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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. Thanks mang for the tip and the rest of you smart a$$'es :fro:
  2. not the toilet but the pump does run when using the faucets and shower .
  3. Anybody know why or have had any issues with thier toy hauler toilet not running water? Everything else is running water except it ! Only thing i can think of is the valve behind the seat :beer_bang:
  4. eff all you all i was stuck in big bear ca. looks like some good times
  5. I'm glad i decided to keep my kids 90 for myself don't have to hop it up ! Hey randizzle i need my honda hr215 looked at somethins up with the carb !!
  6. I think it was 1300.00 plus the ex warranty wife handled it while i chased the kid around the store
  7. Thanks everyone for your input. Got it last night ( well not yet had to be shipped from utah ) Plus i gotta build a special shelf so it and the dvd player will fit in my noutch (did i spell that right ) Any how i kinda like it especially when the sales men slammed his hand against the screen i was like kid proof
  8. Warrior07


    looking to get one just looking to see if anyone has had any experience with them ! 56" HL56A650 By: Samsung Model: HL56A650-1080p SKU: 1544748 Description Features Product Specs Options 56” Widescreen DLP® HDTV Bask in the super-realistic details and high-quality 1080p resolution of this SAMSUNG DLP HDTV. Only Cinema Smooth™ technology delivers a wide range of brilliant colors and sharp definition you have to see to believe. Plus, make action-packed images much faster, smoother, and flicker-free with the 3D-ready HL56A650 DLP® TV. Wonder how this 56” screen will fit in your living room? Display this work of art anywhere - the slim depth fits where others won’t.
  9. Ian try and stay on topic ! what are you doing this fine 3 days off biotch ?
  10. Our hood hired a security guy this year i guess will see how good of a show we get this year last year was pretty good in our hood :no_no:
  11. Have to effin work today My wife decided to invite my mother & HER husband over and my cousins which is cool so i guess were doing the good old 4th bbqing sum grub :no_no: 7-11 fireworks that's it the rest of the weekend nadda !
  12. Warrior07


    Please try to stay on wingnuts topic here
  13. Warrior07


    WOW wingnut you've come along way keep up the good work you'll hit 4000 soon ! :poke: Group: Members Posts: 3,807Joined: 24-November 05 From: 80 miles from DUMONT Member No.: 184 Gender: Male Name: Craig
  14. Hey come by my crib i'll spot you a twenty no wait i'm too
  15. I've been to that site and not to say anything bad but DDR is the place for me OR is it TOPIX NO IT'S DDR
  16. just an update WASHINGTON - Adding to tomato confusion, the government is about to start testing numerous other types of fresh produce in the hunt for the source of the nation's record salmonella outbreak — even as it insists tomatoes remain the leading suspect. Investigators are mum on exactly what other vegetables are getting tracked. Items commonly served with fresh tomatoes is the only hint Food and Drug Administration food safety chief Dr. David Acheson would give, calling it "irresponsible" to point a finger until he has more evidence that some other food really deserves the extra scrutiny. "Tomatoes aren't off the hook," he stressed. "It's just that there is clearly a need to think beyond tomatoes." Still, Acheson widened FDA's probe on Tuesday, activating an emergency network of food laboratories around the country in anticipation of lots of additional samples to test. The reason is that the outbreak continues, with 869 people now confirmed having taken ill. Most troublesome, at least 179 of them fell ill in June, the latest on June 20. That is more than two months after the first salmonella illnesses appeared, meaning the outbreak is continuing weeks longer than food-poisoning specialists had expected — and suggesting the culprit is still on the market. Over the weekend, disease detectives with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began interviewing people sickened in June to find out what they ate and to compare their diets with those of healthy relatives and neighbors. Officials wouldn't reveal early findings, except to say they supported the investigation's new move. Among the possibilities FDA is exploring is whether tomatoes and other produce are sharing a common packing or shipping site where both might become contaminated, or whether multiple foods might be tainted while being grown on adjoining farms or with common water sources. Pressure is increasing on the FDA to solve the case, with the tomato industry suffering millions of dollars in losses and pushing for Congress to investigate how the agency handled the outbreak. But Acheson said Tuesday that there's a growing misconception in the public that if tomatoes really were to blame, the outbreak would only have lasted six weeks. That's just not true, he said, pointing to farms that rotate harvests so as to keep producing tomatoes for months. Tomatoes first became a suspect because of what are called "case-control" studies rapidly conducted in New Mexico and Texas, the outbreak's center, CDC food-poisoning specialist Dr. Robert Tauxe said. Those kinds of studies compare the sick to people who are otherwise similar — in income, lifestyle, where they live — but healthy. In those initial studies, about 80 percent of the ill reported eating certain types of fresh tomatoes, far more than the healthy group did, Tauxe said. Statistically, the association was too strong to think it a coincidence. Some food-poisoning experts say the CDC missed a key step in not taking those studies a step further and trying to trace why some of the healthy ate tomatoes without harm. For now, the FDA continues to urge consumers nationwide to avoid raw red plum, red Roma or red round tomatoes unless they were grown in specific states or countries that the agency has cleared of suspicion. Check the FDA's Web site — http://www.fda.gov — for an updated list. Also safe are grape tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and tomatoes sold with the vine still attached. That advice is coming under fire too because tomatoes are sent through multiple repacking and distribution sites around the country, even to Mexico and back, regardless of where they're grown. But Acheson said the advice would be fine-tuned only if new science emerges. Even Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt expressed frustration Tuesday that the case isn't solved. "Nothing happens fast enough when you have a problem like this," Leavitt said as he asked Congress for more funds and stronger legal powers for food and consumer safety agencies. Still, "I feel confident we will find the solution to this problem." ___
  17. Ok now my a$$ is done hurting i'm going to reply to the comments WHATEVER BRO!!!!!! :black: 1. You dig up the oldest, who gives a sh*t, sh*t. (GIVING THE NEWBIES SOMETHING TO READ ) 2. You post on your own posts/threads (ON ACCIDENT) 3. You don't bring knoweledge, good thoughts or anything useful (DID NOT KNOW WE WERE BEING GRADED ) 4. You abuse the smiley. (AND YOUR POINT IS ) 5. Your screen name is well, poopd*ck!!!!!!!!! (I TOLD YOU I WAS A POOD#CK WHEN I CAME UP WITH IT) 6. You say you are the resident jack a$$ in training......there is only one resident anything and it's me THE RESIDENT a-hole!!!!!! (I NEVER! DUNE FREAK CALLED ME THAT ) 7. You are wasting your boss' money ( MY WORK IS DONE ) 8. You are the self proclaimed "Dune Porter".....What is thaaaaaaat? (THE GIRLS DESERTSKYZ SANDCHICK & POWERHOUSE MADE THE THREAD BACKFIRE ON MY 9. You post pictures of yourself from 1985 (HELLO IT WAS A MULLET THREAD DA 1985 ) 10. You try to post a poll but can't do it and then start a thread just to PISS me off!!!!!!! ( I TRY ) You win, your addicted and need an intervention!!!!!! I do like you though, just remember you opened the door on this one!!!!! And i like you to wingnut & i'll try harder to PI$$ you off
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