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Everything posted by Svengoolie

  1. The word "Disneyland" and "relax" should never be used in the same sentence. But have a good time anyway!
  2. Slow down is 100% correct. Speed wears the road down and causes washboards much faster. Paved parking? Comfort? Swimming pool and miniature golf? Count me in!
  3. Don't mean to be negative. I have been a road worker most of my life so I can't help but to evaluate roads. I do appreciate the fact that they try to do the best with what they have. Just like a friend of mine. Did ceilings his whole life and can't help looking up anytime he walks into a building.
  4. That $75,000 would be better spent toward tar and chip, also known as chip sealing. It's about $40,000 per mile but requires very little maintenance. Also no more dust. The type II will last until the grader operator scrapes it off. It will then end up in the piles of old type II and sand on the side of the road. More good money after bad... I just noticed, I'm a "dune shredder now"
  5. They're just running with the floats anyway. I can tell. Another reason to crown. (I like 3 1/2 to 4%) is is separates the lanes to drivers. When the road is just flat bladed, people tend to drive in the middle of the road both directions. Just human nature. When there is a clear divider (crown) people tend to drive on their own side. That halfs the wheel impact on the road and it lasts twice as long. And yes, way to many fines on the road. I'm hooked on the new joystick controlled graders. Never thought I'd like them, but after getting used to it, will never go back. I wonder if BLM can be swayed with the tree sap. It would last for a couple years, and the next applications are cheaper and easier as it builds up. The finished product is similar to what oil used to do before the EPA stopped the practice.
  6. I'm a heavy equipment operator who has graded for many years. I try to avoid discussing the road as the condition and grading techniques drive me nuts. But what the heck, here goes. First, I would regrade with proper crowning and ditches, next I would have the road sprayed with lignosulfonate. Lignosulfonate is essentially tree sap suspended in a salt water solution so it can be sprayed. With the road material "roughed up" using button bits, the solution is applied,finish graded, then rolled before it dries.The salt water evaporates leaving behind dried tree sap. After it dries it becomes almost as hard as asphalt and is insoluble. The tree sap sticks the particles of dirt together holding the road shape, stopping the road from wahboarding and holding the dust down to below PM10 standards. That means very little or no dust . PM 10 standards:http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/aqtrnd95/pm10.html The cost is low because it uses a waste product, and we would be happy with no washboards or dust. This is what it looks like being applied. It smells like bbq sauce!
  7. Pisses me off that our vendors are caught up in politics. That politics have migrated into our sand. It isn't just sand. This is where we spend quality time with our family and friends. I value our vendors. I appreciate that they got up before me and I can just migrate over and pick up a good breakfast, a new chain, whip or get something welded. Mother$%*&@#'s, co%$#^&*'s, Bas^%$#$ (censored)
  8. Me too. Are you still going to be able to set up on vendors row? I had plans on paying you a visit for some "stuff"
  9. Awesome Terry, Thank you. Amargosa is to dusty for my liking...
  10. Law enforcement doesn't just "go away" they call for backup. Then they begin to get nasty... I think (correct me if I'm wrong) there are 4 ways into Dumont. Not that hard to put up cones and tape at the 4 locations. If this lasts till halloween, I'll be at the dust piles at Amargosa,
  11. This whole thing pisses me off. Somewhere along the line they went from being employees of ours to being master. These our our public lands. Owned by the taxpayer, not the government. They were hired only to be the stewards, not the boss. I have zero idea if they would kick us out or not. Like I said before, would rather not speculate. But if there is truly a shut down, it should be wide open, bathrooms and all. For the record, I am NOT against any of the rangers or deputies. Whatever happens they are just doing their job and following orders.
  12. The only reason I brought this up is the last time there was a shutdown under Clinton, the things that were shut down tended to almost be vindictive against the people. They closed the Grand Canyon today for $%#@ sakes! Yes, they are turning people away from the Grand Canyon while Congress has their little spat. What would stop them from turning us away? This whole stupid shut down could be over tomorrow for all I know so I will still go get my passes in the next couple days. This government is clearly out of control. We need to make our displeasure felt at the ballot box...
  13. I don't think they are underfunded. They have plenty of LEO's and equipment. Has anyone ever heard of a government agency that claimed they were properly funded? I'm looking for facts. LEO's are still on duty and could easily kick people out, but that would be speculation. I don't want to blow a hundred bucks on diesel and a few hour of drive time without some facts.
  14. Here is a directive about the shutdown plan. It says open land is still open, but controlled access lands will be closed, and campgrounds will be closed. Is Dumont considered controlled access? Because there are bathrooms is it called a campground? . Does this mean no vendor row? "Businesses operated by outfitters with BLM-issued permits will not be able to operate on BLM-managed public lands that are closed" Might end up at the giant piles of dust at Amargosa.
  15. I guess my Oct 19th shutdown was horribly inaccurate. It seems BLM websites are down. Automatically redirects to the generic Dept Of Interior website.
  16. I agree. They do these symbolic government shut downs without thinking about the consequences. People who are serving the country get caught in the middle. They always get paid eventually, but what about bills that are due now? I'm starting to dislike the idiots from both parties...
  17. Thay are talking about gubment shutdowns as early as Oct 19th. If the idiots can't figure out how to run the country properly, as we elected them to do, does that mean no Dumont for Halloween?
  18. Made the required offering of blood sweat and $$. Will be there the weekend before. Hopefully the offering was sufficient
  19. Is anyone towing doubles to Dumont? I have a 1 ton towing a toyhauler and would like to tow my Jeep with a towbar at the end. I do have a CDL with the triple endorsement and valid medial card. Looked into it. Getting confused. Thanks all!
  20. I don't know the situation the officers faced, but I bet the victims didn't follow their instructions. They probably reached for something. Not to throw anything else on schoolteachers, but it would't hurt to teach kids how to interact with law enforcement in health class. (It might preserve their health) I'm not sure people know how to react when confronted by a deputy.
  21. Neal Rideout takes the most beautiful pictures. Even though I know nothing about art, I can tell they are art because I look at them and examine them instead if just glance.
  22. My email is working goofy so I will share my experience here. It's not bashing anyone, so I don't think anyone would mind. I bought my kid a new quad and forgot to get a new sticker for it. While setting it up with pipes and paddles, the sticker fell through the cracks. On Fri morning (Thanksgiving weekend) we were sitting at the bottom of comp. A dirtbike pulled up, the guy got off and started walking around my kids new quad. It was a Deputy. I walked over and told him it didn't have a sticker, I forgot to buy one. I didn't give him any excuses. He kind of stood there thinking. I told him to go ahead and write the ticket, I did it. He was pleasant and complied! He did say if I present him with a sticker before the end of the weekend he would tear the ticket up. On Sat morning my wife drove to Pahrump to buy a sticker. Doghouse was closed, but he opened up just for her to buy a sticker. It was a 2013 sticker too. Thanks Doghouse! We went to the information place at the Ranger station and there was a nice lady working the counter. She called the deputy on the radio and he responded by telling her to dismiss the ticket. Everyone was respectful and pleasant. We need to remember they are people too who sometimes have a bad day. They also have to deal with the dark side of our sport. The side where people get injured or worse.
  23. Very sad. Some tough times for the family of Craig. RIP Also tough times for the driver of the buggy, I didn't know them, but they were camped near us and the whole circle packed up. I hope the Rangers and Deputies are OK too. It's not an easy job. Things like this can affect so many people. I hope everyone affected can eventually find peace.
  24. This is the one to watch out for. He will wander into you're camp acting lost. But don't fall for it. He's undercover.
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