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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. wtf ! is that supposed to mean i spelled that right .
  2. We always buy costco and vacuum seal
  3. :?: Vote for who ? like o-bomb-a said do we want another 4 years of the last 8 we had or move on !!
  4. That's right i'm back mo fo's sun of a mutha bitchezzzz !!!!! :poke:
  5. come on bob i've never met you in person but from past post you can do better than that
  6. red rooster is all i thought
  7. just got done cleaning house mowing the lawn havin a few brews two more day's off don't know what to do now ! :beerbong:
  8. that's to effin funny my rhino i think kicks up more roost
  9. So who likes peanut butter and jelly samichezz :bert:
  10. ok jerry your way off topic now !!
  11. :?: ok i was off topic because :shout: i was talking about the airport !!! oh and i do feel bad for the family happy now !!
  12. I think they should shut that airport down or make alot more stricter regulations ! Cheese is so good reprimanding kids he would work out perfect
  13. of course fyr f your roost and thats the closest color i could get to work !!
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