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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. what the eff you searchin ebay for tumble weed ma fackaa !!
  2. :hatdance: dunefreak duniemonkie DPPETE(warrior07)
  3. your not aloud in the event with those ma fackaass!! MR.70 Well the deal fell thru on my 90 to be sold so i might just make a day trip since were def hitting the D for clean up ! EVERY ONE GET READY TO GET SMOKED !!
  4. GARAGE SALE (HENDERSON) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to: sale-1003975627@craigslist.org [?] Date: 2009-01-22, 8:11PM PST SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 8-3 Books Tools Refrigerator Clothing Kitchen Electrics Stuff!! Car
  5. Welcome That post must have been the most i've ever typed !
  6. Some thing don't sound right here. What's the rant about people who have toys ? I have toys and my house still. I'm one of 3 people on my street that do have toys-rv-etc. But we are also the very few that did'nt over extend ourselves and are some of the originals in the hood . The people on my street that have foreclosed counting 10 - 12 houses did'nt have toys just bought when it was high and in a stupid loan. It does'nt have anything to do with having toys it's got to do with how you manage your money and bills. If people would have read what they were signing they could have done something about it before it got outta of control and ballooned on them ! JUST SAYIN
  7. Here's a little sample to help get ya started on the layout !
  8. They don't call em chop shops for nothin Sorry to hear it ended up that way.I'm sure it would have been nice to get it back untouched .
  9. Looking good randog ! Don't forget the stripper pole ! The bar off the grab handle ! Last but not least the mexican fiesta seat cover too! oh and when it's done don't forget to learn how to do stoppys on that MA fackaa !!
  10. Hey dave have you checked storage places? I know it would be a long process. But you never know what you'd come up with. It's just a thought but i was picking up my trailer yesterday, and said to myself there are alot of box trailers here.
  11. Looks like a bunch of thugs doing illegal gambling !! :flatbiller: j/k looked like good times !
  12. You know the whole time you were not thinking about that green sticker ! :angry2:
  13. I knew that was going to be a load of . I was kinda scared to scroll down
  14. What did you forget you posted a thread already too many hehe
  15. Just hope the dumont entrance road don't shake it apart
  16. Just run the generator all night !
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