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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. I like peanut butter & jelly samichezz
  2. Well it looks like clinton may be the back bone to obama soon :B :blonde: and get this country back on track !! :stir:
  3. well it would'nt be skyz now would it if it was spelled correctly !! At least we know no one has hacked into her screen name
  4. I would say plan it when my wife and kid don't get sick ! Wish i could have made it out so i could give input !
  5. No he just know's were harnesses need to be placed !!
  6. OOHHH sutch a stud muffin !! j/k great pics wsky70
  8. All i can say is the negative actions on this thread are not good !! :B if you did or did'nt vote give the guy a chance who know's he may make a change for the good or the bad but he's in office now ! just like other threads! Were's it going to get you by argueing with dune peeps about your political beliefs or how safe your sand rail is or were your harnesses should be placed :black: ! let it lie and see what happens !! We are already f it may hopefully get better !!!!! :kitty: THANKS CHEESE FOR STARTING A CHEESEY THREAD !!!
  9. okkkkkayyyyyyyyyy so i never go so then i was'nt at the clean up !! south pole pres day 08 oh again at clean up when you wanted me to be a porter and get you and blondie your dang shirts so i have'nt been yet i was think in two weeks heading out as for the poker run the kid and wife were sick !! :kitty: :black: so get your facts straight missy or i won't help next time you need fire wood unloaded in case you forgot sorry off topic !
  10. I was trying to be a nice guy for a change
  11. I TRIED HOLDING IT IN BUT CAN'T ANY LONGER!!! :black: :kitty:
  12. Thanks to you ma fackaa you jinxed me !! family's all sick in chit !!! pete save me that sticker please !!!
  13. yep i found it! had to make a skid plate for the bike
  14. :?: :hug: thank's skyz ! to the rest of you ma fackas geeezzz try make a decent topic and you :porn: it all up !! :moon:
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