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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. See this chit would'nt happen if you just listen to redsweaters idea !
  2. Have you been to page 1 that's the qwwad he's trying to get rid of
  3. That's gotta be blondie :blonde:
  4. Man u cali boys have it made living so close to the ocean. I had to settle for terribles lake resort in pahrump this weekend still effin awesome !
  5. That's why he was carrying a gun the boy just could'nt fight effin loser !
  6. Eff that no way in he!! am i ever doing that !
  7. Real bummer ! But :blonde: you could always spruce the bathrooms up !
  8. He still has to learn to drive it ! :beer_bang:
  9. :?: I could totally understand what you said ! Oh and prayers to the family !
  10. I'm just waiting for spam !
  11. Just a little bump for ya Don !
  12. getting a smoking deal on fox's !
  13. I don't care who you are or how much money you make if your an azzhole your going to get put in your place.
  14. Well the rhino i drove had stock arms with 2 " spacers and 2" off set wheels just like mine but with kings on it .The deal is i don't want to fork out the money on the fox shocks if they won't perform as good as the kings. And i'm sure anything is better than the stock ones that thing beat the hell at me on the dc trails .
  15. :?: :smoker: No i got to drive a rhino with kings up in duck creek and the the suspension was like butter ! But i can get my hands on a set of fox's just curious how people like em compared to stock or in fact compared to kings !
  16. Well at least she can grow up and say her a$$ was all over the headlines !
  17. Does anyone on the board have fox shocks on thier rhino ? And how do you like the feel of them off road .
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