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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. People are scared to spend thanks to all the negative media
  2. Anybody know what happened to the Xtreme shop on gibson? The place is empty i tried going by there to see if they had any windshields for our rhino and the place looks gutted !
  3. Not to let a twelve year old drive your Mog
  4. SUMS IT UP FOR ME TO :porn: Happens every year !
  5. I don't see anything naughty about that ! :bert:
  6. Who said it would be used for sand !
  7. I was actually enjoying the text messages ! You know the funny ones.Like did anybody get the george and laura bush merry christmas text ?
  8. damn dave sorry to here about this chit ! good thing for insurance . if you don't get her back at least you have great memories of her . how come i don't have any :angry2: oh that's right i don't go to dumont ! hope everything comes out right and you get them back. it's a small world here in vegas and thieves are to fricken stupid to realize it .
  9. Find a local bearing supplyer and give them the number on the seal it be something like 6203 or 6703 well any hoo there should be a number on the side and you should be able to get them at half the price .
  10. That sucks to here that happened to you! When the wife ask me about taking money out i usually say yes
  11. We take our boston to stephanie animal hospital steph/horizon never had a problem with them and they board to if you don't want to take them with you on trips !
  12. Maybe the problem is the big cheeses run the stores as if people have to buy a motorcycle .They need to start running thier stores as a liesure company .I can't believe the sales staff act the way they do (telling someone to walk ) . I would have fired his a$$ for that. Man i miss the old days when dealerships cared to see customers come back . HONDA OF LAS VEGAS - TRICKLE DAYS ,RED CARPET KAWASAKI HONDA . Carter seems to be ok good thing there still family owned .
  13. :ah: yeah alot SOW in this pic too ! I Think you can see alot more somewhere in the NW
  14. All i can say that must have been one cold a$$ picture take ! :ah:
  15. Just don't put it on the front of your car cause if you do all we'll see is sky
  16. oH so true ! good thing for 4wd on the fly on the way home My wife had me go get gas for her mini van & people were driving 5 mph thru the hood COME ON MOFO's SPEED IT UP ! And come to find out all the gas stations could'nt take a debit card :xmas8: ok honey your only getting five gallons from a can in the garage make it last ok !
  17. yeah i scooted my dog out side and she pissed on the damn concrete patio instead of the yard !! must be the snow in the way
  18. My wife called me freakin out driving in this white stuff ! I've always been the one behind the wheel in bad weather
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