone something of value when they stopped for those checks. I dont mind if they do, but that should be secondary to their intent not the actual intent. The sad part is that, "they watch this site" but we need to go to a meeting to be put aside, and they wont take the ideas put forth here to do the job better, If they watch this site, why do we have to go to a meeting to not be heard? Its a lot better for for my bank account and the planet to just type it here. I d bet many people dont say anything because of the fear of being single out too.
The danger of the job has little to do with what it earns. Its the profit it supplies. Security in every aspect is a complete illusion. That being said, yes you have a dangerous job, and for most people its not for them. I appreciate what you try to do. Its unfortunate that the powers that be really have no intent of stopping the problem. Btw, if your spending 800 a month on gas....get a different car. 800 in our gas saver.....is 15780 miles on average. Thats not even hiway numbers. ($3.65 a gallon). So maybe a different car choice can save some home foreclosures.
pictures......I hope....
wth, I first try to upload and its too, big at 2.1 mb....so I resize to 98% at 2.0 mb then it uploads and it says its 294 kb?
The one I installed is http://www.amazon.com/Ecosmart-ECO-27-Modulating-Technology/dp/B002635ODW $465..... with some pretty good reviews
yes. this is the one I installed http://www.amazon.com/Ecosmart-ECO-27-Modulating-Technology/dp/B002635ODW
So I put an ELECTRIC tankless water heater in after my tank water heater died after 10 years and 3 months. Heres the numbers.... LAST year same month day average 79 kwhrs Month BEFORE water heater change (december)average per day kwhrs 76..... LAST month, WITH THE TANKLESS WATER HEATER.......63 kwhr average per day. which is a 65$ in one month saving. I was hoping for 40$ a month and it looks like its going to make that pretty easy. We are using less water (cause you dont have to wait for hot water) and probably using more hot water. The billing cycle in the year before same month that was 79 was two days short also.... It was 710 $ shipped to the door (over night) with a descaler, so the savings are basically going to pay for the change in one year. The billing cycle included those freezing days also......so the heater may have been used more.
Happyhour, I was camped right next to you......(to the south, towards bath 10).....The black trailer. Turbo bruce was on the other side of me. We should just make one Big circle......that way the kids have a bigger area, and the dust in camp would be less. Besides think of the fires with all the combined wood.
Just got in and unloaded....A great weekend all around. We had one 12 yr old friend of our daughters come with, and she tumbled our 50 cc quad yesterday. No real injury, she even had a chest protector on. Barely got blood in two or three spots. Tiny.....but she was shook up for abit. She did ride comp this morning, on a bigger quad. My boy rode the comp this am and did great on his blaster. My daughter almost rode the hill, shes an anxiety ridden young woman..............so she did great overall and overcame some of her fears. We were almost the only ones on the hill so it was a good time. Broke some little stuff, but this was my first trip with the ds1100 BOMB that turbo bruce built. Bruce was on hand too, and thought it was a good idea to set me up a race. It was either rod or todd? (I helped a sandrail guy and had to look for a rod and todd also). Anyways the quad was an R1 powered modded banshee, and the races where great. We could pretty much reach out and touch each other. If we race enough.....I d probably win 51% of the time....the exact point of the finish line would dictate the winner, its that close. The BOMBardier, is the best quad I ve ever ridden. I made exactly one run up the hill before I raced, and I won the first one I think. It s a supersized quad for a big person and Im 6'5....so it fits well. I went on the best dune ride of my life about 530 am sat.....yes by myself.....but I was looking for someone to ride with. All went well, I just couldnt believe how well I could shred up the dunes. Everything on the BOMB happens faster, or as fast as you want. The suspension is just good enough to stay alive and on top. The ride is great when your not focused on just holding on. I have two banshees.....and they are just gonna sit around for my wife and boy (to grow into)....They are great bikes, but the supersized BOMB is the BOMB. If you like big power.....and have experience, quit modding , and either build one yourself or beg Bruce to build you one. We broke a few little things on several of the others but the BOMB performed flawlessly, all I did was put gas in it several times. Got some pics Ill post latter. Mostly my boy, but a few pretty good sunset/fire pics playing with the camera.
I was crashed out, but I just asked the family about it...and they all heard it......
This is why we run 87 in stock motored drag busa's. They make more power. There is actually more power to be made on lower octane fuel, as long as it doesnt need the octane to prevent detonation. The burn rate is different from the octane rating, but they often go hand in hand. There is a 91 octane race fuel marketed also....I think mostly for drag bikes. I havnt used it in years now. I always get a kick out of someone saying they run 100 for more power. Bulldogz400 is exactly correct.
not that i know of. pm me and i can get you in touch with her. its a ls1 th350......
I might be up for a sorta day trip.....I have to go to barstow first.....just to drop some motor parts off, but I was thinking of taking a couple quads for a few hours of fun.