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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. CAN'T GET ENOUGH BIG BALLS :freakin_nuts:
  2. Needs to read the pt's thread :freakin_nuts:
  3. we went there around 6:30 the dineing area was small as and packed so we ended up hittin the old one on stephanie alot more room sorry we missed ya
  4. Yeah you should of seen indapimp at wasted wednesday pimpin :freakin_nuts: like he was at a car show & chit :fro_smokin: parking like he owned the ma fackin place!!!
  5. weres your helmet !!! :peek: j/k cool i pretty much have got control of my kids 90 now since he wants nothing to do with it since he got a pdub
  6. BALLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flatbiller: :flatbiller: :flatbiller: :peek:
  7. It was funny but not as funny as thier preview on yahoo. watched half then the wife said change it to hell's kitchen :peek:
  8. Go to yahoo tv and you will see :smoker:
  9. Go to u-haul and get a hitch for that ma fackaa !!! my wife feels up once a week don't know what it cost (don't care )But i wish she still had her jetta that thing would get some awesome mpg. I just drive a mile to work so i can't complain . Truck still last 3 weeks between fill ups :smoker:
  10. Can't get off the subject of post as he tries to get past 50 :smoker:
  11. Any body plan on watching wipeout tonight? I just watched the preview SOME FUNNY CHIT :smoker: ABC AT 8:00
  12. judge judy :smoker: :kitty: mashed potatoes or veggies
  13. ^^^^ is trying to catch up to cole :smoker: DDR resident Group: Members Posts: 2,848 Joined: 6-April 06 From: Lost Wages NV Member No.: 693 Gender: Male Name: Cole OOPS :kitty: out of line again
  14. Your such a rebel gettin tickets and all :flatbiller: :smoker:
  15. Good less accidents and the next thing you know :kitty: not all people but you know what i mean :smoker:
  16. Warrior07


    :argue: WTF sorry to see that !! prayers go out big to the family
  17. nope it don't work the sign i posted was a post it and they still left thier crap !!
  18. eff the earthquake if it comes. it's all coming down ma fackaaazzzz!! :freakin_nuts:
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