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Everything posted by Svengoolie

  1. Road is cut in. Not sure if the road is finished. No cell tower yet.
  2. Whoops, two of the pics are Sand Hollow. Gas cans & turkey. Yum!
  3. I don't know if your a professional vidiographer (is that a real word?) or not. But you should be. Some of the best drone work I've ever seen. Really.
  4. Just saw a Yamaha on Craigslist for 450 In the RV section. If you don't want it I might pick it up for a spare.
  5. And good luck getting that permit. They really don't want a big dense crowd. For the record, this is my opinion, not based on any facts. I don't think they want any events that might draw a large dense crowd to gather. Things like fights and other rowdy stuff happens and the LEO's would be severely outnumbered. Not what they like. But, you say, what about the crowds at comp hill on holiday weekends? Those are a bunch of small, mostly unconnected little groups. A few LEO vehicles show up and they aren't overwhelmed by half a dozen people hanging out. I don't think we'll ever see those Chippendale wannabe's or a band where large amounts of people gather into a big F'ing crowd! That's my theory anyway.
  6. I get almost 12 hours per tank on the Yamaha if the load is minimal. Lights, furnace, charging type stuff. It ran another 60+ hours last weekend. Temperature never matters, microwave or coffemaker not a problem. The reason I leave it run almost 24/7 is we keep our campsite well lit all night and we use the furnace regularly although we didn't need it last weekend. We had someone set up next to us with a crappy contractor generator last weekend. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! All weekend long. They suck.
  7. You outdid yourself! Even mixed in some of the missing vintage footage. Siskel & Ebert? Two thumbs up!
  8. Yeah, hoping that "Chippendale" stage was a one-time thing.
  9. Got there Wednesday around noon. Already a pretty good turnout. Found plenty of untracked sand on the way to the north pole and while looking for friends at the little dunes. I don't think the road was graded at all but the stream was dry so water probably had to be trucked? Didn't see any helicopters so that was a HUGE plus! Don't know of any significant injuries. Happy about that. It's amazing too considering the crowds. Heard people say biggest turnout in years. I thought so too. Comp hill had a small turnout thursday night, bigger on friday night and super-sized on saturday night. The front row was a huge traffic jam after someone towed in a portable stage with male dancers who parked right in the driving lane. Not into dudes so that fiasco was avoided by me but looking at the clusterflock, people seemed to be "into" it. ???? Rangers finally broke it up but the damage was done. The stage (unfortunately) overshadowed halloween festivities. But that's just my opinion, what do I know. Looked around for the cell tower construction and didn't find anything. Did I miss it? Maybe? McFlurry was missing but Ronald and the Hamburglar were present! Granny rode with me Saturday night , we tested the big cat at the north pole.... Last picture, packed and time to go home, kind of a drag.
  10. Lignin Sulfonate (AKA "Lig") would work quite well on the entrance road. It's a byproduct of the wood industry. It's kind of a sprayable tree sap. The road is freshly graded and the Lig is sprayed on. When the liquid dries, the sap remains. It really makes a hard surface. For a year or two the road would take on the properties of pavement. It binds the dirt particles together and keeps the road from washboarding and keeps down the dust. It's probably around $8000 per mile to treat. After treatments would be less. It's EPA approved and environmentally friendly. You would drive into Dumont with a clean, damage-free RV.
  11. Just serviced my Yamaha yesterday for the trip. Hour meter, 1847 and still runs like the day I bought it. Considering how trouble free and the amount of hours, I'd say it's cheap. I'm curious if the less expensive ones will survive to see 500 hours. I really don't know, it would be a good test.
  12. I have to wear a sweatshirt when temps drop to 70. Heat is OK but I'm a cold weather wuss!
  13. Made a lot of changes this year. We sold the toyhauler and picked up this toyhauler. (Thor Outlaw) Has a 10 foot garage with it's own A/C unit and loft above. Even if you don't put any vehicles on the garage, it's a good storage area for tools, firewood, coolers or whatever. The rear door is a patio. Got a new trailer. It was a good price but I had to pick it up from the factory. Still needs rear jacks and some better inside lights. This is a one day shade for it. Maverick Sport 1000 And this is for Joanne
  14. Only a few days to go. Glad it's going to be warm, not a fan of cold weather. I remember several years ago it was downright hot for Halloween. Had to run the RV A/C for the dogs it was so warm. Loved it! The next couple days will be very busy. Gotta wash the summer dust off the RV (I dunno why, it'll be trashed by the time we drive in the entrance road lol!) Cut a crapload of firewood, ect. One thing that works well at comp at night? Duraflame logs. Easy to light and two or three at the same time makes a pretty good blaze that lasts a couple hours and they burn up to nothing so they don't leave a mess for the next morning. The ashes just blow away. I also really like our propane campfire. Nice for some warmth and light and no one get's smoked out. The cat will be joining us. She is diabetic and needs insulin shots twice a day. What we don't do for our pets, you know? I'm really hoping we all have fun with no breakdowns and no one get's hurt. Our new RV (early spring)
  15. Yeah, for that price, can't really go wrong. I forgot to add, the Yamaha also has a fuel gauge. When the Honda came out, it changed the generator industry. Yamaha came out later and squarely targeted the Honda. Yamaha made sure to add features the Honda didn't have. They gave it a few extra amps, a couple decibels quieter, a couple pounds lighter, a fuel shutoff & gauge ect. Competition gives us some amazing products to choose from.
  16. No, not required. AB1595, "Helmets must be worn by all operators and passengers in side x sides 1000cc or less". https://www.dumontduneriders.com/rules/
  17. I have the Yamaha 2400IS. About 8+ hours on a gallon. Have over 1800 hours on it and it still runs like the day I brought it home with nothing but oil changes, spark arrester cleaning, and one fresh plug and air cleaner service. It's quieter than the Honda (59db), it's darn near silent. (54db Yamaha) has a separate fuel shutoff so I can run it out of fuel and a metal timing chain & cam. Has NEVER failed to start first pull or complained about heat/cold. Can run many different A/C units with a $20.00 hard start kit installed. It's all in the startup. But I don't use it for that. If I gotta run A/C I fire up the Onan. My last RV had a Coleman Mach 3 POWER Saver 13.5K BTU Air Conditioner. Best A/C unit I ever had. It only draws 10 amps yet was colder than the Carrier I have now. The Yammy (16 amp rating) ran that 10 amp Coleman no problem! Next year I may change ours out for the Coleman. Coleman Mach III http://www.dyersonline.com/coleman-mach-3-power-saver-13-5k-btu-air-conditioner-in-arctic-white.html?utm_medium=shoppingengine&utm_source=googlebase&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9ZDeBRD9ARIsAMbAmoZHdG4sLBS2o9vBK4tAkcuHvdYHFcoFZ2OQ_KTn_g_1CqTHmzI3GH8aAlU7EALw_wcB When I get to Dumont, she gets fired up and doesn't get shut down till we leave. It can draw from a 5 gallon can. It will run everything easily except the A/C. I know this is a novel, but to me the generator is Soooo important. When it comes to generators, I honestly believe you get what you pay for. The Yamaha & Honda will run trouble-free for thousands of hours with no "fiddling" around. When I'm camping, the last thing I wanna fool around with is a generator.
  18. In the middle of getting everything ready and the RV blew a hydraulic line for the levelers. (Of course) ElCheapo factory hydraulic lines. The line popped off at the crimp, hydraulic oil all over the place. 3 bags of cat litter worth of oil. My own fault for waiting till a couple weekends to go. Dammit!
  19. Yep. Went through it already. Disney, Universal, all the crowded places I'd normally avoid. Now the kids are old enough to go on their own. Enjoy these times cause they grow up too fast. Yeah, I was joking. I already miss those times.
  20. Dumont or Legoland? Wow! If you need someone to talk to...
  21. And don't forget to air down before heading to comp. It's routine to see trucks buried to the frame rails, even 4x4 trucks, right where the finger turns toward comp. It seems to be pretty soft and with people going every which way (clusterfock!) in that "intersection" momentum can't be counted on. Nothing like being stuck in the middle of a sand interstate freeway!
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