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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. The hfd i think use linkin logs for test
  2. WTF DO YOU HAVE A COMETIC STICKER ON YOUR TOOL BOX ok you know it's summer when you have and you leave your back door open to have a decent :black: with ac blowing out the back door !!
  3. You know it's summer when wingding describes me to a tee
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN PETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :freakin_nuts:
  5. ps2 mx unleashed vs atv when i can get it from the kid :freakin_nuts:
  6. just giving you something to catch up on
  7. At least it's giving you guys something to jibber jabber on at my expense :freakin_nuts:
  8. NicK all i can add to this is selling agents are just listing agents which rather you show your own property and when you tell them NO that's what i'm paying you for they get all a$$ hurt and don't want to do anything after that ! Same as a agent for the buyer they want you to do all the homework drive by the houses then when your ready to really look then they might want to help you look further into the property . Seems to me they want to do as little possible to make the big paycheck hell who knows you could be takeing TIME away from thier golfing game or bingo session I JUST HOPE EVERYTHING GOES GOOD FOR YA AND YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT IS THAT BETTER WINGNUT
  9. I call this sand chick is on all day i come & go :kitty: :kitty:
  10. sorry had to do it MA FACKAAA IS IT SAND TIME YET :kitty:
  11. I Don't know about you but this lad is always talkin bout shootin something ( wife ) :kitty:
  12. OK MY LIST WAS 1. WINGNUT 2. CRASHER 3. SANDCHICK 4. RANDOG 5. INDASAND 6. RICHARDCHEESE 7. DESERTSKYZ 8. DUNEDEMON 9. SANDSOULJA 10. DESERTRIDER71 but it did'nt work probly cause i left my name out
  13. :beer_bang: :beer_bang: another backfire !!!
  14. never mind i can't get the poll thingy to work :beer_bang:
  15. Just curious on what your thoughts were :poke:
  16. Needs to tell mike to stop selling chit or he won't have anything to ride :beer_bang:
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