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Everything posted by kobe10

  1. ynot- Terry, I live in Los Angeles and can not make the meeting on Wednesday. I can and will offer my support as a volunteer to patrol the wash trail/road to make people aware of the closed area, if thats something that would help our cause. Most of our camp would be willing to assist as well. Please let me know how i can help. Thanks!
  2. I dont know how to do all the dragging peoples comments into my comment! I have never talked "S" on the DDR forum but I am going to do it now! I helped with the letters from the south pole to our troops and have even started an adoptasolider letter program with my company! I tried to get people out to comp for clean up after a holiday weekend party, not just on clean up weekends and noone replied! It was always myself and "Mouthrulz" and a few other friends picking up everyones trash!!!!!!! I personally liked it better when NOONE knew about DD! When you had to crap at S$#$ tree, before the bathrooms, before vendors, before the ranger station and vendors or vendors row. We left Glamis for a reson!!Now I see a friend trying to help with up dates on the river and some smarta$$ has to make comments! FYI "svengoolie" mouthrulez is family and if you have something to say call me directly! I have no problem meetng you anywhere! One more thing , you must have been a bench warmer or you would have know a football field is 360' that would make the river a football field and a half less one endzone and 3.33 yards. Do you want me to break that down for you? SVENGOOLIE send me a pm! I am working all week but will make arrangements to meet you at DD anytime to teach you math and football! If you cant pm me, my number is 323-842-3985 Signed, One guy over website trash talkers!
  3. Thanks Jill! We dont know each other but thats what Christmas is about! Merry Christmas to you,your family and your pets.
  4. Our group was parked at Talladega when you guys put on the jump show. Havent had time to edit the video and pictures, will work on it this weekend. As soon as i have somthing posted on You Tube, will let you know.
  5. This past july got stopped going into Pismo! The CHP was very cool and gave me a warning. He did say they are going to start enforcing this law. Be aware some DMV offices dont understand or know how to handle the NON- Commercial A. It took me 2 trips to DMV, showing 2 different supervisors the DMV Recreational Vehicle and Trailers Handbook (DL 648)pages 2-7 for the non commercial A before they undstood what i wanted. Finally got the correct written test, passsed with ease, have a NON-A permit thats good for a year. Now waitng to take the driving test at yet another DMV office to get teh NON- A license. Piece of mind is well worth the $31.00 and the time.
  6. thanks bp-guy! made a great video yesterday evening with the camera attached to the dogs collar. thanks for the help
  7. Get to use the Go Pro for the first time this coming week/weekend at Pismo. At one time some one posted a name of a web site that you can go to to edit/add music to your videos. if someone could direct me to a user friendly site, i would greatly appreciate it. thanks
  8. kobe10


    thanks sandawg. ordered the HD hero!
  9. kobe10


    I knew I was asking for trouble when asked for views/opinions. lol! Jk! Thanks! Just found the link for the GoPro on thumpertalk.com.
  10. kobe10


    Want to pick up a video camera for next season. i hear a lot about GoPro but would like to hear some views on other brands as well. Any other brands you can suggest? Thanks!
  11. ace, i didnt ask the SSG to have any of his platoon reply with the letters i sent. when i e-mailed SSG Gonzales letting him know the letter are bing mailed, i included the DDR web site and the links to the letter box section on the board. hopefully when they return home they will be able to view the site and see the cool pictures everyone has posted.
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