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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. well here it is so far the beginning & almost the end just have to change oil and front tire . pictures don't do justice :drunk2:
  2. DUNEFREAK is missing in action all day everyday
  3. sandsoulja does'nt like to bleed his own blood
  4. you could buy mine :beer_bang:
  5. If you go with a steel you won't be able to jump as high :beer_bang:
  6. wingnut always has his panties in a bunch
  7. blondie likes to throw partys and wear a whip during them !! :beer_bang:
  8. It's feeding indasand was right about skyz :beer_bang:
  9. I always bring the garage door opener in except for last night you let your guard down once and look what happens :mischevious: :beer_bang:
  10. Just a reminder schools out and the little hoodlem are out ! I got hit last night unlocked my truck to put my kids shoes in to return to the store and forgot to lock it ! Low and behold i opened my garage door this morning and saw my drivers door cracked open. I'M LIKE WHAT THE They got my tray for the center console with some plugs and box cutters and my kids daycare security card luckily they tossed it down the street. Also got away with my kids dvd player they did'nt look at the visor were i left my garage door opener :porn: Not to bad but could have been worse :porn: Just a reminder effin hoodlems . looks like i'm going to be on watch next couple days :porn: :mischevious: :beer_bang:
  11. EVERY EFFIN AREA HAS CRIME :mischevious: :beer_bang:
  12. I watched the shows after seemed more entertaining :mischevious:
  13. The best part was with the drunk 17 y/o chick. Who wants to claim her. And all of her friends turn up their nose and go huh whoooooooo's THAAAAAAAAAAT. HAHA sucked to have been her that night. my thoughts exactly :beer_bang: :mischevious:
  14. Don't go makeing isbb he'll shut this mofo down and no one we'll be able to find out when it's on !!
  15. repeat ma fackaaa or mutha bitchezz
  16. on the front home page :poke:
  17. tecopa lasagna or meatloaf
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