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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. I would hope that the extended warranty we bought from giant should still have coverage cause it's not affiliated with warrior i so hope kenny at jw can hook me up when i need anything fixed :peek: Hey pete can you change my screen name to chapter7 lol
  2. I don't know about the new camaro. I personnaly like the orig. concept better if gm was going for a retro muscle car with new technology I would say in my own opinion that dodge nailed it . Just my
  3. we'd be in but bfe is not for us on a week day wife goes to work at 4:00 am you all have fun can't wait for a henderson bowling night !!
  4. yeah that does suck. one time at band camp oh wait one time coming home a mofo 's car was on fire and he pulled up next to the pumps effin idiot and ran inside speedee mart for an extinguisher
  5. i've been way off topic but this brings it to a hole new level
  6. wtf dude how long you lived here !!! :poke: ON RANCHO !!
  7. I can imagine pauly making a small finger dune in camp :rhino:
  8. Now counter top companys are going to feel it worse effin media all they do is stir up chit and make people scared to do anything ! What’s Lurking in Your Countertop? SHORTLY before Lynn Sugarman of Teaneck, N.J., bought her summer home in Lake George, N.Y., two years ago, a routine inspection revealed it had elevated levels of radon, a radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. So she called a radon measurement and mitigation technician to find the source. Tony Cenicola/The New York Times TESTING Reports of granite emitting high levels of radon and radiation are increasing. Nathaniel Brooks for The New York Times DETECTION Using devices like the Geiger counter and the radiation detection instrument Stanley Liebert measures the radiation and radon emanating from granite like that in Lynn Sugarman’s kitchen counters. “He went from room to room,” said Dr. Sugarman, a pediatrician. But he stopped in his tracks in the kitchen, which had richly grained cream, brown and burgundy granite countertops. His Geiger counter indicated that the granite was emitting radiation at levels 10 times higher than those he had measured elsewhere in the house. “My first thought was, my pregnant daughter was coming for the weekend,” Dr. Sugarman said. When the technician told her to keep her daughter several feet from the countertops just to be safe, she said, “I had them ripped out that very day,” and sent to the state Department of Health for analysis. The granite, it turned out, contained high levels of uranium, which is not only radioactive but releases radon gas as it decays. “The health risk to me and my family was probably small,” Dr. Sugarman said, “but I felt it was an unnecessary risk.” As the popularity of granite countertops has grown in the last decade — demand for them has increased tenfold, according to the Marble Institute of America, a trade group representing granite fabricators — so have the types of granite available. For example, one source, Graniteland (graniteland.com) offers more than 900 kinds of granite from 63 countries. And with increased sales volume and variety, there have been more reports of “hot” or potentially hazardous countertops, particularly among the more exotic and striated varieties from Brazil and Namibia. “It’s not that all granite is dangerous,” said Stanley Liebert, the quality assurance director at CMT Laboratories in Clifton Park, N.Y., who took radiation measurements at Dr. Sugarman’s house. “But I’ve seen a few that might heat up your Cheerios a little.” Allegations that granite countertops may emit dangerous levels of radon and radiation have been raised periodically over the past decade, mostly by makers and distributors of competing countertop materials. The Marble Institute of America has said such claims are “ludicrous” because although granite is known to contain uranium and other radioactive materials like thorium and potassium, the amounts in countertops are not enough to pose a health threat. THIS IS ACTUALLY LONGER BUT YOU GET THE POINT !! I KNOW IT'S HEALTH CAUTIOUS BUT IMO THE MEDIA IS A BIG PART OF TOSSING AROUND
  9. i agree with you guys! racergirl must be a baller :flatbiller: cause in vegas i thought turn signals were an upgrade. Not many people have them in thier vehicles
  10. congrats on the new hauler we had a 18" foot. pretty soon you'll be ballin it like wingnut
  11. Watch me stick this finger in mah mout biotchezz!!! :mischevious:
  12. Just a ? do you sale these things to everybody in so cal . cause every time we go to a zoo or theme park they are all over the place
  13. ok i'm off topic about this one but heads up on the ultra lounge just got this in a email Hey Everyone, Effective immediately we are no longer continuing our Ultra Happy Hour on Thursdays. We are also adding a new promotion called Patio Sessions to the mix. This promotion will take place from 10pm-2am on Friday and Saturday Nights and will feature our new resident DJ -Michael Toast mashing up the best of rock, hip hop and electro house. DJ Michael Toast has played for many celebrities including: Pamela Anderson, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Gene Simmons, Dave Navarro, Tommy Lee, Val Kilmer, Jason Giambi, Jay Z, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, NSYNC, Motorhead, Lil Kim and DMX. Below you will find our bottle list. If you purchase a bottle during our Ultra Happy Hour (6pm-10pm) we will discount each bottle by $100! If you would like to book a table in advance please feel free to email, or call me. Thanks, David Rivera davidr@theultraloungelv.com 702.334.9250
  14. Dayum how big is your tank when i was in big bear on almost empty it cost 130.00 to fill up all the way !!
  15. My only guess is he watched alot of police chase movies growing up !!
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