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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. Can you say early retirement $$$$ hope he'll be o.k.
  2. Hey cole you sure your not from hendertucky !!!
  3. Whewww !!! thanks for the heads up now i won't have to keep an eye out for the orange flag
  4. New screen names going to be 91/2digit just kidding !
  5. Thinks there's something wrong with post-whoring
  6. 40 something peeps plus thier regulars what's the capacity at o'aces It's going to be hot in that ma fackaaa !!! make sure you leave your pants at home
  7. WTF IS THAT UP BY YOUR REAR WINDOW :poke: J/K looks good !!
  8. Goes to tt and play's will most likely do the same at o'aces
  9. my salesman said the same thing it wasn't ernie at the ontario store was it
  10. i don't know indasand said he's got his lawyers workin on getting him back for the party
  11. so did you go to timbers or canada ehh !! you hoser
  12. wtf this was not ment to be a bash thread :bar:
  13. dunefreak & duniemonkie desertrider71 CaptNkllm & dunelover TheAlaskan ISBB & wifey mrs. ISBB Danielle w/ a ninja mask on I guess dusthol looking confused indasand- also --> Stacy Kitcat & Blue Steel (maybe) vegas style sand chick & maybe malibu? sandseeker & DGITW BALL-N-CHAIN & Chaz DuneJNKY My4DrGSR WHIZ powerhouse high octane junkie? wingnut & crasher GirlWithHorns- maybe cdavego & dunesmurf 1320- maybe Dinicolada & Dinicolady warrior07 & wifey dune porter went on vacation to mehico so get your own effin beers see you all saturday
  14. This is bada$$. ISBB you planning a build like this
  15. :angry2: :porn: I try to spell dez has rubbed off on me . LIKES TO PICK ON PEOPLE ! ^^^^^^^^
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