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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. challenger not charger v8 quervo or 1800
  2. save the whales new camaro or new challenger
  3. It alomost matches his other truck with the stacks
  4. Well after waking up at 8:00 from the party the wife is like you taking travis riding we can be out there in 20 minutes :drunk2: ok let's go went out for an hour got a little too warm to be hanging out in the sun after drinking all night ! went home called the pops up back in arkansas. seasoned some bomb a$$ chicken for dinner . Popped open a few hung around the house doing nothin o wait popped open a few more :beer_bang: ate dinner and passed out at 7:30 :drunk2:
  5. Well since pauly got lazy halfway through the parking lot i tagged my wifes soccer van for him tonight !! thanks pete for the sticks
  6. Don't like hand puppets attacking the screen while his vids are playing !!
  7. ive got a double chin in that pic wtf & for now on don't let me sit next to the projctor !!
  8. ok my compute is doing some wierd shiat right now !!!
  9. i still can't believe a regular walked in all bitchy ( :beer_bang: i can't believe this place is so busy it's never like this ). i hope somebody tagged her car letting her know DDR WAS THERE
  10. congats last night it was kinda a :drunk2:
  11. Hey if sandchick was'nt steppin up i was going to try with my sand up camera
  12. Good times for surzizzle . obs - everyone is way cool . just make sure isbb isn't in the bathroom when you go in cause he is shouting out :shout: i'll ban all of them cole needs to keep his mog at home till he fixes the eye :flatbiller: alot of birds flying around :beer_bang: coles wife is tiny ! i thought she would be taller . dusthol was still like were's everybody :beer_bang: pauly paul did'nt like the screen monster on the screen but is was all good times !! the last one is the last place i wanted to be this morning riding
  13. Post pics in a little bit just got back from taking the kid riding
  14. leaving now dropping the kid off at the pool oops i'm mean grand ma's :dance:
  15. dunefreak & duniemonkie desertrider71 CaptNkllm & dunelover TheAlaskan ISBB & wifey mrs. ISBB Danielle w/ a ninja mask on I guess dusthol looking confused indasand and STACY Kitcat & Blue Steel (maybe) vegas style sand chick & malibu sandseeker & DGITW BALL-N-CHAIN & Chaz DuneJNKY My4DrGSR WHIZ powerhouse high octane junkie? wingnut & crasher GirlWithHorns- maybe cdavego & dunesmurf 1320- maybe Dinicolada & Dinicolady Foxysandchick & Sand~Snake Chitty and Kim RAGDOLL & drunken (hair on fire) Julie Jason ( Sincitypredrider) warrior07 & wifey Kens Colors Pauly Paul & fmflover ridnraptor (Jeff Chapass) said he'd be there if he is in town sandunessaddict Berrrrrrrrrrrt<-- I'll add him since he knows I always will for him -------------------- anyone else ???
  16. Is it time yet we'll probly be there about 6:30 gettin the grub on before the wait is forever and ever & ever !!!
  17. Don't worry i'll point your salmon eatin a$$ out !!
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