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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. Just take that chit to ssc they'll make that ma fackaaa strong
  2. We'll be doing a bunch of fireworks we picked up from wal-mart yesterday they had tons of fountains for cheap
  4. Nice write up pete on the new car
  5. beale st memphis ma fackazzz only place to be good effin times :flowers:
  6. southpole hamburgers or cheeseburgers
  7. stop bringing up old threads :moon:
  8. Sticking around the house with a water hose don't trust them damn kids with fireworks :moon:
  9. Actually forgot one more reason i been so tired lately since sincityblonds BIRTHDAY PARTY spent all night that night looking for her she never wore her whip
  10. WARRIOR A NO SHOW First off did'nt feel like being yelled :shout: at by wingnut . Second pete would'nt understand what i was talking about ( I never make any sense). Third had to pull the pepperoni outta my a$$ . So i could sit on my bike comfortably to Why the effin bike is so effin finicky but all in all pissed off a few neihbors for a great TT
  11. no tops peanutbutter or jelly
  12. Looking good cole hope to see that badboy in the dunes !! :black:
  13. That sucks that happened to you pete hope the next pizza has more pepperoni !! jerks those companys are always trying to save a buck by skimping !!
  14. Sorry to here about your misfortune hope everything works out for ya!! :black:
  15. very nice i'm so happy for you !!! :black:
  16. Looks like you all had a very pleasant time :black:
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